Active member
Sep 6, 2020
Well gentlemen I’m not sure how many of you need to hear this but according to most of my lady friends who’ve encouraged me to make this post there must be a lot of you out there that need to hear this. So I have been persuaded to come out with this service announcement on the ladies behalf because apparently a lot of you aren’t “GETTING IT” and by not getting it I mean you are not receiving the services you were promised or expecting in session, then going onto complaining about it and blaming the providers for your bad experience when it was most likely brought on by your own accord.

I’m not here to tell you that every session you have with a MA or SW is going to go as you had hoped with 5star service and 10s across the board, but what I can tell you with a little bit of effort your chances of achieving your expectations in session will greatly increase and it’s actually a very simple concept that has afforded me so many great visits with some amazing gorgeous women. So what’s my secret…well I can tell you it’s NOT being rich or owning an expensive car, or having a high paying job with a title because I’m an average guy with a blue collar job. It’s NOT for being a tall, young, fit guy with amazing hair because I’m a middle aged, average hight bald guy with a dad bod. It’s not even because I’m a great kisser, with an optimum sized 🍆 and I’m good with my hands …so I’ve been told 🤔

No it’s one thing …one word in fact and I hear this all the time “ I wish more clients were like you” How so you ask… well it’s because of my impeccable HYGIENE and for those of you who don’t know what that word mean, because apparently a lot of you don’t it’s called cleanliness.

STOP showing up unshowered smelling of BO , unshaven, with dirty hair, dirty hands and in dirty clothes, with breath that would gag a maggot to then expect these lovely ladies to jump all over you and fulfill all your fantasies and desire.

I get it some of you maybe schedule a visit after you get off work and some of us have very dirty jobs myself including, so if you can’t show up clean take the dam shower they offer you, use the soap, scrub yourself clean, use the mouth wash and stop complaining about the time you are losing off your session by talking a shower because I guarantee you your session will be much more enjoyable and fulfilling if you are clean and you smell clean.

Notice I said SMELL CLEAN, that doesn’t mean being doused in cologne or axe body spray either.

The shower would be the bare minimum to improve your experience. Advance manscaping such as clean shaven 🍆&🍒, face and back hair or at the very least neatly trimmed body hair and beards will be even more appreciated . I’m not saying you have to be as smooth as a Ken Doll but I am saying don’t go in looking and smelling like a Sasquatch. Buy yourself a trimmer, set it on 2 or 3 and clean that shit up…you can thank me later.

So all I’m say at the end of the day have a little bit of pride and put a little effort into yourself as I’m sure you have high expectations and standards on how the provider should look and take care of herself, so why should you get a pass on your bad hygiene. For the most part theses ladies are much more accommodating and way less judgemental than most of us. They accept to see men of all ages, body types, ethnicities, hight, weight etc. So be polite, treat them respectful and I guarantee you will have more amazing visit ending with them telling you they hope to see you again soon!

Now get out there, play safe and have fun!

This post may offend some of you…IDC because you probably are the ones that need to hear this the most!

TTP out!


Lazy Lurker
Feb 6, 2021
The Asian places do it right. The girl takes you to the shower and cleans you herself. Mouthwash is also offered.
Oh man, if you aren’t grown enough to wash your twig, berries and ass crack yourself then idk if there’s any hope left for the NON Asian ladies who aren’t going to do it for you.
Sheesh, when did providers washing YOUR ass become part of their job description…

I get the comments about hygiene going both ways. But comments like this seem to prove there’s a lack of awareness on some men that their hygiene upon arrival is going to dictate their level of satisfaction in their booking.

I don’t know if I was just raised different. But I won’t even go to the dinner table if I’m filthy from work, let alone go see a lady who’s going to be intimate with me.


Active member
Sep 6, 2020
Oh man, if you aren’t grown enough to wash your twig, berries and ass crack yourself then idk if there’s any hope left for the NON Asian ladies who aren’t going to do it for you.
Sheesh, when did providers washing YOUR ass become part of their job description…

I get the comments about hygiene going both ways. But comments like this seem to prove there’s a lack of awareness on some men that their hygiene upon arrival is going to dictate their level of satisfaction in their booking.

