Allegra Escorts Collective

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  1. R

    Anyone seen this girl? suggestions?

    Ive been seeing this ad a lot recently. Has anyone seen/contacted her? Also, since I'm rather new, just how dangerous/poor quality would everyone consider BP/DL to be? If those sites are kinda grim, any recommendations for sps that might be interested in seeing a younger, kinda inexperienced...
  2. R

    More new girls

    Ok, this post bothers me a bit. It's as Pipelayer was suggesting, if what he is describing is true. It's very unprofessional to be sharing client information when the SPs so often claim discretion. Furthermore, before people jump on us for reviewing sps, "we", at least ideally, only discuss them...
  3. R

    amina in guelph

    I'm new too. Been lurking for a couple weeks now. Anyways, I understand that there is a no review policy regarding certain people, but is there some list that tells you who doesn't wish to be reviewed? Otherwise it's kind of hard for someone not to get in trouble unfairly for this. Edit: Oh and...
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