I liked parts of it, but found other parts amateurish.
Pretty sure the lawyer billing $1,300 an hour doesn’t make $1,300 an hour. He gets it cut by 1/3rd for overhead, and unless he brought the client in, there is another payment to he/she that did. And there is the occasional bad debt or give-back in that business.
And he used high six figures to low seven figures as a “normal“ annual income range for a successful man. That is on the very highest scale and represents a small percentage of income earners. You can certainly see a nice rotation of escorts in the high 5s to low 6 figures, while still having the Not Enough Time issue in dating.
One of the comments to his presentation in his YouTube channel was quite good.
“I have met alot of millionaires that are married and they all says the samething. That if you want kids get married to someone from equal setting, relagion and believes from equal background with her own money. If you want sex get an escort or a mistress. If you want someone to cook and clean get a maid. If you want your clothes clean go to the dry cleaners. He said that women are just there to have kids with and that is it. Join a social group if you need someone to talk to. Leave women alone.”