Royal Spa

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    Anna Belle from Montreal at Ottawa SC March 16

    Noticed that this touring Montreal lady 'Anna Belle' posted on her twitter that she was going to be at an Ottawa strip club 8pm - 2am this evening (3/16) but she didn't say which club. I'm guessing the 'Den but it would have been helpful if she'd been specific.
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    Angie at Vibe

    As one who has been an SC guy for a long while but has noticed fewer and fewer of the super-busty-but-not-too-heavy 'type' in recent months (years, even!) in the local SCs, it was difficult not to be impressed by the pics in the LL posting from Angie at Vibe. According to Vibe's site she is...
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    'The Last Dance'

    Globe and Mail analysis of "why the Canadian strip club is a dying institution".
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    Curvy Melissa 9946 on LL

    Curvy Melissa 9946 on LL just seems TGTBT but could this possibly be wrong? Ditto Sexy Jenny 2520...
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    Nikki - ex-ALO

    Any friendly advice regarding Nikki (38), formerly of ALO but apparently now independent? If anyone who has seen her recently could comment on the nature of her current location, how the session went or any aspect of the experience this would be much appreciated. Seems like my 'type', but not...
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    Dancers' Contact Number or E-Mail

    One of the the great benefits, in my experience, of participating in a posting forum like TERB and similar boards has been the ability to receive info/intel from reports by regular posters who are also attending SCs fairly regularly. In the past, this has been a great help to me (and I assume to...
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    Is It Really Always Like This?

    Noticed a thread (in the Toronto SC section) with this link to an article regarding how dancers "really feel about their clients". As a poster notes, it's kind of "brutal". Is it...
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    Can these all be TGTBT?

    Today (12/9) there appear to be more than a few very alluring looking posts on the "minefield" of BP. Have to wonder if they are all TGTBT? Or has the rather suspect reputation of BP and the many useful warnings posted here jaded me to the point where I just don't even consider the outside...
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    NuDen Appearance by Christy Mack

    There doesn't seem to be a NuDen thread here at present so I wasn't sure how/where else to post this without starting a new thread. Apparently pornstar Christy Mack will be "appearing" at NuDen on Saturday, December 2nd, 10:30. I've never been to the place, but this announcement surprised me...
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