The Porn Dude

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  1. R

    On-line shopping rant

    I did some digging and did get the the sellers company name, unfortunately a very generic name that had a lot of hits on google. I'll keep looking though since I'd like to give the seller a chance before I start the refund process. I think I'll try your method. A couple issues I had in the past...
  2. R

    On-line shopping rant

    I buy a lot of stuff of ebay and amazon and most of it comes from China. For the most part the vendors are great and there is rarely an issue, but sometimes things aren't perfect. Both market places insulate the buyer from the seller so there is no way to talk to the seller directly to try to...
  3. R

    Canada Post cuts workers’ disability benefits

    For full disclosure my S.O. is in HR, recently made VP. She's a kick ass negotiator, went toe to toe with Teamsters, even had to be moved to a "non-disclosed" location for safety sake. Of course I've heard what these fights are really about which is never revealed by any side. I can honestly...
  4. R

    Cock Rings?

    I have an expensive vibrating one. It's been forever since it got used but I'm sure I remember it being a nice plus for both. However, it was only used as a toy and not to try to correct any kind of ED so I can only guess but I think it would work (or at least help to an extent) for you're...
  5. R

    Looking for. Bike tire

    There's a ton of bike shops around Toronto, so you shouldn't have any problems finding one if you need it quick. If you can wait a bit +1 for Chainreaction. Just don't go to Canadian Tire.
  6. R

    Are you ok with letting your cock touch another man's cock in a threesome?

    Just remember, almost every hand you shake has had a dick in it.
  7. R

    Katt in Oshawa

    I've seen Katt twice, though both times as a duo with Sara that was quite some time ago, which BTW is the person the shares the space with or at least did. I hear Sara is hard to contact these days. Her advertising is honest and pics are accurate so props are due where they're due. As the OP...
  8. R

    Are you ok with letting your cock touch another man's cock in a threesome?

    TBH I think the "borderline gay" part would depend on why you're there. If it's because you're looking forward to the other guy's penis then sure there are likely gay/bi tendencies there, if the point is for her enjoyment then I don't think so.
  9. R

    marijuana is now legal. Would it change the way you use it before and during session?

    Ummmmm I can certainly understand an SP not being particularly thrilled with a client showing up under the influence of something. Even if you are a good guy, being under the influence means you're probably not acting like you, and that could potentially put her at risk. FWIW I have no issue...
  10. R

    Penis thread

    There's a lot of variation depending on what site you look at as you've noticed. I think the real average is around 5.5" to 6". I'm pretty average myself so far as I know. I used to be concerned with it way back - as most guys probably are at some point. Since I started in this game I've stopped...
  11. R

    Cars made in China, they are coming. Would you buy one?

    I don't understand why people get all worked up about "made in China". Sure some cheap crap comes out of there but so does some quality stuff too. Where it's made has little influence on quality, it's more a question of how much quality control are the companies getting their parts from is...
  12. R

    waterproof camera

    I have a TG-5. I'm only a casual photographer and got it to replace my gopro for use when snorkeling. As a P&S I'm pretty impressed with it, it has some pretty good features but will take me some time to master. Biggest thing I like is it has a setting that filters out the aquamarine colour of...
  13. R

    Restaurant or Bar recommendations?

    LOL yeah I know a few things about beer. I'm sure the Italian restaurant aficionados wouldn't be impressed if the wine list consisted of Baby Duck and White Zinfandel, I feel the same about places that serve Stella and Heineken at best.
  14. R

    Restaurant or Bar recommendations?

    Since you said "Bar" I'm assuming you're not entertaining fine dining recommendations only. I was really impressed with Craft Beer Market. Pub themed food but way better quality. Great atmosphere and obviously an impressive beer selection.
  15. R

    I got the flu last week, i'm mostly fine, but...

    I know quite a few people that have had it over the last couple/few weeks. Obviously something making it's rounds. Luckily stuff like this usually gives me a miss [knocks on wood].
  16. R

    Your weirdest eating quirks

    I thought butter was good for you now... animal fat=good, processed fat=bad. I guess I'll hold off on the butter until they change their mind again next week.
  17. R

    Anybody belong to the Freemasons?

    I had no idea religion was a requirement. I was given the offer to join (or is be sponsored a better term?) by a friend of a neighbor. Not sure if I'd ever really considered joining but I guess it doesn't matter now.
  18. R

    What healthy foods are you eating?

    Lots of great suggestions. I think half the battle is having the presence of mind to have the healthy stuff on hand. I used to snack on chips when I got home from work because they were handy - I don't even really like chips that much. I started making sure i had better options available that...
  19. R

    Is there a right time for the divorce talk?

    To answer your question, we are early 40's, been married 16 years. We have a daughter that started high school. I'd be agreeable to that!!! just sayin'
  20. R

    Is the indy market over saturated and/or over priced?

    I don't agree with this at all. I've only ever seen indies and I see Jessica Rain regularly. I've never had a bad time with anyone I've seen. As Bone Ranger says, do your research.
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