Search results for query: Kingston

  1. J

    Kingston providers

    I'm in Kingston until next weekend and was wondering if there are any reputable girls worth seeing.
  2. S

    Kingston Carmella 5956

    Does anyone have any experience with Carmella Love, who's currently advertising out of Kingston? Seems to have some ads from several weeks/months ago in Barrie and Brampton. Pictures from her post look like they match the verified pics in her profile.
  3. SchlongConery

    Ontario Cities with Affordable Housing?

    ...most affordable rent in a city with a hospital. No idea on employment opportunities or pay so that is an unknown. Likes being close to the border for groceries I couldn’t live there though Kingston or Barrie are the only cities in Ontario that I could even think of living in other than...
  4. S

    Hey Joe, Did you see this girl...

    Hey Joe, Did you see this girl Can you give me any details about the experience you had. I'm really interested, but also skeptical of what to expect.
  5. M

    2025 Bucket List

    In Kingston? If so, I might have to start planning.
  6. KittyCaterina

    2025 Bucket List

    By Catherina do you mean me? Kitty Caterina? Josephine and I also offer duos when I'm in Mississauga or Toronto. I would say about three times a year she is either up here in my territory or I'm down in hers. Maybe her and I can visit Ottawa together in the new year.
  7. P

    2025 Bucket List

    ...don't seem to align until mid-year, so just haven't put any effort into it. Duo with Catherina and her duo partner Josephine. My trips to Kingston are so random it's hard to plan for them, and we just kind of lost touch. I'll try to figure it out in 2025. Any duo with Elizabeth Weisz. But...
  8. TigerFlex5

    Your best MA & SP for 2023

    ...who never came to Ottawa. There is no point to vote for a provider who is in Toronto or Montreal, that nobody knows, here. We are in Ottawa/Kingston area. If the provider is a touring and came to Ottawa, that’s different, but some guys just can’t realize that. All these reasons are why, over...
  9. TigerFlex5

    Your Best SP and MA for 2022

    ...who never came to Ottawa. There is no point to vote for a provider who is in Toronto or Montreal, that nobody knows, here. We are in Ottawa/Kingston area. If the provider is a touring and came to Ottawa, that’s different, but some guys just can’t realize that. All these reasons are why, over...
  10. TigerFlex5

    The Best SP and MA in 2021

    ...who never came to Ottawa. There is no point to vote for a provider who is in Toronto or Montreal, that nobody knows, here. We are in Ottawa/Kingston area. If the provider is a touring and came to Ottawa, that’s different, but some guys just can’t realize that. All these reasons are why, over...
  11. TigerFlex5

    Your Best SP and MA for 2020

    ...who never came to Ottawa. There is no point to vote for a provider who is in Toronto or Montreal, that nobody knows, here. We are in Ottawa/Kingston area. If the provider is a touring and came to Ottawa, that’s different, but some guys just can’t realize that. All these reasons are why, over...
  12. TigerFlex5

    Your Best SP and MA for 2019

    ...who never came to Ottawa. There is no point to vote for a provider who is in Toronto or Montreal, that nobody knows, here. We are in Ottawa/Kingston area. If the provider is a touring and came to Ottawa, that’s different, but some guys just can’t realize that. All these reasons are why, over...
  13. M

    Kingston Ontario

    Question had anyone been with this service provider?
  14. FarmerJoe

    Ari Andrus - Second Session Review

    ...then I finally finished inside doing doggy as the alarm was going off. Sessions with Ari feel very comfortable (like seeing a GF), she’s very down-to-earth and relaxed. I will be repeating...
  15. K

    Any good Asians in Kingston?

    Any review on Downtown Asian downtown kingston? Many than
  16. PurpleHelmet

    Bella May 2279

    I am very happy to hear that you rebounded and had a great experience with her duo partner Nikki. But be sure to see Bella the next time she comes to town. She told me she will be back to Kingston early in the new year.
  17. KittyCaterina

    Goddess Kitty Caterina

    Thanks Limpnoodle, I'm lucky to have met you as well! Just a little note to add because I've gotten texts assuming I am in Ottawa after this was posted - I am based in Kingston. XO
  18. J

    Bella May 2279

    She was occupied unexpectedly, so met her friend Nikki instead, but was well worth it.
  19. PurpleHelmet

    Bella May 2279

    Oh wow. Yes, I did. Last weekend in Kingston. I absolutely loved my time with her. She’s a tiny spinner and I thought she was gorgeous. She had so much energy and thoroughly enjoyed her time with me as well. I was very impressed. I was skeptical, however there were many positive reviews out of...
  20. SinnamonFairbanks

    Question just for sh*ts and giggles

    Oh yeah that's true. I forgot the meme "Toronto is an hour from Toronto". I more mean places like Kingston and Belleville. People from Toronto and Quebec come here on vacation but I was thinking more people from this area. If they would drive 30 mins out of the way.
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