It is really annoying constantly seeing newbies ask about a SW in the reviews section that can be easily searched. I've been on other boards where posts from new members have to be approved by a moderator first. Can this not be done here?
It is really annoying constantly seeing newbies ask about a SW in the reviews section that can be easily searched. I've been on other boards where posts from new members have to be approved by a moderator first. Can this not be done here?
We were all new at one point and we all had to learn through mistakes or guidance from more experienced posters. It's okay for those who get irritated by these posts to not read them. If we make it more difficult or put up obstacles to potential contributers to the board we minimize contributions. Personally, I would rather have newbies posting obvious questions or in the wrong place etc then limit their valued voices once they start figuring it all out and giving their insights.
the strength of boards such as Terb is in the number of users that contribute... so i think it behooves us to be patient and helpful with new members that are trying to figure it out...