@mitchell76: This is the first time that 'bobbleheads' has been a category in New Sports Trivia.
There are still plenty of unanswered questions in this thread, on or after post #2,273 on page 114, (@ 20 posts/ page).
unassuming usually gives answers after 24 hours without a Correct!. My minimum is two weeks, but my questions are still 'live' indefinitely until they are either answered correctly, or I invoke the Stump, in which case, I provide the correct answer on the current page.
The main focus of the Trivia threads is to generate maximum page views, so scrolling through the back pages helps accomplish that goal.
Please note that, in the Trivia-O-Rama thread, you may NOT answer one of MY questions a second time after receiving a Red reply, but you can do that in this thread or General TV Trivia. There are no restrictions for unassuming's questions.
unassuming's questions are a team effort - All of us against the question. MY questions are an individual competition of each player against each other and against me. For MY questions, a Correct! is worth 2 points. I get 1 point for each Nope, Stump, or Too Slow. No points are deducted for receiving a Red reply.
A 'Regis' is neutral - it means that the answer posted is not right enough for a Correct!, and not wrong enough for a Nope. Regis is blue text, so you may answer again, but someone else might answer correctly first. That earns them a Correct! and the cherry picker pic.
Answers are deemed to be Correct! if they would be correct, if spoken aloud, (ie: no penalty for spelling errors), and obvious typos are ignored. 'Field answers' piss me off - ie: "It's either X, or Y, or Z". If you don't know which, either guess one or don't answer.
Thanks for telling me that. I'm a new sports trivia participant, and I'm having fun. I'm happy to follow your rules!!