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  1. R

    Adrianna at Paradise

    Well... the girl in the pics was definitely not the one that came in the room.
  2. R

    Pretty disappointed with PS today

    I think Victoria mentioned she was going on vacation in August.
  3. R

    Pretty disappointed with PS today

    They catch you with your pants down so to speak;)
  4. R

    Pretty disappointed with PS today

    My Emojis didn't show... Basically: LOL that was a good one Cowboy
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    Pretty disappointed with PS today

  6. R

    Pretty disappointed with PS today

    Waited a long time to see Victoria. So I was pretty excited ? to book a session with her today. I get there, I'm in the room and a girl walks and tells me that the receptionist made a mistake and Victoria was not available. Gives me an option to take another girl that was nice but definitely not...
  7. R


    Just saw her this afternoon and my experience can be described as "Wow"! A complete sweetheart and sexy beyond imagined. 1/2 hour is not enough time with her.
  8. R

    Any intel on Bianca @ Paradise?

    Great... Now you got me thinking again.
  9. R

    Any intel on Bianca @ Paradise?

    Her pics look delicious.
  10. R

    Yana on BP

    Thanks man... I googled her pic too and it showed up a Quebec BP as well.
  11. R

    Yana on BP

    She looks too good to be true... This can't be legit... anybody with info on her?
  12. R

    Adrianna at Paradise

    I was already a "captive audience" if you get my meaning. I have never posted before so I just wanted to get the word out... I don't need to rectify it.
  13. R

    Adrianna at Paradise

    Guys, I think I had the old bait and switch pulled on me at Paradise. I booked Adrianna and the girl that turned up did not even look close or even fit the description of Adrianna listed on their site. I called her on it and she assured me she was. She offered to get me another girl but being...
Toronto Escorts