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    Cheesy Blasters!!

    If your a fan of 30 Rock you most likely still have this jingle in your head and have thought about making a home made "Cheesy Blaster". LMAO - too funny. Take a look at the clip (you will need to scroll down a bit)
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    LFL - Would you support a team in Toronto?

    The Lingerie Football league is salty!!! Of course there are tons of hot chicks in skimpy uniforms playing football but they actually play some ball and kick the shit out of eachother!! Take a look at this clip from an LFL game (DEN vs LA).......specifically @ 48 seconds! Hilarious!! LMFAO...
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    Obama will have emergency powers? Shut down internet?

    For everyone out there that keeps there head down in the sand I hope this opens your eyes a bit are some key points. "Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect...
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    Need help!!

    Ok....had a weird dream last night and I remembered a cool games I used to play as a kid called "Colonial Conquest" on the commadore 64. Anyways I have tried to find downloads for windows pc but am somewhat pc illiterate!! lol. The game has gehtto graphics compared to present day but it makes...
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    JP's Blue Jay Draft picks - the future of the club

    We all hate JP & want him gone (including me) but how do you grade his draft picks over his tenure?
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    Erin Andrews - The Bigger Issue - What Men Really Want & Fear

    "By now, you or someone you know has forwarded a link to you that may or may not have included the Erin Andrews video, the now famous video ostensibly of the ESPN reporter naked in her hotel room, filmed through a peephole. It's possible you got a woman having relations with a horse instead...
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    Is your family prepared - Government of Canada

    Wondering why our supreme knowledgeable big brother's in Ottawa that are always so truthfull and doing the right thing for all of us and could care less of self-serving personal/party agenda's have decided to spend millions and launch the new "emergency prepardness" ads and website...
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    Money Face-Off: Ivanka Trump vs. Paris Hilton

    Which of these women you'd prefer to spend some time with. I'd be pleased if you would comment about which woman you would choose as a business associate, an employee, a national leader, babysitter, personal assistant or a life partner.
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    NFL Players missing @ Sea - Coastguard fears the worst.;_ylt=AuntBpoPZJBu4wHy2V_u5YpDubYF?slug=txnflplayersmissing&prov=st&type=lgns Hope they are ok. Wow.
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    Joaquin Phoenix - check it out - job hunting! Joaquin - what happened to this dude? I know it's a joke but seriously the guy is whacko!
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    What song would you pick to best describe yourself - thoughts on life, etc.?

    What song would you pick to best describe yourself or the way you feel about life, etc? Post link if you want.....It was actually a tough choice for me but ultimately could not ignore so many of the lyrics in Feel ~ Robbie Williams.
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    Tiger Woods link to A-rod - Tiger is also a liar & guilty!!!

    During the A-rods steriod days (that we know of) Tiger and A-Rod developed a close friendship as they trained together many times (confirmed by ESPN, SI, etc). This "friendship" turned into a business deal that none of us really paid much attention to...
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    What Blue Jays do you think have taken roids?

    What Blue Jays (current or ex) do you think have taken roids? (Besides the obvoius of Clemens, Canseco, Zaun, etc. that have already been implicated.
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    Funny Farts

    LOL....I have had gas all day....just wont stop....feel like the last dude.
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    Miley Cyrus Predictions

    Your thoughts on.......What will happen to Miley?
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    Celebrity PSA - What do you pledge?

    Made me think that it's time to something more than than bang chicks in my freetime...... How about the shmo who pledges "to only flush after a deuce" - weak buddy...very weak. I pledge: More Random Acts of...
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    2009 - NFL AFC Season Predictions

    Looking forward to the 2009 season already....alot yet to happeJn before next year's '09 kickoff (new coaches, free-agents, schedules, etc.) Things might change but what A) Teams do think will be on the rise (win more games than '08) B) Teams will take a step back? (lose more games than '08)...
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    Barbara Bush Jr. - When did she get hot?

    Does anyone else think she is kind of hot? Maybe she just stands out because she is surrounded by senior citizen women or Hillary Clinton, Nacny Pelosi, etc.
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