Discreet Dolls
Scarlet Sunset
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  • If your house is cold, just stand in the corner. It’s always 90 degrees there.
    It's Fridayyy! Start your weekend with me, working until 9 near Yonge and Eglinton.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    I found a book called How to Solve 50% of Your Problems. So I bought 2.
    I'm working near Yonge and Eglinton today until 9!
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together.

    I’m available until 8 today! Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    I don't trust those trees. They seem kind of shady.

    I have availability today from 1 to 9 pm, booking up fast so text for an appointment 647-749-9630
    Yonge and Eglinton
    What do call a criminal landing an airplane? Condescending.

    I’m available today 11 to 9, near Yonge and Eglinton.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    I was making a joke about retirement. It did not work.

    I’m available today until 8, Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    What do you call a dog who meditates? Aware wolf.

    It’s Fridayyyy! Come see me until 9 near Yonf and Eglinton.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    What did the fish say when he hit the wall? Dam.

    I’m working today 11 to 9, Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    This graveyard looks overcrowded. People must be dying to get in.
    It’s Day of the Dead! Get a respite from spooky season with me, 12 to 8 near Yonge and Eglinton.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    What did Baby Corn say to Mama Corn?" "Where's Pop Corn?

    I hope you all had a Happy Halloween! I’m available until 9 tonight, Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    It's Devil's Night! Come be devilish with me until 9 tonight, Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now.
    I'm working until 9 tonight, Yonge and Eglinton area!
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck.

    I’m working today, Yonge and Eglinton area, noon to 8.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    What did one Dorito farmer say to the other? “Cool Ranch!”

    I’m working today, Yonge and Eglinton area, 11 to 9.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    I’m back from vacation! I’m working my regular schedule this week: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
    Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    My boss said “dress for the job you want, not for the job you have.” So I went in as Batman.
    Today is the only day this week I’m working! 11:30 to 9’ Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    I know a lot of jokes about retired people, but none of them work.
    I'm working today until 8, Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    I tell dad jokes, but I don’t have any kids. I’m a faux pa.

    I’m available today until 9, Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
    Two goldfish are in a tank. One says to the other, “Do you know how to drive this thing?”
    I'm available today until 5, all booked up with appointments after! Yonge and Eglinton area.
    Text me to book 647-749-9630
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Toronto Escorts