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  1. TomFord1980

    Pacific palisades is burning

    These fires were started intentionally.
  2. TomFord1980

    Red Pill Frauds

    Hmm it would be interesting to see if there was a credible source for this. Seems like a bit of a conspiracy theory.
  3. TomFord1980

    Red Pill Frauds

    I had to look up who Andrew Tate was but beta males seem to hate Andrew Tate, who appears to be an alpha (ex kickboxer)
  4. TomFord1980

    Cop treating privileged person differently

    Ok cunt. Youre now known as fragile race obsessed cunt boy. Good luck working the tim hortons drive thru all your life then blaming it all on whote people when you dont get promoted when really youre just a race obsessed cunt 🤪
  5. TomFord1980

    Cop treating privileged person differently

    Lost my first wife to ALS, watched her decline from a healthy woman who ran everyday to wheelchair bound till we pulled the plug because she couldnt breathe on her own anymore. Is that unfair you cunt.
  6. TomFord1980

    Cop treating privileged person differently

    Hey stinky nuts. Got news for ya. Life isnt fair. Now go cry your weak little ass to sleep.
  7. TomFord1980

    How old are the hobbiest here?

    68, started after my 1st divorce god knows how lonh ago
  8. TomFord1980

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke'

    Pretty sad that you wont like someone because they dont share the same ideas as you. Are you racist and dont like anyone who doesnt share your skin colour too?
  9. TomFord1980

    Any advice for me about Oasis?

    Be opened minded. If there are no ladies then open up a conversation with the men. You wouldnt believe how many business contacts I procured when i was running my business.
  10. TomFord1980


    Hmm the majority voted for trump. Wouldnt the cult be those who voted for Commie since she got the minority vote, Schlong?
  11. TomFord1980


    I think its because the USA is the worlds most powerful country and our neighbor to the south. The dont care about canada because we are perceived as a weak country
  12. TomFord1980

    Dogs and horses fuck women on "X" and Musk does sfa

    The algorithm is trained to show you what it thinks you are interested in based on previous searches/people you follow. Are you sure your tastes havent changed?
  13. TomFord1980


    Strategically this is a great move for the USA long term. They can fight proxy wars through Ukraine and Israel without harming the homeland.
  14. TomFord1980

    Despite a 1 billion dollar campaign fund, Kamala is faltering badly

    Correction, you are going to endure 4 more years of the media manipulating you into thinking Trump is a fascist while the democrats installed Kamala as the candidate without a vote from the people. WAKE UP CAPTAIN
  15. TomFord1980

    Trump Assassination: Why I'm Not Surprised

    Dirty Dave my man you must be bored on the construction site to be replying to my comment from July but I will respond. I thought immigrants were being brought in to do the jobs that canadians dont want to do like work at Tim Hortons or work the fields? You think rich people do this? Do you...
  16. TomFord1980

    DOJ says Russia is meddling in the 2024 election,

    The USA is on the brink of bankruptcy and could lose reserve status. I think theyre 35 trillion in debt now. Why? They print too much money to fund all these proxy wars and to also prop up the housing and stock markets. Putin had Kyiv surrounded. He could have taken them out. There is...
  17. TomFord1980

    DOJ says Russia is meddling in the 2024 election,

    Haha right the plan was for Trump to leave office before Putin invaded Ukraine. Putin has stated that he supports Biden -Commiela Russia Russia Russia
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