Ashley Madison

Search results

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    En ESpiritU Massage

    saw her several years ago thinking there was some possibility but i got absolutely nowhere with her. she's an older lady not bad looking but absolutely no sensual anything. massage was ok but not therapeutic. you're covered up whole time. no hint of a graze even and i flat out asked at the end...
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    Any Priestess Lila alternatives? Vanessa is an option. i saw her twice last year. good edging experience. first time was more strict. second time got oral. more may be available. haven't gone back but i think i will soon. i had a short review of her in the link. she's in...
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    Has anybody seen Lila?

    this is spot on. i really did enjoy the session even with the limitations. similar experience with touching her legs and she let me keep touching her leg but i definitely wanted/needed more. i swear if she let me lay on her lap and let me suck on them titties while she did her thing i'd see her...
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    Has anybody seen Lila?

    Interesting! Well I'm pretty sure I'm banned for asking but may be worth a shot? Lol
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    Any Intel on Kinsley Rose

    oh wow so she's been around the block lol. can you confirm what she looks like last year? what services did she provide? thank you.
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    Any Intel on Kinsley Rose

    Ya I'm going to make contact and see. If the service is good and she looks half decent it will be a plus for this area. Hardly anyone worth seeing these days.
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    Any Intel on Kinsley Rose

    Saw this ad on leolist.. Anyone tried her? No number on ad but an email.
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    Mei's Spa (Various Reviews)

    do we kno what happened to yuki? i agree that rebecca is the best there and for me yuki is a close second. rest are just okay at best.
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    Mai Massage

    Did anyone else try? I'm intrigued because she looks good but am a bit leery about using my cc to book.
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    Honey by bee - kijiji- in home and mobile

    I bailed once I saw in the leolist ad that she had party favors for sale lmao. No thanks. That's the kind of heat I don't need in my life. Although she said even with the leolist ad in escort section , they just do massage and hj.
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    Honey by bee - kijiji- in home and mobile

    so i did a bit more digging and got the number and found their leolist posting. looks like full on escorts trying to also get into the kijiji semi legit massage...
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    Honey by bee - kijiji- in home and mobile

    Has anyone tried them? Ad says AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK - 9am - 9pm *SPECIAL* $50/ 30 min massage High-quality massage with excellent techniques ! Head to toe relaxation body massage working...
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    Katie 0075

    reverse image search shows the pics to be fake. i wouldn't bother.
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    Jessie Fox - Wow!

    what's the damage? was the incall a hotel or private? discreet? as far as gfe/pse, does she offer cim or sw? are they included or extras? she looks good but so many questions.
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    Any reviews on Natalie massages?

    i love how she says she's a registered rmt in her ad lmao.
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    Has anyone tried Golden Touch Thai Massage

    its on the 2nd floor of that building. you just walk up. no big deal. pretty discreet because it looks like youre there for some water stuff lol.
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    Coined pic

    nah dude i dont think any chick would do that. stick to reputable agencies and indies. i never both with unknown chicks from leo etc.
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    Recommend your #1 massage-tease-he experience in Hamilton

    she has toned all that stuff down quite a bit. its just a solid massage and shes open to prostate if that's your thing. also a fun person to chat with and ya she knows her way around the cock lol.
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    Recommend your #1 massage-tease-he experience in Hamilton

    honestly not many great choices in the city..for great massage and a great finish, i recommend thesensualist. extras are pretty much hj only so dont expect more but she gives a great massage and a great finish. i probably see her a few times a year. she's also quite open to your needs and will...
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    Lara Croft

    If she offered bbbj , I'd be there asap lol.
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