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  1. D

    SP's emotionally attached to their clients

    Well I for one care about my regs. And I have to agree with girlyslut... "I'm glad to hear that you guys actually care" ... I work part-time hours too. I need to connect with those that I encounter or I can't enjoy my work... I wouldn't be able to do a quality job.
  2. D

    Vitamin D

    Your body absorbs only a certain amount of Vit D... the possiblity of overdosing on it is hard. Your body uses what it need and flushes the rest... get blood tested for the defincency, then do the sensible thing and take what is needs. 1,000 - 2,000 i.u. is a good point for most Canadians in the...
  3. D

    "2 Young Girls" ad on craigs any takers?

    is this one of them?
  4. D

    Independent Escorts Websites

    Good thought. In my other job (I work in Theatre) I tend to write bio's... but that tends to deter some of the less "gentlemen" types. ;)
  5. D

    Independent Escorts Websites

    What made you make such a post *lol*
  6. D

    Ontario prostitution laws could die Saturday

    As much as it should be made a safer, legalized system. It won't happen.
  7. D

    just curious

    that was pretty cool
Toronto Escorts