Club alpha first visit


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
Speaking from my experiences pre-pandemic only, so now we are going back *gulp* almost three years, I'd add that running into other people was becoming more and more common for me. I'd say the Club is a victim of their own success -- things can get busy, and with 8-10 people on shift sometimes, there are a lot of people coming and going! Whether through bad luck, bad timing, or both, I ran into another person the last 4 times in a row I was there.
1.One was in the elevator on the way up -- I was there first, and a second person came in the lobby and joined me. Awkward for me, but he didn't seem to care. Different strokes for different folks. lol. This one is hard to avoid, and I can't blame the Club at all. No way to control exactly when people are going to arrive or depart. Pro tip -- if you walk by the lobby and notice someone waiting, maybe keep walking and do a little loop and come back in a minute or two? That's what I have done a few times when I see someone standing at the elevator doors.
2. Another time I came out of the elevator upstairs and to my surprise someone else was still at the front desk chatting with reception -- I saw only his back, and he didn't turn around before heading inside. awkward for him. Again, hard to blame the Club for this one, it's either come upstairs, or I wait down in the lobby at the elevator -- neither is a great choice.
3. Another day, I came upstairs, and someone was sitting in the lounge, and the curtain wasn't closed, so I made direct eye contact with him. didn't recognize him (phew) but he was smiling, so looked like he was having fun. lol. Can blame the Club a bit on this one -- it would be nice that they make sure the curtain was closed before people come out of the elevator. Again though, there are many moving parts, and it may have been bad timing.
4. Coming out of a room post-session, I ran into another guy coming in to a different room. Awkward. This one 100% could have been avoided but the MA was careless for sure and didn't check on our way out.
All this to say, I'm probably more on the cautious and discreet end of the spectrum, but I'm old school and remember the days when MPs were very hush hush, secret, under the radar. I think many of the new MPAs (as well as new clients) these days see this as more of a "club" vibe, where you don't have to hide. Drinks, food, chatting in the lounge, people walking around, etc. I'm just not used to it, nor am I comfortable with it. I think if you're cautious, and discreet, just let them know. I think you can avoid a lot of run-ins, but you're never going to be 100% in the clear. Just know that whoever you run in to is there for the same reason you are ;). and you have a little secret that you can share :)
Life is about taking risks, and I can 100% say the benefit/payoff to trying out Club Alpha is way bigger than the risk lol. In many many visits, I have yet to be disappointed! It is clean, classy, professional, and lots of fun. Final note - as I said at the beginning, I haven't been since the pandemic, so things may have changed -- I'll have to go and check it out again and see.
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Aug 19, 2017
Ottawa, On
My situation (no SO, no job sensitivity concerns) colours my comments but I think it’s important to remember, that while encountering another client may be awkward- they are in the exact same boat as you! You share an eternal secret bond! So I don’t think it’s too much to worry about. The reward of a session there is definitely worth any of these ‘risks’!
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New member
Apr 16, 2022
Thank you to everyone who provided info.. I absolutely needed this thread. Question .. how does a newb get to know where to go and the code for the elevator if he hasn't been there?
I plan on visiting a few times while in town for a week..


May 11, 2009
Thank you to everyone who provided info.. I absolutely needed this thread. Question .. how does a newb get to know where to go and the code for the elevator if he hasn't been there?
I plan on visiting a few times while in town for a week..
Call the club, they will give you the address, and once there they have an intercom that you call up on and they 'buzz' you into the elevator.


May 11, 2009
I would assume, though I have never seen it happen, that when you sign up if you look under 19 they are going to do a one time ID check just to keep legal, but they aren't photocopying your license or anything like that.
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New member
Sep 11, 2022
Hey James .... I've been to the club a few times and have cobbled together some thoughts. Every visit's different, but if you do some research and be somewhat prepared & flexible you'll do fine.

The procedures are laid out on the Club's website, so do an internet search for that. You will need to fill out some paperwork and pay a $5 lifetime membership fee. There are sections on the website devoted to answering questions about payments, procedures, etc, so have a look at that for further information

The Club twitter account is very informative regarding schedules, pop-ins, updates, and bulletins from individual MAs. Lots of lovely photos of gorgeous women!

You may choose to do a walk-in procedure where you can fill out the paperwork, then be taken to one of the rooms and meet the available MAs one at a time for a meet-and-greet then choose who you would like to see in session.

In my case I was very nervous about the whole procedure and spa scene. It took three visits before I actually sessioned. Picked up the membership forms on the first visit, then returned them with the $5 on the second visit. Was overwhelmed with the feminine aura at the club. Beautiful lingerie-clad women everywhere .... wow.

Paying the $5 and filling out the paperwork gave me access to the booking system. I perused the MA profiles, started following the club twitter account and the MAs twitter accounts, and made a booking with sweet Annie. A bonnie wee lass.

