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  1. K

    Out Of the Shadows -

    I don't know if you guy's are ready to see this red pill documentary on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses or not but here it is? 5.1 Millions views in 4 days Here's Mike Smith and Brad Martin's film careers that they've given up to expose the truth to the...
  2. K

    How To Master The Vagina

    Part 2
  3. K

    How To Master The Vagina

    Step up your "A" game this holiday season :P
  4. K

    Election results tonight oct 21, 2019

    You got that right. I wouldn't be praising anyone. I would echo those sentiments here in Ontario. 360 Billion in Debt, how much more debt can Ontario incur before shit hits the fan?
  5. K

    CNN ROCKED: Undercover video appears to lay network’s bias

    Here's the full 2 part video PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS PART 2 - CNN Leadership Picks Winners and Losers on Eve of Debate. CNN is also being pulled out of airports across North America. Is this the beginning of the end...
  6. K

    Tucker Carlson says Trump's Ukraine call was inappropriate

    Look at where this is coming from, CNN. The least credible news agency out there. They're the laughing stock of Journalism and you see it in there ratings drop. This is not the CNN of old. Like you I watch Tucker on a daily basis and I've never once herd him say that. Total bs! You should...
  7. K

    Trudeau brownface

    The hypocrisy of some is deafening. If this was a conservative he would have been fired on the spot. And the Liberal media would run the story for months on end. Having said that, did Trudeau do this out of hatred or was he just trying to be funny? I don't think his intent was to hurt anyone...
  8. K


    Prior to today I had no clue we had a Chick-Fil-A in Toronto. Thank you protesters, I'll be dinning there with friends :encouragement:. Seeing these protesters getting triggered made me think of Dave Chappelle's new comedy special "Sticks and Stones". He pushes back at the ridiculous/senseless...
  9. K

    I have HPV and prerty sure i will have cancer

    J.C. Crow Iodine also works very well at removing warts and I would assume genital warts as well. It kills the bacteria that forms warts. It takes about 1-2 weeks, apply twice daily and you're good to go. Don't use Iodine derived from kelp. That stuff is useless both topically and orally.
  10. K

    Comedian Jim Jefferies exposed - hidden camera

    This doesn't look good for Jim
  11. K

    Why isn't this front page news?

    Why isn't this front page news? And, this was published back in Oct 18 2018 on the White House's official website. I get people hate Trump but that's no reason not to publish this story. Is the media so biased that they won't publish anything positive on Trump's administration? I don't care...
  12. K

    Woman tries putting gas in a Tesla

  13. K

    The Fed's buy 631 new vehicles ($23 million) for the G7 summit. The federal government buys 631 new vehicles ($23 million) for the G7...
  14. K

    What a cool toy for your kids at Christmas

    It's not cheap at $1300 USD but its pretty cool. :cool:
  15. K

    Court stops Doug Ford from changing council size!

    John Tory - this should be a referendum issue that should be voted on by the people of Toronto. Yep, then no one can say shit. No more presumptions made by politicians about "what people want". But we might not get that opportunity? And for all we know that referendum could go in Ford's favor if...
  16. K

    Police frisk's suspect and finds a surprise

    OMG!!! LMFAO
  17. K

    Crime Shows - What's your Favourite?

    Does Brooklyn nine nine count
  18. K

    We should all go out and buy Bitcoin

  19. K

    Rumor about next Ekos Poll: NDP 40.9%, PC 30.9%, Liberals 18.9%, Greens 7.1%

    Haven't you figured it out yet after 15 years of Liberal scandals and billions wasted. Ontarian's don't care about the growing debt and the interest which is set to go up at some point in time. Maybe it's a reflection of there own lives where they live well above there means? Things will have...
Toronto Escorts