Toronto Escorts

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  1. R

    Major Ontario judicial decision strikes down Bill C-36 - BREAKING!!!

    I've definitely held off since C36 passed... Super paranoid here, And I check back every so often to see if there's any progress to getting it overturned... This time though, I decided to check to see if any of my favourite SPs or TDL are still around, (most aren't). I did find a really...
  2. R

    Extremely Rude Text Response

    I'm surprised you even answered that text where he called you bitchy, I would have ignored that one and just ended it there. Clearly he has some issues.
  3. R

    Why are people still defending Harper?

    People are still defending Harper because he made this the longest in modern history election campaign because he can outlast the other parties financially. and now that it's near the end he's hitting hard. because this is where the other parties can't fight back as hard either.
  4. R

    Any reports of cops going undercover?

    Thanks. That means they were undercover on the street right? not doing calls? I guess that's how cops would do it rather than online ads and calls... more people to charge in a shorter period of time. yeah this is getting uncomfortable. I don't believe cops were undercover escots before...
  5. R

    Any reports of cops going undercover?

    Eventually I did find a couple of profiles dated 2014 (Before c-36 became law) but the reason why i remade the post in this thread wasn't to check on her (I linked to her profile so people know what i'm referring to and look her up on their own). (and I will follow up in my original-moved post...
  6. R

    Any reports of cops going undercover?

    Maybe that previous thread got moved because I made a poor choice in the title. However, half of my post (the question regarding undercover cops) still stands, and I do think that portion of it belongs here and may not be answered in the outcall forum. Have cops been posing as independent SPs...
Toronto Escorts