Even if there was a reason to, no one would want to risk it, is my point.Why would anyone want to invade North Korea? It’s super poor, has no assets or value.
Singling out for what is the question. It is the one middle eastern country that would 100% be on board for an invasion for Iran and a regime change. Therefore it is legitimate criticism and not anti semitism.Singling out Israel for criticism when a dozen other countries have exactly the same situation (US, UK, China, France, etc.) is antisemitism.
Iran is theocratic and unstable. It is ruled by a unelected religious leader who has stated his intentions to destroy other countries. Iran getting nuclear weapons is not a good thing for humanity.
Iran may be theocratic, but it isn't our problem. Many countries do not acknowledge Israel, such as Saudi and they are far more dangerous with all kinds of terrorists coming from there. They are "allies" but Iran which has done nothing is being threatened at the behest of Israel and to a lesser extent Saudi Arabia.