Toronto Escorts

Search results

  1. D

    Dallyn at CMJ

    Ok cool. Sorry didnt mean to stir the pot.. it was a legitament question.
  2. D

    Dallyn at CMJ

    I understand from folks at the other site that although she is new at that joint, that YMMV... true?
  3. D

    Ting Ting

    This is all very cryptic for some reason. TT will not do release.. fine. so why are we talking about her here then? ... Wait hidden cameras taping the place? Are you serious? So its a TOTAL avoid place then... come on guys, spell it out.
  4. D

    Best MPAs in Ottawa for the over 50 crowd

    I would add Suri to that list as well at CMJ...
  5. D

    Any Interests in GB or Group Action

    Im in, depending on the costs... Wouldn't be my first rodeo.
  6. D

    make up

    I dont know if you've found anyone already, but we were just talking about Suri in another thread here at CMJ, and I know she's a professional make up person by-day. No idea on rates or the like... but i'm sure she'll let you know. I've seen her many times and she showed me a couple photos...
  7. D

    Suri from CMJ

    She is certainly a looker. She has a great laugh. My favorite girl in Ottawa. You chose well.
Toronto Escorts