In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2013
This is about you arguing that the native Palestinian population has no rights and that only the Jewish people have rights there.

I come from a Muslim country. I was anti semitic for so long. I swear to you i hated Israel and Jews so much. It wasnt until i actually sat down and researched and read about the ACTUAL HISTORY.

Out of 14 million Israelis..2 million Arabs This is apartheid? 10 arab members. 1 hijabi lady in their parliament. This is apartheid???.

Im not being racist..well its my own people so i cant. But Muslims are sooo dumb. 43% illiteracy rate. 1.97 billion Muslims and 14 millions Israelis. Look at the progress Israel had made! Multiple Nobel Laureates. A very stable democracy. A beautiful place (one day I will go).

Muslim countries are mostly all failures. Even successful ones like UAE and Qatar treat other muslims from other countries as actual slaves. How many Muslims and south asians died build World cup stadiums??? Taliban attacked a school in pakistan killing 140 CHILDREN!!!! WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR OUTCRY ABOUT THIS SHIT.

Israel treat Muslims and Arbs better than Muslims and Arabs lol. Israel should have a country. Israel should have all the land from gaza to west bank and sinai in south and Golan in north. Those arabs and Muslims who choose peace can live there..those who dont can fuck off to Jordan and Iraq or Syria or many options...

They did all this WHILE getting into armed conflicts with countries 5 times their size. Outnumbered and outgunned in EVERY possible way.

I am being serious..Israelis dont complain enough. To have a country of their own..against ALL ODDs. They have arabs there..but of course they will protect their borders as much as possible.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I work quite often with natives, so yes, I know their position....
I'm sure you keep telling them their position the way you keep telling Palestinians what they need to do.

Biggest difference is there are Palestinian governments and mainstream factions currently trying to eliminate the Jewish presence. Except for some very, very fringe movements, there is no First Nations leadership vowing to eliminate the non-indigenous presence from the Americas. If the Wendat or Cree ever started shooting at random cars, planting bombs on buses, or shooting random rockets towards cities, then they too would deserve criticism instead of excuses.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And back to the "Hamas doesn't use terrorism any more" excuse. By any more do you mean the past day? Week? Month?
Hamas member shooting at random cars - Dec 21, 2022

Lebanon trying to prevent Hamas attacks from there. - Jan 7 2023

But maybe Hamas hasn't committed any terrorism in the past couple hours o_O

You really are full of shit.
Your first link says the Lion's Den is claiming responsibility, not Hamas.
Your second link uses the word 'terrorist' the same way you do, as the 'n' word.

Try again, and try to be accurate if you can't be honest.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, it is anti-semitic to target Canadian Jews because you have an unhealth obsession with Israel.

Love your defence that it's anti-semitic to call out anti-semitism.
It was a group of left wing Jews who first showed me what was going on over there, basketcase.
You speak for Canadian Jews even less than you speak for Palestinians.

The Israeli occupation of Palestine is illegal.
How can it be racist to call for the end of a war crime?
Why do you keep claiming that all Jews support the occupation and apartheid?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

I come from a Muslim country. I was anti semitic for so long. I swear to you i hated Israel and Jews so much. It wasnt until i actually sat down and researched and read about the ACTUAL HISTORY.

Out of 14 million Israelis..2 million Arabs This is apartheid? 10 arab members. 1 hijabi lady in their parliament. This is apartheid???.

Im not being racist..well its my own people so i cant. But Muslims are sooo dumb. 43% illiteracy rate. 1.97 billion Muslims and 14 millions Israelis. Look at the progress Israel had made! Multiple Nobel Laureates. A very stable democracy. A beautiful place (one day I will go).

Muslim countries are mostly all failures. Even successful ones like UAE and Qatar treat other muslims from other countries as actual slaves. How many Muslims and south asians died build World cup stadiums??? Taliban attacked a school in pakistan killing 140 CHILDREN!!!! WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR OUTCRY ABOUT THIS SHIT.

Israel treat Muslims and Arbs better than Muslims and Arabs lol. Israel should have a country. Israel should have all the land from gaza to west bank and sinai in south and Golan in north. Those arabs and Muslims who choose peace can live there..those who dont can fuck off to Jordan and Iraq or Syria or many options...

They did all this WHILE getting into armed conflicts with countries 5 times their size. Outnumbered and outgunned in EVERY possible way.

