Club Dynasty
Toronto Escorts

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    The 12 Cheaters Commandments – The booklet on how to be a 'Proper Shyster'

    Hello All, A friend of mine (SDPaulie) put this together and sent it to me. He doesn't have an account on review boards so I figured I'd share it with all the pooners. Knowledge is power they say.. Happy New Year, enjoy fucking and play safe! "There's rules to this shit, I wrote me a...
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    Pussy vs. Beer

    A beer is always wet. A pussy needs encouragement. Advantage: Beer. A beer tastes horrible served hot. A pussy tastes better served hot. Advantage: Pussy. Having an ice cold beer makes you satisfied. Having an ice cold pussy makes you Hillary Clinton. Advantage: Beer. Beers have commercials...
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    What shades are you rockin' this summer?

    I just got this as a gift recently love them so far (Gold Cazal 902)
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    Kasia Rose

    Review: Kasia Rose 4565 Kasia was in my must-see list. I saw her based on glowing reviews and I was not disappointed. Pics/rate are all on her website. I never liked professionally taken pics as they are really touched up and it lets you down when you see the real girl. However, Kasia opened...
Toronto Escorts