In all my years of hobbying, not once did any one of my requests has been honored.The responses in this thread prove my original point...
All clients have individual preferences.
Half in this thread prefer no scented products and half enjoy scented products.
There are so many threads here made by clients telling us what we should and should not be doing, even going as far to say we should be offering different snack platters for every client and offering shower for two so that we can wash you to our standards.
There are simple solutions:
-ask if you want a scent free environment
-bring a snack or request one
-wash yourself properly, you are a grown adult and we shouldn't have to do it for you so that it is done right
The request and demand list goes on and beyond the few I mentioned.
As a provider, all I can do is try to make the majority happy within reason and hope that grown men can take some responsibility and request any specifics that they may require.
SPs talk big game, but very seldom live up to big talk.
This is not even a put down or a critique. Just a plain old observation, years in the making.
It is quite surprising though that most SPs replying to this thread lean towards having perfume and scented products as a default and John's having to reach out to have a no scent environment. A bit of an eye opener.