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    Is There Anything Trump Won’t Blame on DEI?

    The Indian American that understood DEI in higher education:
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    Is There Anything Trump Won’t Blame on DEI?

    DEI kills... example closer to home: It's...
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    German authorities thwart another attack by Afghan asylum seeker in Hanau

    Imagine offering asylum to people and they want to murder you. It's no wonder why Europe is taking a hard turn to the Right.
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    Jim Acosta is a total loser!!

    It's amazing how lawyers see right through the lawfare, but the lowly commoner who hates OrangeMan (but can't tell you why) can't see it.
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    Jim Acosta is a total loser!!

    This is the same talk show host that literally cried on air when Trump got elected. LOL
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    Jim Acosta is a total loser!!

    Jim Costa plays an important role in politics. His ignorance turns Democrats into Trump supporters.
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    'It was all for nothing': Students left scrambling after college program loses accreditation status

    We will see more of this in the future. We will also see Universities begin to reform. Enrolment will keep dropping in the social sciences and humanities cash cows, all of which cost a fortune in tuition yet give graduates the ability to become little more than really good baristas.
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    Ford passed the legislation for ripping up the bike lanes TODAY!!

    Tell us you can't afford a car without telling us.
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    Donald Trumps Approval Ratings Soar

    He's a president that's following through with his promises on day one. That's why his approval is so high. This is logic which is why it's hard for leftists to comprehend.
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    Trump's crackdown on Illegal Immigration off to a fast start.

    What world do you live in? Illegals, rapists, and pedophiles didn't want him in power. They much preferred Sleepy Joe. The people that wanted him in power are American citizens. It's a great time to be alive and American.
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    Trump's crackdown on Illegal Immigration off to a fast start.

    El Salvador has taken a fantastic tough on crime approach to gangs and cartels. Canada needs a prison facility like CECOT.
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    Trump's crackdown on Illegal Immigration off to a fast start.

    Imagine being against deporting pedophiles that are not citizens out of the country. Leftists should be deported next. They're nothing but a burden to safe progressive societies.
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    Top5, Toronto rapper wanted for murder, arrested in L.A., police say

    His parents likely fled war-torn Somalia hoping to give him a better life. That's how it started, and this is where it's at. I think we know how it'll end.
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    Trump's crackdown on Illegal Immigration off to a fast start.

    The US has no obligation to accept non citizens, so illegals have only one option.
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    Los Angeles Is Another DEI Catastrophe

    She'll never get elected to anything going forward. The silver lining is that she has no biological children so her stupidity ends with her.
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    Black people shouldn’t become pilots because they have lower iqs

    More than that past and present... and considering how tiny a fraction of the population that Indians comprise in America, this is significant.
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    Trump's crackdown on Illegal Immigration off to a fast start.

    Good. They can be honest about their origin and get sent home, or they can lie and get sent to an alternate shithole. As long as they're shipped out, all is well.
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    Black people shouldn’t become pilots because they have lower iqs

    CNN lowered its standard when it hired Don Lemon. He was unfit to be a host or anchor.
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    Black people shouldn’t become pilots because they have lower iqs

    Do you ever get tired of spreading leftist lies?
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    What are you listening to ?

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