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    Ontario Cell Phone Driving Law

    I think end of Oct it takes effect..not soon enough as far as I'm concerned
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    Pregnant Girls Are Awesome

    Fake & sick! That's just wrong!
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    RU afraid of H1N1?

    Do you think the H1N1 virus is legit or is it a lot of hype like Y2K was? Remember all the $ spent by dumbass companies xpecting their computers to crash Jan 1,2000? Is this just another money grab by our govt?
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    Serena Williams=NO CLASS

    Federer = 100% Class act Now that's class. Watch his recent outburst. Do u hear him saying "I'm gona take dat ball & shove it down your throat" No, u don't cuz he all class. Steroid serena should take notes
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    Serena Williams=NO CLASS

    That's what happens when u allow someone with no class to play with people who do. What a raving lunatic,at least her sister knows when to shut up
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    Patrick Swayze is Dead

    not Patrick ! Wow! Awesome tributes on here everyone! This guy had such a huge heart, they said he was going to die 14mths ago & he held on..
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    Kanye West is a Jerk

    Uh, yeah backburnr, I know she passed away,that's my point,she looking down at him, not so proud now
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    Kanye West is a Jerk

    No class Kayne ! Kayne's Mama must be totally disgusted with her son. The guy doesn't even think he did anything wrong, thinks its a joke
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    My Riley Royal Rant!!!

    cant handle the truth arthas00 Hey arthas00, no I am not super religious asshole, I refuse to listen to royalriley rant like a flipping lunatic. From what I see on the board she does nothing but talk down to people & talk about dinners of cat tails with her imaginary friends so ya know what...
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    My Riley Royal Rant!!!

    still not playing nice? Oh royalriley Still not being kind 2 others? Mama always said if u don't have anything nice 2 say,don't say anything at all. Not every1 is on the computer 24/7 & don't know all the triks Help others don't hurt them
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    In the news - Timea's Story, Sex Slavery in Canada

    Hippie? i suppose i am Just trying to keep the peace & I am flattered to b called a hippie. I meet daily with my brothers @ 4:20 and we ponder this crazy world. U sound sweet Noir, I feel it. Take care, I'm off this negative thd, too much
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    In the news - Timea's Story, Sex Slavery in Canada

    loss for words All I can say is that sometimes we take things the wrong way if we are already sensitive. Kyra said a lot of good & true things. U need 2 relax & feel the love in the world, not hate, ok?
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    In the news - Timea's Story, Sex Slavery in Canada

    only trying to help u Royalriley,so sad that your hate overtakes any common sense. Kyra was only trying to help poor,self absorbed you. Nice try Kyra but this one is a lost cause. Peace
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    In the news - Timea's Story, Sex Slavery in Canada

    mayb u should retire Oh royalriley, mayb retire now & write your book. This business is brutal & we ALL roll with the punches. If u can't take the heat kid, ya bettr get outa the kitchen. Why u keep talking colour anyways,we all the same, Gods children, stop with your deep negative attitudes.
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    In the news - Timea's Story, Sex Slavery in Canada

    oh brother ! How come every story ends up bein about race, man o man. All I know is Canada is the greatest country,aside from our govt & you are blessed to live here. Peace 2 u all, look for the good in people
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    In the news - Timea's Story, Sex Slavery in Canada

    sad story Shame on you royalriley, it can't always b about you Right on Kyra! You got it right, at least some of us aren't shallow Canadians !
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    Karmany ?

    R U out there gf ? Please know that Skyler loves you!
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    just saw chevy in brantford

    kiss & tell Wow Boston Boy, its not nice 2 kiss n tell
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    just saw chevy in brantford

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