I am being serious..Israelis dont complain enough. To have a country of their own..against ALL ODDs. They have arabs there..but of course they will protect their borders as much as possible.
Cool story.

The history is that Palestine was a plural society until the zionist movement decided to claim the entire country, a goal they still seem to be working towards today. The Brits foolishly decided they should hand over way too much to the zionist movement, the zionist movement decided they should take it all and so it still goes today.

You can argue the details, discuss the failures by both sides but really, its still ongoing.
Now its a global BLM/PLM movement.



Well-known member
Oct 13, 2013
They have the West bank and had MANY chances to form governments. What theu formed were hateful vile terrorist organizations who said..deayh to Israel.

How the fuck can you made peace with anyone calling for the death of your entire group.

Why cant Jordan or Lebanon give them Land. Werent these countries part of the Ottoman empire where they lived.

Why dont you address how poorly Muslims treat each other. Keep in mind. I am from a Muslim country. I am educated thought.
I know the only thing stable in the Middle East is Israel. There are 10 different types of Arabs and Muslims in the Knesset. How many.

Thrle truth you dont like is...even other Arabs think Palestinians are cockroaches. You cant circle that square and you wont accept that Israel exists. Its borders are there.

Once you give ypur stolen land that you currently live in back to cant circle this square. If your argument is..Canada treats natives better than how Israel treats Natives. First of all..theyre very different situations. There were a million Jews in the Ottoman empire..what is now Israel AND Jordan. There were no whites here before there was a genocide against the natives.

Palestinians can live in Jordan in peace. Transjordan was a real place. They shouldve given a piece to Palestinians and a piece for their kingdom.

First worry about Muslims killing each other by the millions every year.

Israel exists..has a right to exist and will continue to exist. No other country had ever faced such situations and not only thriving. Every other country around it is a complete shithole. Is that also Israels fault?

This is why education is important. You can spew..Israel is apartheid without realizing theres a history..without realizing youre a hipocrite for living on stolen land and thinking..oh the natives are happy now....

This is delusional and bias..and its anti-semitic.
Cool story.

The history is that Palestine was a plural society until the zionist movement decided to claim the entire country, a goal they still seem to be working towards today. The Brits foolishly decided they should hand over way too much to the zionist movement, the zionist movement decided they should take it all and so it still goes today.

You can argue the details, discuss the failures by both sides but really, its still ongoing.
Now its a global BLM/PLM movement.

'Palestine was a plural society'

Did you seriously just type this??

Where was this 'Palestine'. When did it exist? Do you know something we all dont know. A hidden city or hidden state. Is it like Atlantis?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Your first link says the Lion's Den is claiming responsibility, not Hamas.
OMG, did you just admit there are Palestinians who commit terror?

But sure, keep looking for excuses to avoid admitting that Hamas still uses terrorism, still demands historic Palestine become an Islamic Caliphate, and still wants Jews ethnically cleansed from the region.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
OMG, did you just admit there are Palestinians who commit terror?

But sure, keep looking for excuses to avoid admitting that Hamas still uses terrorism, still demands historic Palestine become an Islamic Caliphate, and still wants Jews ethnically cleansed from the region.
Are you sure you are not really Darts?
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It was a group of left wing Jews who first showed me what was going on over there, basketcase.
And they don't target random Jews for condemnation the way you have repeatedly supported.

There are also numerous left wing Palestinians and Muslims who condemn what the PA and Hamas do (and you don't care about their opinion. An actual left wing person will have consistent values, consistently condemn the use of violence, and consistently condemn corrupt fascist governments instead of making excuses based on partisanship.

I have routinely condemned the radical settler movement and the disgusting racists and terrorists that make it up just like I have condemned the radicals among Palestinians who are disgusting racists and terrorists. You on the other hand are 100% against Israel's continued existence and 100% supportive of horrible leadership from groups like Hamas.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Are you sure you are not really Darts?
Do you admit that there are some Palestinians who commit acts of terrorism or are you like Franky in believing that Palestinians attacking random Jewish civilians are actually engaged in 'legitimate self defence'?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Cool story.
It is. The position of Israeli Arabs is akin to that of Canadian First nations. They are full citizens with full legal rights but are subjected to systemic discrimination. Also like our First nations, Israeli Arabs have legal structures providing them more access/autonomy that the rest of the citizens. For example, Israeli Arab service in the military is optional rather than compulsory and they are allowed to freely travel in the West Bank where Israeli Jews can't.

