Vaughan Spa
Ashley Madison

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  1. R

    Special daily rate...

    From the hours of 11am to 4pm, I will be offering a special rate: One hour: $160 Can half hour: $100 Can For more info, please e-mail or call me. Everyone enjoy the sun! Roxanne (519) 991-5596
  2. R


    Aslo... there are some changes to my rates See my site for more details. Roxanne
  3. R


    New pics are on my site. :)
  4. R


    Well, I'll be darned!!! :) What brings you here coolguy? Nice to see a familiar face. I'm absolutely game for your idea. Just give me a shout. Talk to you soon. Roxanne
  5. R


    Hey sweet girl You are just that. And thanks to all for the nice welcome. Well, not all. LOL
  6. R


    wow One simple hello post and all kinds of controversy. Seriously though, crass and rude people really don't get under my skin. I am very happy with who I am, and very happy with my CHOSEN profession. I even like my photos, and I HATE having my photo taken, even if they aren't professional...
  7. R


    it has been far too long since I've visited this board. Forgive my inattention. I have new pics, and would love to show them off! Enjoy! Roxanne (519) 991-5596
  8. R

    Saying hi from Windsor....

    By the way Are avatars allowed? If so, I can't find your list of them, if it exists. Also, how would I go about posting a pic? I have 5 adorable puppies, 4 of which are for sale. Would like to show them off. Roxanne
  9. R

    Saying hi from Windsor....

    It's been a long time since I've visited this board, and I see I've missed quite a bit! I'll be sure to drop in more often. Roxanne
  10. R

    Saying hi!

    HI everyone! I'm new to this board, so you'll all have to be a little patient with me as I find my way around. But, I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you! Roxanne 519-792-3551
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