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Its offical : Transphobia is here to stay!

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Addy, are you a Qanon member and supporter?
Nope! Are you a commie or a marxist? I am truth seeker! Are you trying to deflect? .. A common famous blue tactics!

Anyway.. by the way my real every changing political opinion on the next POTUS 2024.
PS. I think My first choice Tucker Carlson should run for President for 2024 and VP should be Tulsi Gabbard . ( That will be unbeatenable combination that destroys democratic party … and if it run as a third party then both party will get destroyed!
PPS. My second choice) Or Tucker Carlson run for President and VP should be Ivanka Trump!
Noted Donald Trump is too rough and lough mouth shouldn’t run for Potus anymore. Thirdchoice Tucker President and Donald Trump for VP.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Tell me where's the "conflicting science" in this list of medical organizations, Dirty??
Lots of science posted in this thread demonstrating that the science is FAR from settled and in fact shows there are serious problems with current "care" models.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Lots of science posted in this thread demonstrating that the science is FAR from settled and in fact shows there are serious problems with current "care" models.
Bingo! You hit the nail on the spot! And your arrow found the bull eye targets! If think about in a criminal justice system or a democratic system. There is one golden rule.
“ You must prove guilt beyond reasonable doubts! Otherwise you cannot convicts! All jury must 100% agreed! Otherwise the plaintiff walk free!

I strongly feel this is the standard must be use on a child until they become 18 year old on decision on gender transition. One you snipe it off there no going back! Member of blue tribe will never agreed to it! They don’t really care about the child because as long as it not their own child they don’t have to suffer the error of their actions if it go wrong. Waiting until 18 year before any medical treatment is the correct thing to do!
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Bingo! You hit the nail on the spot! And your arrow found the bull eye targets! If think about in a criminal justice system or a democratic system. There is one golden rule.
“ You must prove guilt beyond reasonable doubts! Otherwise you cannot convicts! All jury must 100% agreed! Otherwise the plaintiff walk free!

I strongly feel this is the standard must be use on a child until they become 18 year old on decision on gender transition. One you snipe it off there no going back! Member of blue tribe will never agreed to it! They don’t really care about the child because as long as it not their own child they don’t have to suffer the error of their actions if it go wrong. Waiting until 18 year before any medical treatment is the correct thing to do!
Surgical treatment has <1% of patients experiencing regret and also results in lower rates of psychological distress.
How long you want to delay such successful treatment is a legit discussion but not a reason to demonize all LGBTQ.
Nor is it a reason to do anything but support trans surgery, its incredibly successful.

A total of 27 studies, pooling 7928 transgender patients who underwent any type of GAS, were included. The pooled prevalence of regret after GAS was 1% (95% CI <1%–2%). Overall, 33% underwent transmasculine procedures and 67% transfemenine procedures. The prevalence of regret among patients undergoing transmasculine and transfemenine surgeries was <1% (IC <1%–<1%) and 1% (CI <1%–2%), respectively. A total of 77 patients regretted having had GAS. Twenty-eight had minor and 34 had major regret based on Pfäfflin’s regret classification. The majority had clear regret based on Kuiper and Cohen-Kettenis classification.

Gender-affirming surgeries were associated with a 42% reduction in psychological distress and a 44% reduction in suicidal ideation when compared with transgender and gender-diverse people who had not had gender-affirming surgery but wanted it, according to the findings. The study also found a 35% reduction in tobacco smoking among people who had gender-affirming surgeries.

Your own hatred is working to deny people treatment that allows them to live happier lives.
Why don't you want them to be happier?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Like usual science is evolving and more peer review studies proof you are wrong !

'Gender-Affirming' Surgery Leaves People Lonelier and Depressed: Study

TUESDAY, JUN 06, 2023 - 04:15 AM
Op-ed authored by Ben Johnson via The Epoch Times
The head of a facility that carries out so-called “gender-affirming care” has published a study confirming that transgender surgeries do not improve mental health and make people feel lonelier than those who avoided surgical intervention altogether.

“In our study, the level of life satisfaction in transgender people was not increased in transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery as compared to those who were unoperated,” says a study published Tuesday in BMC Public Health, a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
“[O]ur data indicate that transgender and gender-diverse people, who have undergone gender reassignment surgery feel lonelier” than transgender-identified people who have not elected to have surgery, finds a separate study by the same four researchers, originally published online May 11 in the journal Healthcare (Basel).

