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Toronto Escorts

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  1. B

    uncircumcised = easier to catch stds?

    I am no fanatic - just felt like continuing with that thought.
  2. B

    Escort Eve's Daily Pics

    Yeah you're right it is Barrie. I guess Barrie is still velour, chest-hair, orange flowers, and mutton-chop side-burns.
  3. B

    uncircumcised = easier to catch stds?

    If you read the New Testament their is a counter to this. As the New Testament chronicles the life of Jesus it says that with the sacrifice he made on the cross the covenant was made for all men so that sacrifice was un-needed. All me whether jew or gentile circumcised or un-circumcised may...
  4. B

    Escort Eve's Daily Pics

    Yeah, I look at these every once in a while I have to admit. I'm always interested in what wacky things she's up to. The question I have is: Why does every pic look like it's taking place in a suburban basement in 1978? Things that make you go hmmm... (you can never lose with a good...
  5. B

    Girls trim down there. The question is: do you guys?

    Trim the bush and shave the sack. The ladies love a smooth sack. There's nothing like it for them (I'm told) and more seem willing to take it in their mouth when it's smooth. Nothing like a good BLS session with smooth balls - you don't know what you are missing. As far as technique goes -...
Toronto Escorts