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  1. M

    Question about Toronto housing

    Here is a fine albeit blunt article about Canadian housing: Exactly right. Taking a giant mortgage out at these prices is basically debt serfdom. Any intelligent and educated young person should...
  2. M

    Question about Toronto housing

    In particular we are beginning a commodities bull market for the ages. If you still want to invest in real estate for cash flow almost anywhere is better than Canada. Many attractive US markets as well as parts of Central and South America if one has a higher risk tolerance.
  3. M

    Question about Toronto housing

    LOL you just answered your own retort. You will also potentially get burned if inflation continues to run hot and rental increases are pegged far below - which is likely as I am assuming your property is older and subject to rent controls. And no I could buy in cash but at present would not...
  4. M

    Question about Toronto housing

    LOL no shit - thanks for the definition of a ponzi scheme. I suppose the hyperbole for effect was a bit over your head. Real estate in Canada has been bought LIKE a ponzi scheme for many years now - with many "investors" buying just to offload higher onto the next speculator/sucker. Of course...
  5. M

    Question about Toronto housing

    Markets in the GTA already starting to show significant weakness and some beginning to crash. Oshawa is down 15% in just a few months. Just the start of a massive, idiotic Ponzi scheme about to blow up.
  6. M

    What cities have you lived in and what was your experience?

    Maybe so but there is a marked difference in downtown Toronto post-Covid. Certainly something to do with the now lack of business/office people there, but the riff raff is more prevalent.
  7. M

    What cities have you lived in and what was your experience?

    The downtown is becoming almost dystopian.
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    Obviously your reading comprehension skills need some work - I said it will be much more difficult for them. A 60 year old man with some money and even grizzled looks will still be okay - hell look at this board! Not gonna reply anymore if you disagree no problem but I believe I am correct...
  9. M


    Apparently you are not one of them. Educated as far as schooling and degrees and educated/aware enough to get serious about dating and having a family are quite a different thing. Look up average marrying/child birthing age now in the west and clearly this is a gigantic problem. It is also (in...
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    No he is 100% correct and articulate. Couple it with the fact that women in general in the west have not been properly educated and warned about their fertility window and we are setting up for a miserable society full of old childless people with dogs. The pandemic will prove disastrous in...
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    With due respect I think the opposite is true with online dating. Even less attractive women are flooded with likes and messages online and it gives them unrealistic expectations of who they can actually settle down with. The dopamine/pleasure flood for a woman having hundreds of guys after...
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    Most of these apps were good when they came out in the early stages, but now forget it unless you are in the top 10% looks wise as a man. If so you can have a field day but that is true outside the app as well. Unless you get lucky (of course it does happen) prepare to date at least two rungs...
  13. M

    Markets... Is it time to Cash Out?

    Definitely time to play it safe IMO. Markets have had a huge run since the March crash.
  14. M

    Toronto residents demand action after popular four-star hotel becomes homeless shelter

    “Keep pumping the housing bubble. More immigrants! More money printing!” “Why are there so many homeless people? Can’t they just go die or move somewhere else.” Loonie Lefty Logic.
  15. M

    Unvaccinated employees at Toronto hospital network told they will be fired

    I am not disquieted whatsoever. Yes I was wrong about the Pfizer CEO not being fully vaccinated currently. In your world of hobgoblins and conspiracy theorists it is a deliberate lie I am spreading with some nefarious intent. Do you not think it suspicious that the CEO of the goddam company...
  16. M

    Unvaccinated employees at Toronto hospital network told they will be fired

    It seems that even basic reading comprehension is beyond you. I never compared the odds of death of Covid versus the odds of death from the vaccine. I compared the odds of death from Covid to the possibilities of long term side effects from the vaccines. A 1 in 65,000 chance of death may as...
  17. M

    Unvaccinated employees at Toronto hospital network told they will be fired

    I am in Toronto twice a week or so, I would be happy to show you and give you a course in manners.
  18. M

    Unvaccinated employees at Toronto hospital network told they will be fired

    If you were intelligent and had some ability to read through the lines as opposed to hurl lame insults you would read that he took the second dose 3 days after he was barred entry to Israel. So, caught red handed and I am betting that it was saline! Did I ever say anything about actual MRNA...
  19. M

    Unvaccinated employees at Toronto hospital network told they will be fired

    They have not been tried among a general population of humans for long term effects. Which is why they were approved under emergency conditions and all companies were given a guarantee of zero liability. Even the Pfizer CEO is not fully vaxed. Wake up man!
  20. M

    Unvaccinated employees at Toronto hospital network told they will be fired

    Its a simple case of risk reward. My own chances of dying from Covid are better than 1 in 65,000. Quite logical to not take an untested product with odds like that!
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