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  1. M

    Texas Says It's OK to Shoot & Kill an Escort If She Won't Have Sex With You!

    pretty much the exact same thing can be said for our laws in the opposite direction. for example if its the middle of the winter and someone breaks into your house to steal from you. as they are walking out of your house carrying your TV, they slip on your unsalted and ice covered walkway and...
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    My Auto Insurace Premiums INCREASED by 30 percent

    we live in a capitalist country (and world). it always amazes me when people say things like this and expect it to be any different. until greed is no more and we can form a true communist society (think star trek and the federation) than capitalism is what we have.
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    Texas Says It's OK to Shoot & Kill an Escort If She Won't Have Sex With You!

    ...... its common sense. you trally need to think before you type. however, if you do think before you post.... try taking a little longer.
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    My Auto Insurace Premiums INCREASED by 30 percent

    auto insurance is a strange thing. in the past year i have had 2 vehicles (traded in the first and then bought the second). they are: 1) hyundai genesis couple turbo. $32,000 car, 2 door, sports couple, etc. 2) hyundai elantra GT: 1.6L POS engine, 4 door, hatchback, $26,000 the insurance for...
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    Texas Says It's OK to Shoot & Kill an Escort If She Won't Have Sex With You!

    now, first and foremost, i would like to preface this by saying that i do not agree with the morality of what happened. HOWEVER, from a legal standpoint he is not guilty. i also disagree with the example i quoted. it is retarded examples and justifications like these which cause so many problems...
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    Alternative to Rogers wireless

    how much data do you use, minutes, long distance, international texting, etc? kinda hard to say what type of deal you are getting at this point.
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    For Formula 1, cricket, or rugby, etc. Sky Sports fans

    for me, i prefer the sky coverage to BBC coverage (which TSM uses). also, TSN has split screen commercials at set intervals. when that happens 85% of the screen is taken up by the commercial with the race in the corner muted. this all happens automatically regardless of the race. so you can get...
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    Do a lot of people go BB on civvy pickups?

    thats why i love senior citizens: post-menopause and gum jobs. mmmmmmmmmmmm
  9. M

    For Formula 1, cricket, or rugby, etc. Sky Sports fans

    essentially it is. that also lists the movies though. you also dont get a few of the channels such a syfi.
  10. M

    For Formula 1, cricket, or rugby, etc. Sky Sports fans

    the $20, paypal or if we are close just meet up and give me a $20. i am ideally looking for someone who would want to do this for a few months. i will be keeping it until the F1 season ends.
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    For Formula 1, cricket, or rugby, etc. Sky Sports fans

    I have purchased a skygo monthly ticket for the basic service as well as sky sports you get about another 20 channels which we get here in normal TV service such as MTV, history, etc... (main attraction and why i got it is for the sports) With the service you can stream from 2 computers at the...
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    pfff thats why ears were made for fucking. probably the cleanest of all holes.
  13. M

    Your Most Taboo Fuck

    at the time i had a friend who was in a long distance relationship. i was also in a long distance relationship as well. from the moment we met (we worked at the same company, although in different departments) there was this sexual tension. since we had a lot in common we became friends. one...
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    Do a lot of people go BB on civvy pickups?

    Actually, this is true. Currently there are a couple of companies who have started phase 2 human drug trials for something which is easy to mass produce. HOWEVER, it is a cure, once contracted, for HIV. It WILL NOT be a vaccine (so you will still be able to contract it).
  15. M

    Star Trek Apology

    i can safely say that when i was attending UofT there was one chick who specialized in quantum optics, was hot as hell, and was also a semi-professional ballet dancer (flexible as all hell). There was a second who wasnt quite as hot, had a killer rack, and was in astrophysics. the first girl did...
  16. M

    Question about movie theatres.

    agreed. dbox is pointless. i generally go see imax 3d is thats an option. otherwise i just go see regular 3d. to me ultraavx isnt enough of a difference. without being completely certain because i dont think i have ever seen the same movie in both theatres, i am fairly confident in stating that...
  17. M

    Question about movie theatres.

    i would suggest going to the former AMC theatres then. they were made geared towards a different demographic and dont have the volumes set as high. .... that would be the case with 3d televisions (which use active glasses, essentially blacking out one eye at a time and alternating them)...
  18. M

    Did you end up doing what you went to school for?

    I have a double specialist in physics and mathematics from U of T...... havent used any of it since. should have just gone into computers from the start thats what i am doing now. i always love during interviews: them: so i see you went to u of t. why physics? me: i liked it in highschool and it...
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    Question about movie theatres.

    basically is goes: regular < 3d < ultra avx < imax 3d then you have dbox which are like vibrating seats with speakers under them in ultra avx theatres. if you want picture quality and sound go to imax. HOWEVER, go to an imax certified theatre such as coliseum mississauga, colossus, etc... dont...
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    School closures - Feb 8 2013

    I spent 4 winters trying to figure this one out. What is the point is 'officially' keeping the campus open if half the classes are cancelled because the prof.'s don't show? Then again, its UofT, you could write a fairly large book with things they do which don't make any sense.
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