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  1. J

    Haven't pooned in a good 2.5 years since pandemic began. Whats good way to get back into it?

    On the one hand I do crave it. I crave it so badly. I am not even sure how normies are supposed to go whole life without this. On the other hand its actually been doing very nice for the wallet and I am scared that going back even once would kickstart this thing again. Lets not kid ourselves...
  2. J

    Haven't pooned in a good 2.5 years since pandemic began. Whats good way to get back into it?

    Lol ya then I am fucked on this one. Due to my work I got the vaccine fairly early which meant my 3rd dose was in November which means I am well over 6 months out now. There's still no sight of 4th dose. Well actually I don't know for Ontario. I am from BC but over here for a couple months for...
  3. J

    Haven't pooned in a good 2.5 years since pandemic began. Whats good way to get back into it?

    I am not old or immunocompromised or anything but I am still someone who has to wear a mask at work every day and I still try to wear a mask everywhere I go like the grocery store or whatever. I know most people aren't taking much precautions anymore which is why its even more difficult to...
  4. J

    How do you tell if an SP really enjoys Greek or only does it for $?

    I mean, its understandable that its extra effort to prepare, so they want to be compensated for their effort and its not a standard service. I've seen small token tips like $40, $60, but some more expensive tip requests like $100 or even $150. For me I've had quite a few ladies that advertise...
  5. J

    Is SP a day for a year possible? Need community help/input

    Why stop at 1 a day? Do duos, trios, back to back sessions, etc. But ya I do agree it sounds like too much of a chore to be a daily thing.
  6. J

    I Feel Insulted ... Kind Of

    When that one first popped up on the PERB side it was together with the SP advertising. I was so confused.
Toronto Escorts