Dream Spa

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    Dorothy Fairman? And this site in general?

    Can confirm Dorothy is real and stunning, she has reviews on Merb I believe
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    Why SP hesitate to send picture as prove?

    I wouldn't give a photo to anyone who asks, and neither would any other SP I know. Why? Well first because how are we supposed to distinguish a legit client from a time-wasting pic collector? Do you know how many men ask for photos? It's a pretty ridiculous request to be honest, and if you're...
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    Kissing - how safe is it?

    I think we can all agree that all different types of kissing, LFK and DFK and everything in between can all be intimate and means something different for everyone :)
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    Kissing - how safe is it?

    Honestly it's true that a really shocking amount of people aren't properly educated on sexual health..truthfully I didn't actually learn about this stuff until I got in this industry! Even with all the technology these days, a lot of it is because our schools don't teach us thoroughly. My...
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    Kissing - how safe is it?

    Please don't judge other providers who offer services you don't. We all offer what we're comfortable with, and it's not okay to paint someone as gross or dirty because they choose to do something you aren't comfortable with. Thank you ❤️
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    Kissing - how safe is it?

    This is a good topic, since a lot of people aren't well informed on sexual health and risks. So many times men will go for hardcore dfk, then insist you put a condom on for oral... Which is entirely redundant! Herpes is the most obvious risk, but you can only catch it from an open wound, such...
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    Providers' websites

    Goodness you sure do like to twist words to suit your agenda eh ;) Also, your ego must be ginormous if you genuinely believe we care enough or you're important enough to blackmail you. Pimps maybe... Regular ol sex workers? Nah sorry, we've got better things to do with our time.
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    Providers' websites

    I get the impression you're making a joke out of my point about being murdered. It's not a joke, sex workers are killed regularly and targeted a lot by people meaning to do harm since they believe we're disposable and don't have family or friends who would care or look for us. And yes, so far...
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    Providers' websites

    I'll admit I skimmed through most of the comments here, but I'm just dropping in to comment that pretty soon with SESTA/FOSTA most of our websites may be taken down Wix is already removing sites and I believe a few other hosts have shut down entirely or are shutting down providers sites, so...
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    To all SPs or MAs, what's your reason for "no black guys" on your ad?

    This makes total sense and is a perfect example of a reasoning for not seeing black clients that isn't racist. Bluestones, you need to seriously step back and go educate yourself a little more. I'll leave with a quote from another sex worker: "POC can discriminate, which simply means to...
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    To all SPs or MAs, what's your reason for "no black guys" on your ad?

    Well I mainly worked in Ottawa(and all over Canada, some of the US and the UK) so there goes your theory. Not seeing black clients as a way to screen out lower class is definitely racist. There is so much to even get into why that would be, I'm not going to get into this much more, I made my...
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    To all SPs or MAs, what's your reason for "no black guys" on your ad?

    No it's called capitalism. I can play the teacher role for you if you need more lessons, goodness knows I've got the outfit for it ;)
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    To all SPs or MAs, what's your reason for "no black guys" on your ad?

    No one is saying providers should see clients they don't want to because it's "the right thing to do" or otherwise. Talking about what the reasoning might be or racist undertones in things isn't pressuring people to do anything it's just answering a question asked and examining the reason why...
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    To all SPs or MAs, what's your reason for "no black guys" on your ad?

    You seem very confused, but that's okay I'll help you out a bit! There is a difference between discrimination and racism. Yes it can be seen as discriminatory to not see clients under a certain age, or for some other random reason. It is racist to refuse clients of colour(unless the provider is...
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    To all SPs or MAs, what's your reason for "no black guys" on your ad?

    Unless the provider is a POC themself, its racism plain and simple. Everyone is entitled to see only who they wish, so no one can tell a provider they have to see black men if they don't want to, but their preferences have a racist background to it by prejudice and social conditioning, and it's...
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    Why can't we have this?

    Um no, that's not accurate at all ?
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    SP being harassed

    You don't believe in them? I didn't realize references were a religion now. Her best bet would be to have a strict confirmation process, that cuts out fake bookings and time wasters dramatically, and to possibly have them call for the address, so at least she can start to recognize the voice...
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    In Memorium -- Pink Kitty Escorts

    I'll send them off with my well wishes! Lisa and I may have had our differences, but that agency got me started in the industry and I met so many lovely women, some of whom I'm still close friends with! I'm grateful for the experiences I had working there for the short summer years ago! :)
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    SP on SA!!

    Fair?! Sugar babies and service providers are both sex workers, but being a sugar baby is more about long term arrangements where escorting is short. I'm not understanding the issue?
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    Rain @ Pk

    No that providers name is Raven Rain, it's not the same gal :)
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