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  1. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Way to go Grandpa, now its time for a nap, don't ya think?
  2. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Old man, its time for a nap, way past your bed time!!!! Witty? I'm writing at a level only old men like you, can comprehend. What? I said, I'm writing at a level only old men like you, can comprehend.
  3. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    4498 and counting, c'mon 4500 isn't too far off computer dork! lol
  4. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    That comment coming from a whore, I'll take it as a compliment!
  5. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Funny how you are too old and lack any wit at that age you sorry excuse for a " john ". Thoroughly impressed where we? until you spent half the evening trying to figure out the wit and humour with your search engine, grey balls! Those hours upon hours of searching paid off finally!!! Another...
  6. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    To those guys I was sending remarks back and forth with, hey just having a little fun, and I apologize if it got out of hand, and off topic. As for Goober, it's a pity you're too old senile and lack a sense a humour! You really need to step back from that computer for a while before you go...
  7. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Yeah whatever idiot, like this board is full of credibility MORON With 5000 posts it obvious you have NO LIFE and spend way too much time on the net! LOL It's Mr. Thong to you grey balls!
  8. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    You are a frightfully grotesque plebeian and a repugnant, odiously suffocating malodorous marinade of ooze and bile.
  9. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    I refer to your latest discharge of plebeian verbiage; in which, you have proven, once again, that there is no such thing as unutterable nonsense. You should offer your posting style to hospital operating theatres as a highly-effective alternative to unconsciousness-inducing medications...
  10. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Just when I think I've read the stupidest post ever, you go and post another. Rumor has it that you are almost incomprehensible in person (as revealed by your desperate urge to babble nonsensically on message boards.) No doubt, this rumor is true. Reading your post is less interesting than...
  11. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Re: Re: Re: Re:Shania's Thong What possessed you to think that you were capable of being entertaining or interesting to read? There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with a little Prozac and a polo mallet. Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget...
  12. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    LOL !!!! Thank you! We`re all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view, you ridiculous little carnival freak. In future, kindly proofread your posts before assaulting unsuspecting readers of this message board with a litany of misspellings, egregious grammatical errors, and other...
  13. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Yes, Yes I did Sir! When I get pissed, I can RANT with the best of em' !!!!
  14. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Your message board incompetence is an inspiration to botched lobotomy patients everywhere. How about putting that into proper syntax, form, and grammar so that I can at least understand what you are saying before I dismiss it? Clearly, you have lost your fingertip grip on reality and have...
  15. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Re: Re:Shania's Thong Your blacklist? I care! And btw I don't speak retardese. Can you get someone to translate into meaningful English before you post, please? Your post is an orgy of stultifying cacophonous verbal depravity; an exercise in literary impotence, and an offense to all of good...
  16. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Not if the RAT is a RAT with Expressvu!
  17. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    Just thought there was a specific website to get info on this.
  18. S

    Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

    If someone is running Bell Express VU illegal, who can you report this to?
  19. S

    Montreal-NHL Game tix+Hotel+Transportation???

    Great game tonight !!!
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