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  1. C

    Canada vows 'full reconciliation' with indigenous peoples

    I usually agree with you on most matters, but you're wrong here. First Nations only problem is not having the ability to self-determine. Land rights first and foremost, but also educational and cultural identity rights. "Traditional ways" means many things, but without a sense of being, it...
  2. C

    Canada vows 'full reconciliation' with indigenous peoples

    I'll take that bet. You don't know your history. Conservatives ruled Canada when the laws, policies and programs that allowed this cultural genocide to happen were put into effect. After that, both the Liberal and Conservative parties share equal blame for not stopping it, making restitution...
  3. C

    UFC 189 - so now what?

    You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Grappling with someone your own size absolutely drains the energy right out of you. A boxer would be gassed in less than one MMA round. An MMA fighter could much more easily go the distance in a boxing match than vice versa.
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    Why are women ALWAYS the victim??

    Did you just equate this with the Ray Rice incident? smh...
  5. C

    Why are women ALWAYS the victim??

    If you're in any way inferring that I care about the colour of either of their skins, and especially if you think I have any hostility towards a black man, then you really don't pay attention to my posts and are being ignorant.
  6. C

    Bill Cosby, Serial Rapist

    Constantly? Child, please, don't flatter yourself. I don't watch your videos because like you, they are a one-note joke. I made fun of you today for being wrong about Bill Cosby and now you're throwing a tantrum. Man up, omega.
  7. C

    Why are women ALWAYS the victim??

    Re-read what I wrote. I wrote about the clenched fist. At no point did I even defend the woman, other than to say she was at the bar first. Even if I did, so what? Why is a guy escalating a confrontation to the point where it gets physical with a "woman"? That's what I mean by old school. A...
  8. C

    Bill Cosby, Serial Rapist

    You make no factual arguments; you post long, inane videos and blather on about betas if a poster in any way defends women. On top of that, you never have anything positive to say about women, hence my logical assertion that you are a misogynist. Trust me, you're not interesting enough to...
  9. C

    Another man shot by TPA panty wetter.....

    Then either the police are incompetent or lying. I know almost every marked and unmarked shady building, subsidized housing and halfway house in my area and I don't have access to information like the police do. Let's just call it like it is: the police are poorly trained in how to deal with...
  10. C

    Why are women ALWAYS the victim??

    Actually, he jostled her first (she was at the bar first) and continued to push up against her; he put his hands on her first (by grabbing her well before she kneed him or punched him - and yes, I saw her "clenched" fist); and I said he punched her to end their encounter (I didn't say he struck...
  11. C

    Why are women ALWAYS the victim??

    Please point out where I skewed the facts.
  12. C

    Why are women ALWAYS the victim??

    Let me get this straight: there are people defending a football player that jostled (first), put his hands on/grabbed (first) and then punched a woman (to end the encounter) at a bar? Okay...
  13. C

    Bill Cosby, Serial Rapist

    Just throwing this out there: is it really "karma" if he got away with it for 25+ years, made tens of millions of dollars and only admitted it/was busted after his 77th birthday? Sounds like he got pretty much everything. Where's the karma? A few years of shame and reputational damage? Meh.
  14. C

    Bill Cosby, Serial Rapist

    "Your shaming tactics won't work on me." Misogynist. Try admitting that you're wrong for once and maybe someone could take your insecure, emasculated beta opinions seriously. Women here don't say anything because it's bad for business, hero. Says the guy who called the accusers liars...
  15. C

    Indian residential schools

    Once again, you have shown that you do not comprehend the issue beyond your self-centred, myopic and narrow viewpoint and instead just keep repeating tired old homilies about the trials and tribulations of immigrants. It appears you simply don't understand the legal repercussions of "opting...
  16. C

    Indian residential schools

    You completely and conveniently miss the point or don't understand the issue beyond your shallow, "pull up your bootstraps" myopic nonsense. The issue of First Nations in Canada is both a legal and moral one. Until those issues are resolved, there can be very little progress. Lands were taken...
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    Schneiders Sign

    Schneider's closed its doors for good in February.
  18. C

    Discretion Please

    Didn't you violate your own idea of discretion by texting someone who didn't leave a message and/or explicitly ask you to contact them? All that person's SO had to do was Google your number and jackpot! Further, as mentioned earlier, perhaps you should consider deleting this thread or severely...
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    Best Sandwich Shop in Toronto

    The Clubhouse sandwich shop on Spadina.
  20. C

    Blue Jays: 2015 edition

    Actually, Donaldson is under team control for one more year than Lawrie.
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