If you think makeup is for self care maybe look into it a little a bit. most if not all make up is toxic in one way or another so no it's not self care or good for a person. also shoppers used to sell smokes and still slings lots of unhealthy food and "healthy" things that are not good for you at all.
Some people are using it for self care. Same like taking care of your skin , body and soul ! It’s good for mental health and for wellbeing. There is a way to apply natural makeup products. This doesn’t need to be fancy.
Also there are some drugs that doctors prescribe to patients. To help patients .
Imagine you meet a girl , ugly face , doesn’t take care of herself, no skincare routine . But invest tons of money into clothes and fancy stuff. There are many girls who glowed up . with money and taking care of themselves.
Hop you are very funny . Look at Warren buffet he is 90s he eats shit like McDonald everyday and he is alive. He lived a long and prosperous life while the ones who try to control every aspect of their lives are struggling to survive and some catch diseases.
Moral of the story , we will all die from something. I appreciate a lot women who take great care of themselves and what shine outside .