Search results

  1. E

    New Duo

    I can predict what most responses will be - it’s 256 Bank, but has anyone tried the “New Duo” there? Other than the Somreset duo which has been advertising for years, this is one of the few Asian FS duo ads I’ve seen. Must admit, I’m tempted but for personal reasons will have to wait until the...
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    Has anyone been to see this duo, either singly or as a duo?
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    Anyone with experience in Pembroke? Headed back to town and thought stopping by there on the way in might be a relaxing end to a hectic week. If anyone has info on these two that caught my eye I’d appereciate it...
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    Jojo&Anna 4727

    Has anyone visited or have info on these ladies? I realize those great pics are.unlikely to be them but I’m wondering… Service? Location? Damage?
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    30 Minutes vs 1HR

    I’m curious to get opinions on whether booking places like Navahoe and Lyons or AMPs like Dark Angel, what is preferred 1/2 hr or 1 hr session. I ask because I’ve almost always gone for full hr as I worry that anything less would result in a hurried session. This is especially true when shower...
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    Lisa, Candy Asian Duo

    With all the caveats about duo satisfaction, I’m still interested. These two have been posting on LL for quite some time and I’m wondering if anyone has any input/experience on them. I’ve gone through about 13 pages on a “duo” search but don’t see anything specific to this ad...
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    Dark Angel - Angela

    Finally went back to an AMP - Dark Angel: I was more than satisfied. Took a 45 min session with Angela. She was terrific and for my criteria very good looking. She...
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    June 30

    Opening of Ontario Step 2 commences next Wed June 30. Bullet 10 below indicates “personal services” and I see Body Basics is already advertising that date on LL...
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    256 Bank - Cooper & Bank

    Anyone tried 256 Bank lately? They’ve been advertising on LL pretty consistently throughout all this on both the massage and escort boards.
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    Activity Post Lockdown

    Was wondering about opinions on MP & SP activity from both what you think the providers will do and what customers will do once the current lockdown ends (IF it does) May 20. For example, on the MP front, due you see a mad rush to the parlours? And from the MP perspective will restrictions such...
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    Anyone have information on the “twins”? They’ve had an ad up on LL for a couple of weeks.
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    Heads Up

    I realize I haven’t posted in a while, main reason being my reluctance after lat summer’s MILF Factory meltdown (and I’m not the only one who’s backed off) but I just received a two text solicitation from what I believe to be a provider near Baseline and Merivale. I was shocked to receive theses...
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    Unfortunately this is not yet a real review but I felt compelled to add a few words here about Amy. I was not able to arrange a satisfactory meeting time due to my travels and this is entirely on me and not Amy. While we’ve yet to meet, I must say her responses have been outstanding. She seems...
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    Lisa & Candy

    I’ve seen their ads for months on LL and while the ‘new’ claim can no longer be accurate, I’m hoping someone has some feedback about them. I seem to recall a quick reference to them a few months ago but can’t find anything on them from a recent search...
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    1725 St Laurent Blvd

    Brought up in another thread, this location is a new one for me and would appreciate any feedback and experiences on it. Thanks ELK
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    Spa Openings

    Posted on Toronto board by mistake. I’m not sure I’m ready to jump back in but must admit my curiosity has the better of me - was wondering if June 1 is the magic open door date for spas. I see Massage Adagio in Montreal is opening tomorrow.
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    The Upsell

    Just read yet another review in which the idea that service on future sessions would somehow be based on prior sessions. In other words, a client’s satisfactory behaviour and interaction with the provider would perhaps result in more intimate and extra services in future sessions. Since this is...
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    Anne on LL

    After reading posts here about Leo List, I'm naturally a tad nervous about contacting any provider advertising there so I'm asking for any input on Anne.
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    Table Showers

    Don’t know about you guys but I really like table shower service, but am having difficulty determining if there are any mp’s offering this in Ottawa. Any help would be appreciated.
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    5450 Canotek Rd

    Anyone try this “new” mp? I made trip over today around noon. Was.met by older Asian lady in sexy outfit. She had very nice looking bod. I explained I was checking that the place was open and said I would be back. I got the impression no one else was around and she said there would be more...
Toronto Escorts