Ashley Madison

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  1. I

    How To Show Interest Without Being CREEPY

    I was quoting your statements which has as much to do with the subject as my reply to your statements. Where did I draw the conclusion that you envy guys with a string of shallow relationships ... " I have known PLENTY of guys ...... they have so much game, they get women regularly and don't...
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    How To Show Interest Without Being CREEPY

    I only would agree with this statement if your intent is to find a real relationship. If you have zero intent on a long term relationship, sex workers provide a relatively safe outlet for sexual encounters without any emotional entanglements. Your friends who get plenty of women - all these...
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    I need to vent. Sorry about this

    I blame Trudeau and Ford. They increase access to health and dental care - why not access to pussies as well ? On the flip side - pimps have to contend with inflation too. Gold filings and bling is out of control !
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    25 Years Later today, the Y2K Bug Seems Like a Joke

    I was doing paperwork at my desk and thought I would download and watch this movie. This might rival The Room as the worst movie ever. The premise was moronic and special effects worthy of a Grade 6 production. Acting sucked (could be the script). Rachel Zegler who has done some notable...
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    U.S. Surgeon General: 'Be aware that cancer risk increases as you drink more alcohol

    Red wine is good for you /red wine is bad for you/ coffee is good for you/coffee is bad for you .... now alcohol ... I need more details. How much ? All brands ? All types ? How does it affect you ? Yogurt is fermented - should I avoid yogurt ? Sorry, I need more information before altering...
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    This is why everyone needs a dash cam

    It's almost comical how they all get out of the car holding their heads. Dash cams are so inexpensive now, there is no reason not to have one. It is a must for accidents.
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    25 Years Later today, the Y2K Bug Seems Like a Joke

    It looks fun but with current cloud and AI infused appliances, cars, phones - it seems more legitimate a concern today.
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    25 Years Later today, the Y2K Bug Seems Like a Joke

    That was the intent.
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    25 Years Later today, the Y2K Bug Seems Like a Joke

    The lack of understanding about the Y2K problem in the modern generation is largely based on just how far technology has come since the 1950's/60's. Portable radios had the number of transistors used branded on the radio (16 was a premium) and now your premium iPhone/Samsung have over 90...
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    Are you in the 1% Net Worth in Canada?

    Me too but we are an important cog in the numbers. They need us to make their numbers look good. :unsure:
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    Etiquette Question

    My experience is generally when the girl enters the room with you including SF2 (shower for two) if requested.
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    Man sliced in half at Yorkdale Station

    I'm a stand against the wall guy.
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    Why Nike Is Struggling?

    Maybe if they spray painted them gold ...... :unsure:
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    What are some hobbies that women have that you find unattractive?

    Yes, if you know the outcome and eagerly soak whatever you get out of it. If you pretend to care but in reality don't give a shit. Seems the same to me.
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    What are some hobbies that women have that you find unattractive?

    He never complains. I'm the one that is frustrated he is unhappy and chasing rainbows set out by opportunists that simply see a dopy idiot that they can suck the life out. Of course if you see him as a sucker, not a victim - then what every happens to him when his is no longer useful really...
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    What are some hobbies that women have that you find unattractive?

    No, that is not accurate unless you assert that this kind of selfish behaviour is common to all women. It isn't and I never said it was. Would you share the same sympathy towards older women who get bilked out of their life savings by a younger man ? Was she asking for it ? Her life might be...
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    What are some hobbies that women have that you find unattractive?

    Milking the 'friendship' line. I know the problem lies with the guy. We have a family member who has seldom had any girlfriend. His problem is that his strategy for getting the girl is to help her night or day to move, buy things, be at her beck and call for errands. The idea is that the...
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    46 years since WKRP in Cincinnati first aired

    Yes, it was GND vs money hungry call girl. One you could see bring her home to the family the other ... only $100 plate restaurants come to mind. Jan Smithers (Bailey) reminded me of Rosanna Arquette who I also had a crush on.
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    Single dose of LSD provides immediate and lasting relief from anxiety, study says

    What a wonderful badge of honour to be able to have a discussion to figure out who knows the most about acid and any exotic natural drugs such as mushrooms, peyote/mescaline,etc. Maybe there is a little hypocrisy not to think pot or booze in the same category but I never felt the need to...
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    Movie lines

    I don't know if we are being politically correct but Jake Blues actually asked: ' How much for the little girl' My contribution
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