On my first session visit I was fortunate to have Club President and CEO Jessica walk me to one of the rooms, review the paperwork and procedures, and provide a calm, gentle, and professional tone. I had a great session and wrote it up.

The Alpha staff is used to handling inquires from newbs. They are gracious about receiving prospective clients and walking them through the initial steps. Place yourself in their capable hands and you'll be fine. You may be nervous on the first few visits, but after a while you'll be able to surf through the club website and booking system, follow the twitter, make bookings, etc.

There is an ATM on site, but it's best to bring cash. Bring enough for the session, for gratuities if appropriate, and for drinks. Hit the ATM for top-ups if you need to, but it's best you be your own ATM. Rugged individualism.

To enter the club you dial in the access code on the wall to the right of the elevator. Read the instructions and eventually you'll get it right. The reception staff is very busy, as they are also bartending, answering calls, tweets, texts, emails, walking clients to rooms, etc. but they will answer the bell and tell you to come up. Ride the elevator up to the penthouse. Then the door will open. Showtime. Reception is straight ahead and the ladies will greet you and receive you kindly. They will close the curtain to the bar area so your privacy will be respected.

You'll be asked if you want to go into the bar area and relax a bit, or go straight to a room for your session. They will offer you bottled water. The receptionist will walk you down the hallway to a room, you may see some lovely MAs on the way ... and you will be placed in a room. Have a seat on the couch, sip your water, listen to the music, and wait for the soft knock on the door.

Your lovely hostess will join you, have a brief chat to break the ice, then they'll start the water in the shower. The showers are ultra-deluxe with a lot of dials and jets but the MAs are trained to get things running. There is lotion in the showers so you can clean up. Lather your privates parts and butt. Scrub and rinse thoroughly. Use the attachment if you can figure that out. Be respectful towards your MA. No grabbing or touching without permission. Be nice. They will be nice in return

After the shower it's towel time. Dry off and head over to the bed for a nice massage. Enjoy your time with your MA. Follow their instructions. Be gentle. Don't be pushy, argumentative, or grabby. Respect her boundaries. If she says no it's no. Keep an eye on the clock so you don't run overtime.

At the end of the session there's another shower. Then get dressed, pay the MA the full fee, tipping as appropriate, then out into the hallway. You can dip down the back stairs for discretion, or out into the main lobby for an elevator ride down, or hang out in the lounge for a drink and some socialization with other MAs and maybe some male clients.

There are variations on every visit, there are weather and human element considerations to everything, but stay calm, go with the flow, and you should have great sessions. If there are any issues the reception ladies have seen it all and can make adjustments. Club Pres and CEO Jessica is easy to deal with. She's a problem-solver. But don't complain about every little effing detail. It's an Alpha club, not a Beta club.

The club contact information is on the website. Get in touch with the lovely ladies at the club to set things up. Hope this helps.
Incredibly well laid out and informative reply on the whole experience. Much appreciated 🙏🏼


New member
Dec 5, 2021
How much cash should I bring with me. From what I understand services and payment are discussed with the provider but how do I know what a good amount to bring is before getting there and discussing that with them?
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New member
Sep 6, 2021
I am really new to this, so lets say in Alpha. What would be considered a respectable tip?
Thanks folks


New member
Sep 11, 2022
Tipping is a real personal thing but I think a minimum of $20 is expected and then if you enjoyed it go up from there. The more comfortable a girl is and knows you will look after her will probably create better adventures for you in future get togethers.



Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
Be sure you are clear with your chosen lady of what is included in the rate. While it used to be quite fixed (one price; fixed service), it's become more fluid recently.
otherwise you may end up at the atm
Unless one is a famous high-profile person (I am not!) I could care less who else sees me. In fact, I would probably greet other guys if ran into them with a smile and hi. I am not ashamed of my interests.

I also get confused about the tipping part. I am used to set fees in Toronto et, often split as a room fee and gal fee for listed services (nude/reverse, body slide etc.). I am not interested in extras" beyond the usual at MP. I have never tipped an escort or massage gal in my many decades. Tipping is for minimum wage workers. In much of Asia it is considered an insult, while in Germany just tipped to the highest Euro. I do 20% where expected, like Uber, restaurants, but that is to offset their low wages/profits and is custom. I have never heard it is a custom to tip a high-paid companion, or massage person. It just makes no sense to me.


An obsessive, impassioned sex addict
Dec 27, 2022
near the Caribbean Sea
This week, I won't have time to visit Club Alpha, but it is in my projects, I find the ladies on the web site very interesting. The massage scene in Ottawa is very intriguing.


Active member
Oct 2, 2014
Great thread. If anyone is comfortable with providing more details I would be very greatful for a pm. Other than a bad experience at Paradise years ago I have never used a club or parlour and would love a suggestion on who to see and what sort of services and donation to expect. My past regular girls have all retired and finding the search annoying, would love to settle on a regular pattern again.
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