Projection is a hell of a drug, ain't it. I have no need to control anything.
i do not believe you
Love your car, sell it, I really don't give a fuck. I'm not telling you to do anything,
multiple posts detailing your opinion why others do not need a vehicle says otherwise
But your inability understand simple things is becoming tiresome and in many ways shocking.
you get pissy when you are told to mind your own business & stop trying to control others
I hope she's alright. And in occasions like this, having a car would be helpful.
actually having a car was necessary
car ownership is not a spur of the moment decision
But lets face a fact here: you're dragging this into the weeds with anecdotal evidence. Is this your proof that a car is a necessity?
But lets face a fact, you desperately want to impose your personal decision onto others
there is a world of difference between
stating you have determined you do not need a vehicle
stating, other people do not need a vehicle because you do not need a vehicle
you are a climate alarmist from word go , so please do not pretend that you do not have an agenda here
Because there are hundred of thousands, if not millions, of Canadians who don't have one. They could call a cab or an Uber is that situation. And the average response time in Toronto is about 8 minutes. Now.....was your friend's mom in Toronto? Because the point I was making was that living in a big city (or at least certain neighbourhoods) do not require a car. .
how many cars in canada 2023 - Google Search
The total number of road motor vehicles registered in Canada increased to 26.2 million in 2021, up 1.9% over 2020. At 24.1 million, light-duty vehicles accounted for 9 out of every 10 motor vehicles registered in 2021, with passenger cars remaining the most common type
how many people in canada 2021 - Google Search
38.25 million (2021)
so roughly 1.4 Canadians for every vehicle
but you know better ??
i do not think so
But if she lived in a rural area....your argument makes even less sense..
if she lived in a rural area why would car ownership makes less sense?????
a vehicle is an absolute necessity in a rural area
you should not be telling others what is necessary for them
And because reading comprehension seems like a foreign concept to you...I never said it was. I never said you can't have a car. I never said anything like that in the first place. But, please, keep projecting or believing alternate facts....
you are a climate alarmist from word go , so please do not pretend that you do not have an agenda here
I have no agenda. I am realistic about things.
if you had a hint of realism you would know your experience is not applicable to others
if you were realistic about things, you would know you can not control other people
if you were realistic about things, you would be questioning the climate alarmism
I've had commutes that lasted over an hour. It sucked massively. I've also lived where my work was either a really short subway ride or walk. It was much better. That's the point. No agenda. But I can't help you with your paranoid delusions....
you are a climate alarmist from word go , so please do not pretend that you do not have an agenda here
I seem to recall the right placing controls on others behaviour, which you may have cheered for...Things like stripping away a woman's right in the US to have an abortion.
oh, so it really is about control then
and now you think you can justify your control via the exceptionally divisive abortion issue
there are two sides to the abortion issue & both can make sound logical rational arguments in defence of their respective positions
my view is it is an unresolvable quagmire and exceptionally divisive
so it is pointless to argue one way or the other & thus i respect each individuals position
you on the other hand will spend the rest of your days pushing your uncompromising view onto others
it is what you do
And yes, society does decide what is right for others.
you do not speak for society
see above, there is a registered vehicle for every 1,4 Canadians, so society does not agree wit you
Ever hear of the social contract? In ancient Greece they did pederasty.It was considered normal and celebrated
oh boy
your equating car ownership to pedophilia ?
. That was once considered "right." But we evolve.
you are not the all knowing voice of evolution
And things change. It used to be executable to discriminate against people because of race or religion. And there were a lot of people who were against that. But society changes, and we adopted new ways of acting that were considered "right." You may be railing against progress, like your many conservative brethren, but eventually we move forward.
odd how you previously tried to justify your car killing crusade by claiming our ancestors did not need a car
now you want claim we need to evolve past the car
Again you would not last 6 months without fossil fuels
Dude....So you think a business can stiff workers? That is pure conservative theory right there...In many ways you are just crazy and make no sense.
demanding a business pay a specific wage without any consideration for the economic value of the work or the profitability of the business make no sense
the business will have to
- pass costs on - producing the evil inflation
- automate to reduce head count
- relocate
- go out of business
if employees want more $ earn it via merit . upgrade your skills so you can demand more $ in the market place
Of course the government regulates things because the concept that the free market will choose the "right" course of action has been proven time and time again to be bullshit.
actually the free market has proven time and time again it makes the right choices
excessive government intervention (central planning / socialism / communism) have proven time & time again to be a disaster for humanity producing corruption, , famine, death and retarding innovation / progress
Companies treat employees, the environment and customers horribly
well you had better get right on that & get companies banned
you should start by boycotting the products / services of the internet, grocery stores , the heat, hydro, water utilities and of course anything made from or shipped to you via... oil/ gas
. And conservative governments have imposed their fair share of regulations on things, so cry me fucking river...
the next conservative government will likely take four years to undo the the regulations of the Trudeau govt, so not to worry about them imposing regulations on you, they will too busy fixing the mess
of course the financial mess of he Trudeau govt will adversely impact multiple generations of Canadians and it will be adverse
Projecting....ya hate to see it, yet you show it soooo often. Adults realize that we don't always get to make choices. Like how people want to be addressed. But since you continue to make childish arguments, I can see why this might be lost on you...
that is completely non-responsive and a complete deflection from the issue
you have spent multiple posts trying to justify your attempts to control others behavior's and now you want to pretend that is not what you are doing
it is other peoples choice
your need to control other behavior's is not necessary
you should give it up
you are a climate alarmist from word go , so please do not pretend that you do not have an agenda here