Not all, but most, I can agree with that.Dog owners who do not leash their dogs are the worst.
In this case, I can't tell if she's Karen or a MAGA nut, but either way, just based off these pics alone, she doesn't look like the type that would invest in any time with her dog. .
Am I judgmental in this case? Yeah, but being around dogs and dog owners you get a picture painted in your mind and the kind of people with certain breeds.
She got more dog than she bargained for and thought she could handle. I certainly wouldn't get that breed myself, I like a sweet, fun, dog. Don't need one for an image and it seems the people that get them tend to do it for a lack of something, I've met plenty of Pitties, Terries and a few Corsos along with their owners, it's crazy how they fit a certain mold.
If the dog is going to be destroyed, she's gonna be devastated so there alone she's paid the price, now if she's facing charges, that's a secondary hit for her. People who want dogs in the lives really need to understand the time, work and risks involved. Her life just got a lot more shit than it probably was (whose life isn't?) and that poor kid and his parents are no doubt in misery as well. Nobody gains anything from all this.