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  1. D

    Should the Gov't use Tax Revenues to Bail out NHL Teams

    This is corporate welfare at it's finest. The state should NEVER be providing bailouts to private corporations. Money wasted on "bailing out" the wealthy is money that could be spent on more effective programs to assist the poor in finding meaningful employment, improving healthcare, improving...
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    Raelians: A Scam For Terbites?

    Disappeared you say? hmmmmm....(cue the X-Files music...)
  3. D

    Cool War in Iraq - Harper's Article

    Blushing Well, what can I say but thanks guys. I'm glad people appreciate it. And I happen to think it is entirely worth the effort, I'll talk about this stuff here there and everywhere, anything to get the message out and get people thinking. And thats really the spirit in which I post, not to...
  4. D

    Cool War in Iraq - Harper's Article

    Rebuttal to OTB 6 <<What the US is trying to avoid is an Iraq that could (with WMD) attach neighbors and hold hostage 20 - 30 % of world oil production, which would cause a world depression.>> To what logical end would Hussein pursue such an act? Given the fact this his neighbours are...
  5. D

    Cool War in Iraq - Harper's Article

    Rebuttal to OTB 5 <<Do you really think the US controls the world Oil market? Iraq has approximately 7% of world oil production. How would this 7% be worth going to war for? If anything, what would help the US is to eliminate containment and let the Iraq oil run free, thus lowing the price and...
  6. D

    Cool War in Iraq - Harper's Article

    Rebuttal to OTB 4 I'd like to share with you some thoughts from others on the health situation in Iraq: “Diarrhoea leading to death from dehydration and acute respiratory infections (ARI), together account for 70 per cent of child deaths.” WHO "The record of the “Sanctions Decade” has raised...
  7. D

    Cool War in Iraq - Harper's Article

    Rebuttal to OTB 3 <<I don't think the UN has disallowed boiling water or medicine in the oil for stuff program.>> On an individual level, boiling water may be an alternative. It does not address all the possible health concerns related to contaminated water, however. And you also seem to...
  8. D

    Cool War in Iraq - Harper's Article

    Rebuttal to OTB 2 <<How do you explain the Kurds doing so well under oil for stuff if it's not Sadam?>> Another of the great myths about Iraq, the so-called success of the North being evidence of Saddam's trickery. But if we allow ourselves to delve beneath the surface of political and media...
  9. D

    Cool War in Iraq - Harper's Article

    Rebuttal to OTB <<What associates, these are people with a common opinion, do you always see a conspiracy?>> You are the one suggesting conspiracy. I think it's fair to categorize people who share your opinion and typically methods of argument as "associates", don't you? <<Mythology? You are...
  10. D

    Cool War in Iraq - Harper's Article

    First of all, I'm not defending Saddam Hussein in the least. I'm merely telling the truth. Second, Saddam Hussein is hardly this monster of epic proporttions the media would make him out to be. He's without a doubt a terrible despot, a poor leader, a mass murderer, a tyrant, a thug. But all of...
  11. D

    Computer Questions Re: WindowsXP, Front Page & MDG Computers

    XP does have a system restore feature, but I've never been much of an XP user anyway so I can't comment on how effective it is. I would reccomend not bothering with Frontpage for web design if you can get your hands on Adobe GoLive or Macromedia Dreamweaver. The two are much superior in terms...
  12. D

    I was told to go back where I came from ?

    Aslan: Don't ever let yourself be intimidated by others into not speaking your mind. And don't let the nature of your posts be defined by the sometimes narrow view that people hold about the purpose of this board. I have received PM and email threats and all sorts of harassment due to my...
  13. D

    Cool War in Iraq - Harper's Article

    Everything old is new again..... And thus we meet again, back at square one it seems. I won't bother everyone with the prodigious volume of posts I've already provided on this subject. D has already kindly provided a link to the initial discussion and readers can make of it what they will...
  14. D

    Traveling in Central America

    My advice for travel in Russia: In Moscow, at least, always carry some bribe money and your passport (don't lose it!!!). The cops love to screw around with foreigners for bribes. My first hour in the country and I was out $100 cdn to the cops....
  15. D

    Ring The Bells and Break Out The Champagne!

    Sadly, even after working so hard at it leaving a relationship can often be the best thing for ones sanity and overall wellness. One of the most liberating feelings I ever had in my life was walking out of the house my ex and I shared with the clothes on my back and a knapsack, knowing I'd...
  16. D

    What do women want ?

    Men and Women I'm far from being an expert on the subject, but I have made a few observations from the few relationships women have been kind enough to share with me. The two big issues for me are communication and understanding. If ones doesn't communicate their needs and feelings in an open...
  17. D

    Client Aliases

    Cybergoth: Good names! I used to go by Tom Waits when booking at my fav mp. I think it would be interesting to see if you could manage to book an sp with the name Patrick Bateman (the main character from American Psycho)
  18. D

    Get Your War On

    <<I disagree that the leaders in region would "prefer the US just stay the hell away", if that were true it would be very tempting for the American people to resort to their isolationist tendencies and walk away.>> Well, you are welcome to disagree. But I wonder about these "isolationist...
  19. D

    Get Your War On

    One more thing for you to consider: Let's suppose for a moment that somehow we are not even somewhat responsible for the majority of those deaths. Let's just go with something above debate here. Did we or did we not deliberately target public infrastructure, inculding but not limited to water...
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    Canada seeking to replace Germany in the the Deep Freeze

    EBS Well, I've given you more than a full week to respond, extending to you what I see is an ample grace period for the Thanksgiving holiday. Yet I see no rebuttal. Your silence is deafening. Can we take this to mean that this thread is closed? Can we further take this to mean that you...
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