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  1. D

    Do I tell the SP I am a virgin?

    Absolutely, I go with that line every time...even on repeats!
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    Theft by a Provider

    If it was me, I'd ride into the agency on my dragon and use my lightning sceptre to exact vengeance. You know, because it happened...
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    Theft by a Provider

    Much like most of the "controversy" threads, this one is a pile of horse shit. Didn't happen
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    Duo Etiquette

    Yes. Absolutely no reason why you can't see either or both
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    PMs on Terb. Gentlemen and Ladies be aware.

    I "think" he means he had a buddy who he shared information with for a period of time. He would divulge things that he wouldn't necessarily say publicly for a variety of reasons. He then revealed personal information about an SP to this and the guy then went and told the SP that he had done so...
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    Muscular Women

    Steroid jaw. Not my thing either
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    Has there been cases being charged for buying sex under the Bill C36?

    Right. The same laws there always were, not the chicken little/sky is falling nonsense everyone freaked out about last year.
  8. D

    Has there been cases being charged for buying sex under the Bill C36?

    Hypothetical bullshit and inane discourse aside, anyone know anyone charged? Didn't think so, me either. C-(36)ya
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    New Species Of Human Discovered In South Africa

    You didn't mention that they left...a clue
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    New Species Of Human Discovered In South Africa

    Oh shit! A real whodunit
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    Obviously I don't know who you're referring to, but I've never come across an SP that required a reference. Have you tried relying on your terb handle. If you've seen/reviewed a few women that may be enough? If they tickle your fancy, can't hurt to ask. Worst case you don't get a response...
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    New Rules of the Road in effect today

    Sorry, but fuck cyclists. As in any group, there are of course some who are considerate and not only obey rules but do their best to ease the negative impact on others. Cyclists, by and large do not. Granted they are operating in smaller spaces with more fluid movements, particularly in traffic...
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    Ethical question regarding Genital Warts

    Best thread title of the day :clap2:
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    can you believe I actually know this girl

    Hmmm... wonder if that's why she got pissed when I called her "naughty"...
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    How often do you repeat with an SP?

    No rhyme or reason. I've had so-so sessions and repeated a few times, had great sessions and never been back and every once in a while Coopid (that's Cupids cousin...don't blame me that the gods weren't creative with names)'s arrow hits me and I repeat again and again and again. I know some...
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    Rolling Stone names Bob Dylan Greatest Songwriter

    Here's one of mine, and you want to talk about a poet?!?!
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    Farrakhan shouts 'Allah Akbar,' says white people know they 'deserve to die'

    The guy from the Canibus song?? He's supposed to be the guy you go to persuade people to "squash it"
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    where to meet interesting civilian women

    Isn't Hamburger Helper just Mac and Cheese with ground beef in it?
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    The New Racists: Jew Hate

    I was gonna point out what I'll call fallacy-fest '15, but I got distracted by your .gif At least we can all agree on her.
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    The New Racists: Jew Hate

    Oh snap...I totally forgot the world was formed in 1925. My bad But hey, at least you don't condone terrorists :thumb: Edit: Gotta love Google... In the New Testament, the term Palestine is never used. The term Israel is primarily used to refer to the people of Israel, rather than the Land...
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