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  1. J

    Your Most Taboo Fuck

    I remember once I got totally wasted and screwed my wife's sister-in-law. She was as drunk as I was. It was real dark. I remember how we... Wait a minute. Oh, no. This is not good. Gotta go. Forget what I just said. Please.
  2. J

    Boogie Woogie

    buttercup - Many of the old guys also didn't always flatten the third note of the blues scale when they went to the subdominant chord, which sounds really weird to modern ears. (Ammons and Lewis, not Johnson or Slack.) I still contend that they had more drive and better feel back then...
  3. J

    Boogie Woogie

    How about this classic... Nobody has feel like this nowadays.
  4. J

    Boogie Woogie

    Or this one...
  5. J

    Boogie Woogie

    All of today's modern boogie pianists are just pale imitations of the originals from the 30's and 40's. (And they'll admit it.) The guys who really invented Boogie Woogie include Pete Johnson, Albert Ammons, Mead Lux Lewis, and Freddie Slack. Although the early audio recording methods weren't...
  6. J

    Best name for an Erotic Establishment

    Peeler bar for mathematicians... The Mobius Strip.
  7. J

    What rhymes with Yellow

    Hospital Jello. (You wanted a synonym for pestilence.)
  8. J

    He paid his sister $20 for sex.

    The brother isn't too bright. He liked her so much he asked if she had a sister.
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