Israeli commandos do daring assassination hit of Hamas leaders on West Bank

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007

Hamas does not control the West Bank, the PLO still does. When Hamas split from the PLO, they actually won an election in Gaza to rule the territory. The PLO were deposed. It shouldn't be that difficult to hunt down Hamas agents in the West Bank, they tend to stand out. Someone probably informed on their whereabouts, there is not much love between Hamas and the PLO.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The best thing about that video is the single, ludicrously massive bullet hole in the pillow with heavy blood saturation and brain and skull fragments. The Hamas guy must just have been waking up when the Israeli guy jammed a fucking massive handgun under his chin and squeezed.
Assassinating comatose people in a hospital is a brave moral victory to you?
You like death squads?

Does that go along with your love of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It fails to amaze me that some people are more interested in calling hospitals, schools, UN facilities or other places to call terrorist safe spaces than obliterating the world of them.
You are inciting genocide by calling for attacks on hospitals, universities and civilians.



Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Keep digging up social media Jems and "resident military analysts" and plastering the board with them to your Hamas heart's content while, "who me, Hamas? Nah, not me.", genocidal maniacs keep getting their brains splattered by IDF forces.

Release the hostages, or whatever is left of them, after 115 days of torture, rape and abuse at the hands of Hamas and their kindred Islamic Jihadi psychopaths.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Actually this is okay. This is what they should have done from day 1. Just target Hamas and not just in the West Bank or Gaza, but also in Qatar. No one else. But instead, they have been mass murdering Gazans. This right here is an example, that they could have resorted to covert and targeted assassinations from day 1. But their entire intent was to collectively punish Palestinians and genocide them. It puts to rest all these nonsensical arguments that begin with "What do you expect them to do?!!".
No, death squads will not lead you to peace and security.
Did it work for Pinochet?
Has it worked for any other country?
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
you have the prettiest pictures
Yes, he does have a knack for rummaging through garbage bins, dumpsters and toxic dumps and slurping out the most-prettiest, beautiful-est and best-est pictures of all.

He is the belle of the Hamas ball.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Keep digging up social media Jems and "resident military analysts" and plastering the board with them to your Hamas heart's content while, "who me, Hamas? Nah, not me.", genocidal maniacs keep getting their brains splattered by IDF forces.

Release the hostages, or whatever is left of them, after 115 days of torture, rape and abuse at the hands of Hamas and their kindred Islamic Jihadi psychopaths.
Blame Netanyahu for the hostages.
He already proved that he could get them home quickly if he declared a ceasefire and negotiated with Hamas.
But he can't stop the genocide or his career is done and he'll just be another war criminal.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, he does have knack for rummaging through garbage bins, dumpsters and toxic dumps and slurping out the most-prettiest, beautiful-est and best-est pictures of all.

He is the belle of the Hamas ball.
You support bombing and killing children but don't want to see pictures of your success?
If you can't take a look at the video below and say you support it, maybe its time you called out killing children and genocide?



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
They have declared and are at war with Hamas. So this counts as a military operation. They did not kill any civilians, just targeted military targets, did not destroy property other than a few damaged beds and the walls having to be cleaned off the blood. This was clean and well done.

Whether that will lead to peace is another debate, I dont think Israel's position on the Palestinians is one of peace with or without the war.
You can't declare war on a people you are occupying, Hamas is not a country.
They disguised themselves as civilians and assassinated people without trial.
That was a death squad.

Can you state one other country that has used death squads and had it work for establishing a safe and just society?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Israel cannot declare war on the Palestinian civilians - even though they have and that is a war crime and genocide.

But they could declare war on Hamas as they are a designated terror/militant group. If you are talking about death squads, then Hamas sent death squads on October 7 to kill Israeli civilians. But these were Israeli military personnel, who targeted military targets with whom war has already been declared and ongoing. So on this attack, I think Israel was right. This is how they should fight against Hamas.

I support Palestinians, but I dont support Hamas. Those guys did conduct a terrorist attack on October 7 and although it was in retaliation to Israeli current and past actions, it was still a terrorist attack at the end of the day. So Israel retaliating against Hamas is acceptable. But not against the Palestinians as they have been doing all along.