Those Arabs are descended from Arabs who decided they would rather be part of Israel instead of fleeing the war or being engaged in the fighting which may connect with the fact that they overwhelmingly would prefer to remain Israeli despite systemic issues than become part of a Palestinian state.

And what's this pretending that Ottoman Palestine was such a wonderful place for minorities? Did you also miss the fact that the Ottomans were not Arabs or do you think all Muslims are the same?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
OMG, did you just admit there are Palestinians who commit terror?

But sure, keep looking for excuses to avoid admitting that Hamas still uses terrorism, still demands historic Palestine become an Islamic Caliphate, and still wants Jews ethnically cleansed from the region.
So take Hamas and Israel to the ICC, as I keep saying, based on legit reports.
What you refuse to admit is that Israel regularly commits way more terrorism, is demanding all of Palestine, is turning into a theocracy, ruling through apartheid and still actively trying to colonize Palestine.
You are afraid of the UN, the ICJ and the ICC because you know once those rulings come down Canada and the US won't be able to support apartheid Israel any longer.
Canada can't last much longer anyway, the greens and NDP are there and next election it will be an issue.

You aren't outraged by the acts, you are outraged that the native population are still there on their homeland.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And they don't target random Jews for condemnation the way you have repeatedly supported.

There are also numerous left wing Palestinians and Muslims who condemn what the PA and Hamas do (and you don't care about their opinion. An actual left wing person will have consistent values, consistently condemn the use of violence, and consistently condemn corrupt fascist governments instead of making excuses based on partisanship.

I have routinely condemned the radical settler movement and the disgusting racists and terrorists that make it up just like I have condemned the radicals among Palestinians who are disgusting racists and terrorists. You on the other hand are 100% against Israel's continued existence and 100% supportive of horrible leadership from groups like Hamas.
You do not condemn the settler movement, you've stated repeatedly that you think 'they aren't the problem' and that the 'settlements aren't the problem'.
You have defended Ben Gvir storming Al Aqsa, you are not condemning the extremists.

That makes you sound like this:

You keep defending apartheid, settlements, state terrorism and colonialism.

Instead you save all your outrage for people saying 'Free Palestine', which you think is antisemitic.
As if asking for basic rights for one race is somehow racist.

How long can you keep being darts and CM on this?
How long can you defend apartheid?

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
pro-palestinian types meeting terrorists so what else is new?

Police probing anti-Zionist sect members who visited Jenin, met terror operatives

Three Neturei Karta members face lengthy prison spells if convicted of supporting terror, as well as violating ban on Israeli civilians entering Area A of West Bank

Police are reportedly probing three members of the fringe anti-Zionist, ultra-Orthodox sect Neturei Karta who entered the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank earlier this week and met with Palestinians from local terror groups.

The men, residents of Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh, were filmed meeting with prominent Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group officials as well as families of terrorist attackers on Monday. Jenin is seen as a hotbed of Palestinian terrorism.

The Kan public broadcaster reported Wednesday that the men could face lengthy prison spells if convicted of supporting terror. Israeli civilians are also barred from entering Area A of the West Bank where Jenin is located, as it is under the Palestinian Authority’s civilian and security control under the Oslo Accords.

Neturei Karta opposes the modern State of Israel on religious grounds, regularly protesting against the Jewish state, and has met with Holocaust deniers and leaders of the Iranian government in the past.

The Neturei Karta members were photographed wearing scarves with Palestinian national colors and carrying Palestinian flags.

[these NK supports terrorists and anti-semites no different from anti-jewish terror apologists hiding behind the palestinian people]

A video shared on social media showed them visiting the home of senior PIJ official senior official Bassam al-Saadi, who is in jail in Israel. Saadi’s detention last year sparked a round of fighting between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

Another video showed the pair at the entrance to the Jenin refugee camp along with former terror inmate Maher al-Akhras, who is also tied to PIJ.

Akhras, who in 2020 went on hunger strike for more than 100 days to protest his detention by Israeli authorities, is seen praising the two visitors for not recognizing the State of Israel.

Channel 12 news reported that local gunmen tried to harm the delegation, but were prevented from doing so.

Saadi, 61, has been jailed by Israel seven times over the years, according to the Shin Bet.

He was arrested on August 1 by Israeli troops in Jenin. The PIJ at the time announced it was declaring a state of alert, and the Israel Defense Forces said it had “concrete” indications of an “imminent” attack on the Gaza border, putting the area on lockdown for several days.

