Mr. Trudeau Going Full Adolph


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017

They're getting good with lobotomies these days eh? Look how small that scar is on his forehead.
Wow…if it was a conservative supporter give Justin a scar in the forehead.It would be all over the mainstream media and he will milk it for all the political mileage and then blame on the white conservatives and then have him or her charged.

Mostly likely maybe the someone in the personal family members founds out something and then took out the anger on physical alterations like a flying pots aim at Justin Trudeau head and he forgot to duck fast enough! Hmm seems highly suspected timing of the wife at the same time seeking separation and maybe divorce ???

Possible Scenario #1 : Maybe the long time NDA agreement( paid in millions ) in Vancouver when he was a teacher sign with a former student ( female minor ) finallly revealed??

Possible Scenario #2: Maybe love affair with a member of caucus or coworkers??

Possible Scenario #3 : Maybe he not straight and confused to his wife Sophia he into other form of sexual deviance and he like to visit Terb??

Possible Scenario #4: He beginining to admire Commmunist and facism and love Chairmen Xi or he admire Hitler?

Possible Scenario #5 : He slipped on a bannna peel?

Possible Scenario#6 :The door accident open hits forehead? Forgot to look where he going while he admiring his colour sock getting ready to go to India G10 summiit early this week. Too self conceited about his colour sock. Realize he surround by other leader who just look down on Trudeau because Trudeau is intellectually underweight!

PS. Take your pick!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Keean Bexte, huh?

The least respected journo in Canada.
Regardless are you blind as a bat??? You can clearly see the recently scar in the forehead. oh well as long it is your blue team , facts don’t matter!! I guess Your lying eyes can let you see what you want to see!

You enjoying living in the clown world??? Ever heard of the communist term “ useful idiot” ? You known what happens to the communist “useful idiot” they get jail and reeducate or kill later when their usefulness is over.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Regardless are you blind as a bat??? You can clearly see the recently scar in the forehead. oh well as long it is your blue team , facts don’t matter!! I guess Your lying eyes can let you see what you want to see!
Addy, that looks like a zit.
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Addy, that looks like a zit.
Look at the your clear fully the whole forehead ( far left & far right) not the Center of the zits forehead . You can see some makeup clearer hiding the scar. Can see something hiding it seems like some sort of fading scar on both side probably got wack twice by a flyin pan and a dish!
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I don't believe anyone took a baseball bat to Adolf Hitler's forehead, maybe Adolph Menjou?

Addict's hemorrhoids must really be inflamed.
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
9 billion for Ukraine, but Canadian forces have been under funded for his entire tenure.
Don’t forget… maybe slightly more then 5% off the top taxed to private Zenlensky villa courtnesy of Canadian Taxpayer.

Zelensky’s $5 Million Villa in Egypt

By Deborah L. Armstrong
Caution: My articles cause cognitive dissonance.

Luxury villa is located next door to estate owned by Angelina Jolie

The luxury villa features a swimming pool, panoramic views of the Red Sea, and is located next door to an estate belonging to Angelina Jolie. Photo:
AnEgyptian investigative journalist has discovered a document showing that the family of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky purchased a luxurious villa in El Gouna, which is known locally as “the city of millionaires.” The document reveals that the VIP estate, worth $5 million, is owned by Olga Kiyashko, whose name matches that of Zelensky’s mother-in-law.

El Gouna, which is thought of as the Venice of Egypt, is located on the coast of the Red Sea. The luxury villa sports lavish interior decorations and a swimming pool, panoramic views of the sea, and beach access. Next door to the villa is the estate of Angelina Jolie, the world-famous Hollywood actress.

The journalist who found the documents, Mohammad Al-Alawi, an Egyptian blogger, recorded a video near the villa stating that news of the villa’s purchase came from reliable sources. The video is in Arabic with English subtitles, and you can watch it on Al-Alawi’s YouTube channel. It includes more views of the luxury estate.

The document, first published yesterday, shows that Kiyashko purchased the villa in May, 2023, for 150,000,000 Egyptian pounds, which is about $4,850,000.

Sale contract dated May 16th includes the value of the villa in Egyptian pounds and is signed by a woman whose name matches that of Zelensky’s mother-in-law. Photos:
An Egyptian political scientist, Abdulrahman Al-Abbassy, suspects that the real estate in El Gouna, was acquired with dirty money. Though Ukrainian elite have purchased real estate in Egypt previously, Al-Abbassy saw nothing like this before 2022.
“I am surprised that relatives of top Ukrainian officials began to buy luxury real estate after the start of [the] Ukraine war,” Al-Abbassy is quoted as saying. “It is surprising that Ukraine is waging a bloody war with Russia, and relatives of Ukrainian officials are buying up real estate in Egypt instead of donating their riches to the needs of the country. A suspicion is creeping in that Ukrainian bureaucrats, with the help of their relatives, are stealing financial aid to Ukraine from the West. I am quite certain that Zelensky’s mother-in-law’s purchase of a villa in El Gouna is the result of corruption and the theft of humanitarian aid to Ukraine. I sincerely sympathize with the Ukrainian people.”
At present, the villa appears empty, and it is unknown whether Zelensky or members of his family will enjoy their weekends there any time soon.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
9 billion for Ukraine, but Canadian forces have been under funded for his entire tenure.
CAF haven't been fighting a shooting war since Ghan. The Ukrainians need the $$$ more.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Look at the your clear fully the whole forehead ( far left & far right) not the Center of the zits forehead . You can see some makeup clearer hiding the scar. Can see something hiding it seems like some sort of fading scar on both side probably got wack twice by a flyin pan and a dish!
Addy, if that was a scar, it would show up in every photo or video he's taken. It looks like a smudge of some sort.

Even if it was a bruise, it could have happened anyhow.

Even if he was in a scuffle with a family member or acquaintance, why would it be any of your business?

If he was struck that hard with a large object like a frying pan, he would have been seriously injured with a concussion and hospitalization. People get hit with frying pans and bounce right back up in Roadrunner cartoons, not in real life.
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