We can criticize and call out both Israel and Hamas for war crimes. And I think we should.
Sure, but be accurate and consistent with your comments and views.
You can't declare war on a people you are occupying by military force, that's international law and the Geneva Conventions.

Hamas did target civilians on Oct 7, that's a war crime. But that's not 'death squads', which are government groups that assassinate people for political goals. Hamas and Palestinians are accorded the right to violent resistance against an illegal occupation but not to target civilians. What Israel did was to target people for assassinations instead of arresting and trying them for crimes. Its not far off from terrorism itself and may be deemed terrorism.

Its also a war crime to attack civilian targets like hospitals, even if you have a legit military target the risks to civilians outweigh international support so you would need to prove in court you weren't committing a war crime as its assumed.

I know you supported Modi's assassinations in Canada and the US, but I also know you can't provide a single country where this has been a good long term solution to problems.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I am consistent. Israel cannot declare war on a people - Palestinian civilians. They have and that is a war crime and genocide. But they can declare war on Hamas, which is a militant/terrorist group.
No, they can't legally declare war on Hamas.

A death squad is defined as an "armed group whose primary activity is carrying out extrajudicial killings or forced disappearances as part of political repression, genocide, ethnic cleansing, or revolutionary terror".

Per this definition, Hamas fighters were death squads.
Based on what acts? List the details and your reasons.

On the other hand, IDF killing Hamas, is not extrajudicial. IDF is engaged in war with Hamas, and therefore Hamas are enemy combatants. The due process rules do not apply against the party you are in war with.
The reports on Oct 7 say that Hamas killed about 3-400 IDF, those are enemy combatants. Of the 600 or so civilians its still unclear how many were killed by Israel using the Hannibal Directive (which also looks like death squads) and how many were killed by Hamas. That's why I support international investigations and charges rather than stating categorically one group are 'terrorists' and need to die.

They targeted Hamas. Apparently. Are they civilians or are they Hamas? If they are Hamas, it is a legitimate kill.
So if you say someone is 'Hamas' you can then kill them? Every time? No trials needed, no evidence?
That's how death squads work. You can say the magic word 'Hamas' or 'terrorist' and then declare your death squad is moral.

That would be true, if they were storming the hospital, or throwing a bomb. A silenced revolver, sneaking in and killing just the terrorists, will not count as a war crime. The military action was proportionate to the benefits gained - which is the neutralization of 3 terrorists, with no collateral damage, or extensive property damage, other than a few 100 bucks worth of damage to clean up and replace mattresses.
Disguising the military as civilians is a war crime, Isarelis say of Hamas. Either way, death squads are political assassinations and I support the rule of law and not giving any government the right to kill whoever they want, however they want with no justifications other than saying the magic words.

I support assassinating terrorists, yes. But a good long term solution here is either a 1 or a 2 state solution. That is something Israel needs to take steps for. But I dont think this assassination will have much of an effect on the peace process one way or another, given 27K are dead in Gaza, which I think is the bigger issue, and a bigger hindrance to peace. This one was okay, the one in Gaza, not.
So Hamas and Palestinians are therefore justified, according to you, in using death squads to kill settlers, who have committed 1000 terrorist attacks on Palestinians? And if Hamas says any Israeli is supporting genocide and terrorism they are allowed to form a death squad and kill them?

This is the logical extension of your argument and all it does is support more genocide, more terrorism and more death.

Charge both sides.
Allow food and aid in immediatedly.
End the occupation.
End apartheid.

Not death squads.


Well-known member
May 3, 2011
You are inciting genocide by calling for attacks on hospitals, universities and civilians.

I'm not sure I said that, but I know you aren't concerned about facts, so I'm not concerned that you put words in my mouth.

But let me be clear: anyone who uses hospitals, schools, or UN buildings as military places, either as a fortress or a target, doesn't have my support. That includes using ambulances to carry militants who are not wounded or carrying ammunition to militants, or hospitals to imprison civilian or military hostages, or using schools to hide military exercises, or to brainwash children to become suicide bombs.

When confronted by these things, a military power MUST permanently remove the instigators. Targeting those terrorists may involve collateral (non-targeted) damage, including civilians who may or may not be innocents.

Your Hamas terrorists have done what leads to their "permanent removal" and much, much more.

Go, Israel, Go!!
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