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  1. S

    curious who is this, i dont recognize ur handle from terb, maybe you emailed me

    curious who is this, i dont recognize ur handle from terb, maybe you emailed me
  2. S

    how do new sp's post an ad?

    ive noticed im limited to where i can post in and what, im super new, im looking to get my name out there, i had a decent review about me written and some good responces, but most people arent serious qabout meeting, or cannot till the4 end of may, so i havent met anyone else, my friend tells me...
  3. S

    good and you ?

    good and you ?
  4. S

    Hey how r u?

    Hey how r u?
  5. S

    own condom with SP

    ive heard stories about guys poking holes in them, best thing to do if you prefer a certain kind request they buy it ahead, i think shes really smart, and respects her body too much to take a chance, nothing against you just this world is disturbing sometimes, i read about some guy knowingly...
Toronto Escorts