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  1. N

    Man our cops are FUCKED........

    There were post about cops in Toronto not being paid enough? Since when was the last time that any public sector employee is getting enough in this city ? Meanwhile many of these officers are in the sunshine list taking advantage of the tax payers money.
  2. N

    Sex and where have you done it?

    so after that the sex act, you right away wanted to post at terb? how long was the boat to be on shore? it has to be a sophisticated boat there is no internet there was there will never be an internet mrsCAloki unless you are in the air military boat?
  3. N

    My recent trip to Cuba: The hobby from the hobby

    Rosita Stone they said.
  4. N

    MrsCALoki's weight in gold

    Question MrsCaLoki I am sure you are a great person but can you please show us your former photos in the past or some sort proof that you the best there is before?
  5. N

    Toronto cop charged with murder!!!

    i don't think so this is bullshit, somebody died here as a civilian and this not because of bullshit. there are certain laws in criminal law in that covers this especially shooting at the back. siu recommended the case to the crown and we will wait and see what the outcome is.
  6. N

    does a car really help you get laid?

    Deep pocket and fat wallet helps for sure!
  7. N

    What is the Toronto Adult industry missing? ex: FKK clubs?

    It seems that they don't have that much attendants or host arent they? I could imagine the rent.
Toronto Escorts