The researchers also reveal that people who identify as members of the opposite sex experienced greater isolation if they played sports. “[H]igher loneliness levels were significantly associated with … already having a gender-reassignment surgery [and] more than 4 [hours] a week of sports activities,” as “compared to no sports activity.”
The German experts collected the data informing both studies from those seeking transgender surgery at a Hamburg surgical center. The respondents were “104 transgender people who had joined self-help groups to get and share information about the gender-affirming surgeries performed at the Division [Department] of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.” The facility carries out such common transgender procedures as “labiaplasty” and “breast augmentation,” as well as “other surgical services.”
One of the authors of both studies, Dr. Marco Blessmann, has chaired that university’s plastic surgery department since its creation in 2014.
Both studies also list co-author Katharina Grupp’s affiliation as a member of Blessmann’s plastic surgery department. (The university website
refers to her as a member of another surgical department. Blessman’s department states that it collaborates with other departments.)
The most recent study finds that people who identify as transgender have lower overall life satisfaction than the general population—and young people suffering from gender dysphoria have worse mental health than older people. Blessmann, et al., found 31 percent of transgender-identifying people felt “dissatisfied” or “extremely dissatisfied” with life, while 17 percent said they were “satisfied” and just 1 percent felt “extremely satisfied.” People who identify as transgender were 1,290 percent more likely to describe themselves as “extremely dissatisfied” than “extremely satisfied” with their lives.
Additionally, “higher levels of life satisfaction were associated with higher age. Previously, authors described that transgender youth was associated with disproportionally high rates of depression, anxiety, suicidality, and non-suicidal self-injury.”
“Such factors are known to be associated with lower life satisfaction,” the authors write.
The latest study, released two days before the beginning of LGBTQ “Pride Month,” is sure to provoke conversation as states debate SAFE Acts to protect minors from the transgender industry and as internet searches for such terms as “am I gay” and “am I trans” have increased 1,300 percent in 19 years, even in the most conservative states.
The latest conclusions come as no surprise to experts. “This finding is sadly consistent with other studies,” Mary Beth Waddell, director of federal affairs for family and religious liberty at the Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand. “One study showed that the suicide completion rate for those that had undergone surgery was 19 times higher than the general population.”
A study taken in transgender-friendly Sweden concluded, “Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.
Despite those studies, members of the transgender surgery industry often insist children will commit suicide unless parents agree to submit their children to life-altering surgeries. “A common tactic was for doctors to tell the parent of a [girl], ‘You can either have a living son or a dead daughter,’” explained Jamie Reed, a far-left LGBT activist and whistleblower who worked for four years at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
Scientists have long known mental illness and gender dysphoria are correlated. “Clinical evidence suggests that schizophrenia occurs in patients with GID [gender identity disorder] at rates higher than in the general population and that patients with GID may have schizophrenia-like personality traits,” said a 2014 study. “Toxoplasma infection, reduced levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), early childhood adversity, and links with autism spectrum disorders, may account for some of this overlap.” A 2020 study found people who suffer from gender dysphoria are up to 636 percent more likely to have autism, as well.
The only way individuals dealing with gender dysphoria will come to live happy, healthy, and authentic lives is by addressing the source of their dysphoria and pursuing healing,” Waddell told the Washington Stand. “Many of the individuals who identify as transgender do so because of trauma, abuse, adverse childhood experiences (which may or may not be traumatic), and other such reasons. Until these root issues are properly dealt with, these individuals will not be completely satisfied.”
Transgender-identified adolescents were more than twice as likely as to report childhood sexual abuse, 161 percent more likely to endure physical abuse, and 184 percent more likely to experience psychological abuse than their peers, according to researchers from the University of Pittsburgh. “Transgender adolescents (TGAs) exhibit disproportionate levels of mental health problems compared with cisgender adolescents (CGAs),” reported their 2021 study, published in the journal Pediatrics. “[R]esearchers should examine how more frequent experiences of abuse during childhood could contribute to disproportionate mental health problems observed within this population.”
The evidence shows the best thing parents can do for children questioning their biological identity is to prevent them from having permanently disfiguring surgeries or potentially sterilizing hormone injections. “Even the American Psychiatric Association, which supports gender identity ideology, acknowledges that a high percentage of children will desist from feelings of dysphoria if allowed to go through puberty naturally. This is why we need to pass legislation like the Protecting Children from Experimentation Act of 2023 and the End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act of 2023,” Waddell said.
“Allowing children to go through the natural transitions of youth without interference allows them to come into their own and make wiser decisions about their future.”
Addy, I don't care.

If the AMA writes next month that they were 100% wrong about backing trans positive medical care, I'll shrug and say "Okay, the docs changed their minds. They're the ones who know. I'm fine with whatever."

You and Curry and Dirty and Orry are the dudes who are obessing about this issue. The rest of us don't care. We're just watching you righties parade around hating. I think you guys hating makes an ugly and repulsive spectacle. But I'm going to go along with conventional medical opinion - just like I would about cancer, heart attacks, brain tumours, bipolar disorders, boob implants and the literally THOUSANDS of other things that doctors know more about that me.

I don't think that medical opinion is going to change radically btw. Trans affirmative care is clearly beneficial to folks with gender dysphoria. But it will continue to be discussed and fine-tuned by the people who are qualified to take part in that discussion.

You know who those people are, Addy?..... They're doctors and medical ethics profs. That's who are qualified to take part in that discussion and those are the people who have opinions that I can respect.

So you and Dirty and Curry and Orry can parade around for the rest of this thread being angry and trying to poke your noses into the lives of people who have nothing to do with you and I will watch and make comments about how dumb it all is and how you're all hate-driven.

Now I am going to try and help you. Say after me: "I am just a schmo on the internet who knows nothing about trans issues except what I read on Twitter right wing hate-pages and I should keep my nose out of other people's lives".