Police probing anti-Zionist sect members who visited Jenin, met terror operatives | The Times of Israel


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So take Hamas and Israel to the ICC, ...
You can start by actually criticizing them instead of continually making excuses for them.

You are on the record stating that indiscriminate Gaza rockets are self-defence (despite what your Amnesty says).
You are on the record referring to attacks on random jews as self defence (despite what your Amnesty says).
You are on the record saying Jewish civilians in the West bank are military targets because some other Jews commit acts of terrorism (despite what your Amnesty says).

Makes it pretty clear you 'both sides' claims are pure bullshit to avoid condemning Hamas, PFLP, PIJ, Lion Den, etc.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You do not condemn the settler movement, ...
Wow that's stupid.

I have said that settlers building houses are less of a problem than Hamas killing civilians which is 100% true. Houses can be handed over in a peace deal. Dead civilians can not be reanimated.

It is retarded (I hate using the word but it's the only one that fits your posts) that after looking at hundreds of posts where I've called Ben Gvir a racist piece of shit and hundreds of posts where I called out terrorism by extremist settlers that you can make this claim. It's just more evidence of how morally bankrupt you are, stuck making those claims instead of actually admitting that there are a some Palestinians who are also racist pieces of shit and terrorists.

You keep condemning Israel because their current government are becoming more like Hamas and the PA yet refuse to even hint that Hamas or the PA have problems. Israel is slowly moving towards to the fascist right. Maybe in the future they'll start arresting people for facebook posts criticizing the president or for having a Zoom call about peace with 'enemy' civilians.

Here's a Palestinian Human Rights activist's recent post on Abbas for example.
(interesting note that after decades of condemning Israel, he got chased out of the West Bank because he also started condemning the PA.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
pro-palestinian types meeting terrorists so what else is new?

Police probing anti-Zionist sect members who visited Jenin, met terror operatives
So now they are arresting Jews for meeting with Palestinians?
Along with making the Palestinian flag illegal this is really something.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You can start by actually criticizing them instead of continually making excuses for them.

You are on the record stating that indiscriminate Gaza rockets are self-defence (despite what your Amnesty says).
You are on the record referring to attacks on random jews as self defence (despite what your Amnesty says).
You are on the record saying Jewish civilians in the West bank are military targets because some other Jews commit acts of terrorism (despite what your Amnesty says).

Makes it pretty clear you 'both sides' claims are pure bullshit to avoid condemning Hamas, PFLP, PIJ, Lion Den, etc.
Provide the records.
I have never said any of those things, you are lying.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow that's stupid.

I have said that settlers building houses are less of a problem than Hamas killing civilians which is 100% true. Houses can be handed over in a peace deal. Dead civilians can not be reanimated.

It is retarded (I hate using the word but it's the only one that fits your posts) that after looking at hundreds of posts where I've called Ben Gvir a racist piece of shit and hundreds of posts where I called out terrorism by extremist settlers that you can make this claim. It's just more evidence of how morally bankrupt you are, stuck making those claims instead of actually admitting that there are a some Palestinians who are also racist pieces of shit and terrorists.

You keep condemning Israel because their current government are becoming more like Hamas and the PA yet refuse to even hint that Hamas or the PA have problems. Israel is slowly moving towards to the fascist right. Maybe in the future they'll start arresting people for facebook posts criticizing the president or for having a Zoom call about peace with 'enemy' civilians.

Here's a Palestinian Human Rights activist's recent post on Abbas for example.
(interesting note that after decades of condemning Israel, he got chased out of the West Bank because he also started condemning the PA.
In the 66 pages of this thread you have only brought up accusations against Hamas while defending Ben Gvir's storming of Al Aqsa.
That's not calling out settler terrorism, nor is it calling out Ben Gvir.
That's defending the apartheid status quo and continuing terrorism.

Hamas, since 2014, has made a large turn away from terrorism while Israel has upped their attacks, both settler attacks and IDF attacks on civilians. Hamas still commits the occasional act of terrorism but nowhere near the 1000 settler attacks last year alone or the near constant Israeli attacks on Gaza, fisherman, the West Bank and Palestinians in Jerusalem.
That's why I bring up Israel, because they are the occupying army who commits way more acts of violence, implements apartheid and continues the settler colonization.
Its not the fault of the victims, Palestinians or Hamas.

Instead all you do is call Palestinians 'terrorist', the new 'n' word.

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