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  1. B

    Need Feedback!

    I can't speak for any other girls, I myself dont mind younger but I think alot of the reason why alot of girls dont see younger guys is because alot of time the younger guys tend to waste time or not be serious. Older more mature men usually aren't no shows, or time wasters! Best way to be sure...
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    Small Redhead BBW

    Thank you so much Jess !! :) Its on Wednesday ! And yes we most deff should :) Shoot me a text we can set something up !
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    Small Redhead BBW

    Guess I should just say thank you Jeffery for bumping my thread back to the top though and letting people know im back in town ;) Much respect.
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    Small Redhead BBW

    This fact exactly is one of the reasons for retirement.. Us quality providers are not shown respect in Durham at all! Attacked on boards, harassed via text message it would make any good girl retire or never come back to Durham. I think if we stopped having our time wasted or stopped being...
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    Small Redhead BBW

    Thank you so much :)! I appreciate the kind words. Yes my menu may be a little more restricted but my regulars enjoy their time with me. Where I may lack in variety of services I make up for with personality and really giving my clients a comfortable encounter to which we become friends.
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    Small Redhead BBW

    1 Youve never seen me. 2 Youve NEVER SEEN ME.
  7. B

    Saw this one today..

    Agreed on so many levels! Always made upfront, and always put away in a safe place. I am very clear about what I offer and do not offer tho so there is absolutely no miscommunication. I would never leave it on the table tho! One of my girlfriends had it hidden in the drawer and the guy still...
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    Small Redhead BBW

    Thanks brewwguy !! It was such a shame that it didnt work out today as I totally felt also via text that it would of been a great session :) It was a pleasure speaking to you! All the best love xo
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    Small Redhead BBW

    LOL! haha well thank you love, again my apologies for not getting your LAME sense of humor ;) ahha
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    Small Redhead BBW

    Thank you very much love ! I do my best :)
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    Small Redhead BBW

    Understood, and my apologies if thats how it was meant. This forum just gets alot of trolls and rude comments from people and thats how I took it, so my apologies if it was not intended in that way.
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    Small Redhead BBW

    Oh Im sorry you must prefer the rude, ignorant, money hungry girls who dont talk and just tell you to lay down as opposed to the nice, caring, personable girls like me? Sorry if I actually have a personality and enjoy seeing my regular clientele.
  13. B

    Small Redhead BBW

    I was happy to see you before I leave love!! I will truly miss you as well as many others <3
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    Small Redhead BBW

    Thank you for the kind words ! I always have a blast with you :) ox
  15. B

    Small Redhead BBW

    Always a pleasure love xo
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    Thanks for looking out love yes in my previous ad the last 3 pics are my friend victoria :) So that new ad is one of her and her friend who are doing duos now :) But I appreciate you looking out because I have had issues with girls stealing my pictures in the past :(
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    No body cares about your opinion not sure when you will realize that, and not that I need to defend myself BUT "daddy" is a term used as a authority figure not your father... and quite frankly I get ALOT of clients msg me and love it so again just because something isnt your cup of tea doesnt...
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    I am 26, the ad you posted with the 25 was over a year ago :) I'm not sure why it is not saying 23 that must have been an error on my end :( My website has all my acurate information love! I appreaciate the love though!
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    Irish beauty brooklyn love

    Always a pleasure to see you love xo
  20. B

    Brooklyn 2351

    If I'm still in the business then clearly he is not :wave:
Toronto Escorts