I don’t know if I was just raised different. But I won’t even go to the dinner table if I’m filthy from work, let alone go see a lady who’s going to be intimate with me.
Ya apparently so…the stories they tell me of guys showing up like this so they tell them they need to take a shower so they go in and just stand under the water for 2 min don’t use soap just stand there. WTF who raised these grown ass men that need to be told how to wash themselves. Or the ones who argue claiming they already showered even though they stink … and they don’t want to waste 5min of their session time showering! 🤦🏻‍♂️
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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2023
I’m not surprised hearing providers making such a claim. I only need recount how often I see men not even washing their hands after using the restrooms whether it be at the office, at a restaurant or at the gym. It’s pretty disturbing when one thinks about it.

Casual sampling

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2020
The Asian places do it right. The girl takes you to the shower and cleans you herself. Mouthwash is also offered.
Ya the Asian places love to give Willy a good scrub. As we speak hygiene, when you’re about to go for DATY (which I find fun) there couldn’t be a bigger turn off than a small pause so she can give her snatch a good wet nap wipe down. Experienced about equally at Asian locations and non Asians. Further after a session many give their whohaw a wipe and get dressed. Pretty sure most of those consider themselves ready for the next lad.
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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
I’m not surprised hearing providers making such a claim. I only need recount how often I see men not even washing their hands after using the restrooms whether it be at the office, at a restaurant or at the gym. It’s pretty disturbing when one thinks about it.
Is why I have spare paper towel in my jacket pocket so I don't have to touch any washroom door handles. I love the signs in washrooms reminding staff to wash their hands. Hygiene is a universal problem, what gets me are the people who get all pissy about like it is a violation of their right to be a DOB (Dirty Old Bastard).


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
Oh man, if you aren’t grown enough to wash your twig, berries and ass crack yourself then idk if there’s any hope left for the NON Asian ladies who aren’t going to do it for you.
Sheesh, when did providers washing YOUR ass become part of their job description…

I get the comments about hygiene going both ways. But comments like this seem to prove there’s a lack of awareness on some men that their hygiene upon arrival is going to dictate their level of satisfaction in their booking.

I don’t know if I was just raised different. But I won’t even go to the dinner table if I’m filthy from work, let alone go see a lady who’s going to be intimate with me.
I always come clean, and have no qualms about them washing me again. It gives them piece of mind given how many asses dont come clean... 😉


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
Apparently some of us learned nothing about cleanliness and hygiene from Covid and the constant health announcements to wash your hands and sneeze into your elbow. I truly sympathize with the ladies that endure the lack of respect and consideration.
Yeah nothing was learned then, or now. Haha we did not even mention stanky feet, yet.
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
Not sure all of these stories are true. I assume that 90% of the Terb hobbyists have respect for the ladies that they visit. I feel like there are a lot of "white knights" going on here. Terb has a reputation of respecting the ladies that we visit. Why would we disrespect them by showing up dirty and smelly?


Slim Thick Booty
Nov 6, 2023
Ottawa Ontario
Completely agreed cleanliness is very important. I personally don't ever partake in daty, dato or kissing , because the ladies are providing DATY,DATO and DFK to all clients is not my thing but getting intimate with a lady with bad odour is instant turn off and the exact same for ladies
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Not sure all of these stories are true. I assume that 90% of the Terb hobbyists have respect for the ladies that they visit. I feel like there are a lot of "white knights" going on here. Terb has a reputation of respecting the ladies that we visit. Why would we disrespect them by showing up dirty and smelly?
It’s like everything in life. The negative experiences have a major impact and are always remembered more than the more frequent routine experiences that go ok.

And, not to “white knight” too much, but many members here have a reputation for respecting the ladies, and there are some that clearly don’t.


Sensuality Seeker
May 20, 2018
I guess common sense is not so common. I can't understand why someone would not clean themselves up and up their chances of having a good time, especially when they're spending a good amount of money.

I've read some tweets from ladies about some guys arriving with skids marks and one guy even leaving marks on the sheets. Some men don't know how to clean themselves and have cheesy dicks 🤮. I assume and hope these are rare occurrences by newbies not familiar with review boards.

On the flip side I still have PTSD from doing 69 on an SP and now I'm too scared to attempt it unless the lady showers with me.

Also it sucks when you cleaned up real good in anticipation of a session and get the starfish and mechanical treatment. Leaves you disappointed and thinking "I shaved my balls for this sh*t" 😁


Sep 1, 2023
Funny I have to say that but you guys really think that all the guys meeting with SP or MA are on this board ???

Jesus, wake up. I just took that on LL:
Posted 4 minutes ago — Viewed 184560 times

Do you really think we are 200 000 on this board ???

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