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    Lindsay Lohan jailed for 30 days: Judge denies actress bail, remands her

    I severely dislike this broad. She is a spoiled brat who tries to use her supposed status to weasel her way out of basic life obligations. She has brought this all on to herself. Each person is responsible for the life they lead and she has the ability to own up and be a decent person. Instead...
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    New Spa

    Haha, isn't that in Orangeville? Looks like it...
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    Whats your favorite eightys song ?

    Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield
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    Dubai Waiter Rapes Brit girl, She's Arrested 4 Illegal Sex

    Alright so I haven't read all of the comments (perhaps because it is late, perhaps because I am lazy) but my roommate is from Dubai and says that people drink everywhere there. The reason the woman was slapped with a drinking charge is not because she was drinking but because she is Muslim and...
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    US Customs border crossing

    amen to that!
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    Best Outcall Agency in UK?

    I'm heading over to the UK soon and I was wondering if anyone had any intellect on the best outcall agency there? In other words, what is the best bet in London?
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    Favorite 80's song..

    My favorite song of all time, hands down is... Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield ....and it just happens to be an 80's hit HAVE IT!
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    SAVE tons of money - Never pay your phone bill ever again!

    I usually phone people. Albeit, I don't use my Magic Jack as a substitute for a phone, period. I use my mobile for local calls and I call long distance with my Magic Jack. They do not get charged for incoming calls. At least none of the 2-dozen or so people I have called have been charged for...
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    SAVE tons of money - Never pay your phone bill ever again!

    I also have a Magic Jack. Even if you sign-up with a Canadian address you can only pick from US numbers. I chose a Florida number as that is where my Dad lives and it makes it easier on everyone. I highly reccommend it. I also gave one to my SO as we are currently doing the...
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    This song is classic. My brother, Mom and I used to sing it all the time. It is time for a revival I think...and yes I just had a moment
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    Write a Caption

    "Next up on the Super Terrific Happy Hour...Jerry Seinfeld!"
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    DNS and internet issues...

    Hey gang, My computer is not allowing me connect to the majority of the internet and is claiming DNS problems and key port issues. Funny enough, I can fully access TERB... Any ideas on how to solve this? I have already tried the following command prompt: ipconfig /flushdns net stop dnscache...
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    DNS and internet issues...

    Hey gang, My computer is not allowing me connect to the majorioty of the internet and is claiming DNS problems and key port issues. Funny enough, I can fully access TERB... Any ideas on how to solve this? I have already tried the following command prompt: ipconfig /flushdns net stop dnscache...
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    Dungeon Dad

    I read the book that was written about this guy which chronicles her life fro before she went into the dungeon right up until present day. It also has pictures of the place. It is horrible. I could never even fathom this. Anyways, what this guy deserves is something so horrible it cannot even...
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    Post Some Music

    Best Song of all time: Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield Other Hot Tracks at the moment... Electric Feel by MGMT Africa by Karl Wolf Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon (those last three I just can't stop listeing to...)
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    To all of you married folk...

    Thanks I'll take a look for them instead! And I understand not wanting to get too personal...but I do appreciate your input!
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    To all of you married folk...

    Just thought I would throw this out there.... To all of those married folk out there who hobby (both men and women, if applicable) 1. What initially led you to hobby (visit an SP, MP...etc) and why do you continue to? 2. If things in your marriage improved (example?) would you stop? 3. How...
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    Anyone know a good laywer?

    See that's the thing. It's not that I haven't been caught before. I have never ever done it before. Usually when I go out as DD I don't drink, period. Last night, I made a bad decision and did have a couple. And it wasn't my night to be foolish. I just want to say that I realize what I did was...
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    Anyone know a good laywer?

    Hey I definitely don't expect sympathy. I know what I did was really really wrong and I feel absolutely horrible about this.
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    Anyone know a good laywer?

    Ok I need all the help I can get and I'm hoping that any laywers out there will be able to lend some (free!) advice. Basically, last night I got pulled over at a ride program and blew over the legal limit (more than .080). They cuff me I go to jail. I obviously know what I did was...
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