The Women of CP24


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Dec 27, 2001
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Aug 21, 2017
Tell me exactly when Azalea does the traffic reports. Note this has nothing to do the with the traffic.
Sadly she only does it to fill in whenever Lisa is off (and Adwoa takes her morning shift) or if Adwoa is off. If they are both there, which is most days, then you won't see her.

Yeah, and when its not her, its less than pleasant-looking-people lmao.
I mean, to each his own, but I think Adwoa is fairly attractive. And she has the best lips on TV in my opinion. Lisa is pretty alright too. Like there's noone at CP that I look at as unattractive. Just that there are varying degrees of attractiveness.

Adowa can look good sometimes for the afternoon shift.
I agree! She can definitely be easy on the eyes and she has great lips and big tits as well (You can tell when she wears something relatively low cut that shows her cleavage)
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