And then say: "I am not a doctor and I have no qualifications to discuss medical issues. Therefore, my comments about these issues are pointless and meaningless."

That'll help you, right?.... And then you can return to posting bullshit about Putin and other stuff.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Addy, I don't care.

If the AMA writes next month that they were 100% wrong about backing trans positive medical care, I'll shrug and say "Okay, the docs changed their minds. They're the ones who know. I'm fine with whatever."

You and Curry and Dirty and Orry are the dudes who are obessing about this issue. The rest of us don't care. We're just watching you righties parade around hating. I think you guys hating makes an ugly and repulsive spectacle. But I'm going to go along with conventional medical opinion - just like I would about cancer, heart attacks, brain tumours, bipolar disorders, boob implants and the literally THOUSANDS of other things that doctors know more about that me.

I don't think that medical opinion is going to change radically btw. Trans affirmative care is clearly beneficial to folks with gender dysphoria. But it will continue to be discussed and fine-tuned by the people who are qualified to take part in that discussion.

You know who those people are, Addy?..... They're doctors and medical ethics profs. That's who are qualified to take part in that discussion and those are the people who have opinions that I can respect.

So you and Dirty and Curry and Orry can parade around for the rest of this thread being angry and trying to poke your noses into the lives of people who have nothing to do with you and I will watch and make comments about how dumb it all is and how you're all hate-driven.

Now I am going to try and help you. Say after me: "I am just a schmo on the internet who knows nothing about trans issues except what I read on Twitter right wing hate-pages and I should keep my nose out of other people's lives".

And then say: "I am not a doctor and I have no qualifications to discuss medical issues. Therefore, my comments about these issues are pointless and meaningless."

That'll help you, right?.... And then you can return to posting bullshit about Putin and other stuff.
This AMA Trans Doctor, gets schooled, by an experienced Psychiatrist, in congressional hearings!!



I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
Norway’s guidance on paediatric gender treatment is unsafe, says review

“At the time, it was important to offer services to
people with gender incongruity and dysphoria, and
to state that they had a right to healthcare services,”
said Moen. “But it’s our job to assess it from a medical
point of view and patient safety, and the guidelines
are insufficient in this regard.
We’ve seen a marked increase in referrals to
specialised healthcare services in Norway for
teenagers, as seen in many other western countries,
and nobody knows the reason. The stability of the
gender dysphoria of these teenagers is not known,
and the evidence of long term effects of gender
affirming treatments for this young population is
” said Moen. “It’s not just a question of
rights, it’s a question of the requirements for our
health system to ensure the best and safest treatment
possible for everybody.”


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
One Year Since Finland Broke with WPATH "Standards of Care"
Finland prioritizes psychotherapy over hormones, and rejects surgeries for gender-dysphoric minors

The guidelines reference a recent Finnish study, which noted that adolescents who were high functioning before cross-sex hormones continued to do well after, but those who had "psychiatric treatment needs or problems in school, peer relationships and managing everyday matters outside of home continued to have problems." The study concluded that "medical gender reassignment is not enough to improve functioning and relieve psychiatric comorbidities."

The guidelines also mentioned that a key study on puberty blockers, which utilized a comparison group of waitlisted adolescents, failed to show a statistically significant difference between the treated and waitlisted groups at the study end-period at 18 months. Although in the abstract of that study, the authors chose to highlight the small improvements in the puberty-blocked group at 12 months, the actual study conclusion – which remains behind a paywall and hidden to most readers – showed that by 18 months, no significant differences could be found.

The Finnish Health Authority states that the guidelines will not be further revised until research is able to: explain the recent sharp rise in adolescents presenting with gender dysphoria; determine whether transgender identities in this population are stable or will evolve; assess whether gender-affirming treatments are able to improve health outcomes of those who present with co-occurring mental health problems, including improvements in depression and suicide; and quantify the rate of regret.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Norway’s guidance on paediatric gender treatment is unsafe, says review
The European medical establishment is doing this the right way- exercising caution and acknowledging the unknowns. So far. At the very least they have recognized that rushing into an irreversible surgical "solution " on minors with mental issues is no a decision to be made lightly and especially it shouldn't be politicized.


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
England’s health service says it won’t give puberty blockers to children at gender clinics
LONDON (AP) — The publicly funded health service in England has decided it will not routinely offer puberty-blocking drugs to children at gender identity clinics, saying more evidence is needed about the potential benefits and harms.

The National Health Service said Friday that “outside of a research setting, puberty-suppressing hormones should not be routinely commissioned for children and adolescents.”


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
The European medical establishment is doing this the right way- exercising caution and acknowledging the unknowns. So far. At the very least they have recognized that rushing into an irreversible surgical "solution " on minors with mental issues is no a decision to be made lightly and especially it shouldn't be politicized.
The European model is based on decades of research and observation.

The American "Do you want fries with that?" model is based on guidelines released in 2018 that resulted from political pressure from activist, donors and lobbyists.

You want to know why European countries are pulling back now? Because they adopt American standards from WPATH, but have the integrity to say it's based on BS.
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