So you Canadian MAGAT fanbois... how do you like Trump putting Canada into recession?


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
So, all reality TV show theatrics and schoolgirl crushes aside, how do YOU feel about Trump singlehandedly pretty much guaranteeing that Canada, our home and native land, will go into a recession and many Canadian businesses will fail as a result? And that automakers and the huge auto parts industry in Canada will have no choice but to close up shop and lay off hundreds of thousands of hard working Canadians?

And for you Yankees, have you yet figured out that it is YOU, American consumers who will pay MORE for everything? Unlike the promise that Mexico will pay for The Wall (you guys are so gullible!) Trump makes no such claim that the Canadian Mexican and Chinese governments, nor Canadian, Mexican or Chinese companies will pay the IMPORT tax! US companies who import goods will not eat the tariffs, there isn't enough markup in anything to cover a 25% increase in the cost of goods. They will pass it on to the consumer. Remember, there is only one consumer, and they end up paying for everything.

And American manufacturing corporations will use the opportunity as an excuse to raise their own wholesale prices. And so they should as the retailers will just raise them to equalize prices anyways.

But mostly, I'm interested in what CANADIAN Trump fans (you are NOT 'supporters' as you have ZERO say in US politics or elections so you are not part of 'we' .

Shaquille Oatmeal

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Jun 2, 2023


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So, all reality TV show theatrics and schoolgirl crushes aside, how do YOU feel about Trump singlehandedly pretty much guaranteeing that Canada, our home and native land, will go into a recession and many Canadian businesses will fail as a result? And that automakers and the huge auto parts industry in Canada will have no choice but to close up shop and lay off hundreds of thousands of hard working Canadians?

And for you Yankees, have you yet figured out that it is YOU, American consumers who will pay MORE for everything? Unlike the promise that Mexico will pay for The Wall (you guys are so gullible!) Trump makes no such claim that the Canadian Mexican and Chinese governments, nor Canadian, Mexican or Chinese companies will pay the IMPORT tax! US companies who import goods will not eat the tariffs, there isn't enough markup in anything to cover a 25% increase in the cost of goods. They will pass it on to the consumer. Remember, there is only one consumer, and they end up paying for everything.

And American manufacturing corporations will use the opportunity as an excuse to raise their own wholesale prices. And so they should as the retailers will just raise them to equalize prices anyways.

But mostly, I'm interested in what CANADIAN Trump fans (you are NOT 'supporters' as you have ZERO say in US politics or elections so you are not part of 'we' .
It's idiotic.

Once a few GOP congressman get some very pointed phone calls from donors they will form a little cabal to threaten ANY legislation from passing unless this gets resolved.

No doubt a few Senators as well.

I think a few back channel threats to reverse tariff on electricity, oil, and an outright ban of export of uranium sent via allies in Washington will also go a long way.

I really don't understand what the point on this world wide trade war is. And it is a world wide trade war.

We may well see a few benefits. It looks like the provinces are finally going to tear down any Interprovincial barriers and tariffs within the nation. Other nations will step up out of spite.

It will honestly depend on how long it lasts. Once it hits the USA supply chain(apparently several retailers overstocked in anticipation) consumers will react.

Oh, and I tossed some extra oj in the freezer. If does freeze well btw.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Justin Trudeau gets the smug look wiped off his face. REPORTER: When did you first learn that President Trump intends to increase tariffs if Canada retaliates and how had that changed your strategy? Trudeau: (Oh sh*t, did he say that?) Ummmmm... we are not looking to escalate. Just leave Justin, you've screwed Canada over enough already!
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