In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
next on the pro-palestinian files.....

Within Our Lifetime (Formerly NYC SJP) - May 2022

anti-jewish terrorist supporters and apologists so what else is new. 99% of pro-palestinians are anti-Semitic and apologists for terrorists one is currently in this thread sinking deeper and deeper into extremism.

Within Our Lifetime (WOL) is a radical anti-Israel organization dedicated to the complete destruction of Israel. The name refers to the group’s goal: the complete takeover of Israel by Palestinians “within the lifetime” of the group’s members.

Their aggressive and often violent street actions are billed as support for “Palestinian resistance and liberation by any means necessary.” The group stages protests in New York City in response to current events in Israel as well as to further their BDS agenda.

WOL identifies companies that do business with Israel, pro-Israel charities and pro-Israel philanthropists located in New York City. These businesses, groups and individuals then become the physical target of WOL’s unrelenting violent protests aimed to hound and shame them into divesting from Israel.

WOL was previously known as NYC Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) until 2018 when co-founder and former chair of NYC SJP Nerdeen Kiswani rebranded the group as Within Our Lifetime.

WOL's Dangerous "Globalize The Intifada" Campaign

n May of 2021, WOL launched an aggressive campaign in NYC called “Globalize the Intifada,” invoking the violent word for “uprising” that characterized decades of terror against Israel and resulted in over 1,400 Israeli civilian deaths since 1987.

WOL drew support from their intersectional and international partners, staging weekly protests over four months that menaced the streets of New York. Many of these protests involved violent confrontations with pro-Israel supporters and police.

Their goal was to both garner international support for the destruction of Israel and bring their violent methods of “resistance” to “all colonized and oppressed people” who they claim have an “urgent need” to “take back their land, to realize self-determination, and to win their liberation "by any means necessary.

Nerdeen Kiswani - WOL Founder and Leader

Nerdeen Kiswani has called for the death of Zionists and for Israel’s destruction and spread incitement to violence as the co-founder and chairperson of WOL.

Leading WOL rallies, Kiswani advocates “Resistance, by any means necessary,” and says, “We need allies who are gonna help us achieve a victory, not allies who are going to tell us to be non-violent.”

Kiswani has been front and center at these protests, her voice ringing loud and clear leading chants such as, “5-6-7-8 smash the settler state," “There is only one solution, Intifada revolution" and “Intifada, Intifada! Long Live the Intifada!"

Kiswani and WOL’s latest campaign is called “Globalize the Intifada."

On July 31, 2021, after fireworks were lit at a WOL rally, Kiswani told the crowd: “I hope that a pop-pop is the last noise that some Zionists hear in their lifetime!"

On May 24, 2021, speaking about Israel, Kiswani declared in a YouTube webinar, “We have to defeat this illegitimate zionist settler state that has no right to exist."

On March 3, 2017, Kiswani posted to Instagram, “Israel must be annihilated."

Kiswani’s calls for violence directly incite violent acts in NYC against Jews and pro-Israel supporters. Her constant refrain of “resistance by any means necessary” is taken to heart by her followers, leading to violent assaults occurring during WOL rallies by WOL activists.

Saadah Masoud - Violent WOL Leading Activist

Saadah Masoud, one of WOL’s leaders, has repeatedly assaulted pro-Israel rally-goers, including knocking down and punching in the face an Israel supporter on crutches and beating another in the head.

April 20th, 2022 - Assault of Matt Greenman
On April 20, 2022, fellow WOL leader Saadah Masoud assaulted Matt Greenman, an Israel supporter, during a WOL rally in midtown Manhattan.

May 18, 2021 - Violent Attack of Israel Supporters

Fellow WOL leader Masoud led a mob of anti-Israel activists in violently attacking two men, one of whom held an Israeli flag. At the same protest, he and Kiswani stood on one of the lion statues outside of the New York Public Library and set off smoke canisters.

Masoud has fought with the police multiple times and been arrested on numerous charges related to assault, robbery and public disturbance in connection with his activism. WOL and Kiswani have provided support for Masoud and his fellow activists following their arrests on multiple occasions.

Masoud has a history of inciting others to violence against Israel supporters. He threatens pro-Israel groups online, once promising to “keep violating you dirty zionist” and saying, “I would love to make you an example.”

For more, read his full profile here.

Other Incidences of WOL Violence
April 20, 2022 - Burning of Stolen Israeli Flag
After the assault of Matt Greenman (see above), Saadah Masoud stole Greenman's Israeli flag and gave it to another activist who later trampled and burned it. Masoud called the flag “our trophy for the day.” WOL activists often burn Israeli flags at their events.

May 20, 2021 - Violent Protest Leads to Assault, Theft, Arrests & Public Disturbances
Assault of Joseph Borgen
WOL activist Waseem Awawdeh took part in a violent assault of a Jew on his way to a pro-Israel rally. “I tried to get away,” Borgen said, “and the next thing I knew, I was surrounded by a whole crowd of people who proceeded to kick me, punch me, beat me down.I felt a liquid being poured on my face and at first I thought I was getting urinated on, but it turned out I was getting maced and pepper sprayed. My face was on fire. That pain was worse than the concussion and all this other stuff that followed.” Awawdeh was arrested for the assault and charged with hate crime assault, gang assault, menacing and criminal possession of a weapon.

Theft and Public Disturbance
Masoud participated in a violent counterprotest against a pro-Israel rally in Times Square. He stole a rally-goer’s Israeli flag and stick, forcibly moved police barricades and then threw garbage into the street in an attempt to evade arrest. Other anti-Israel activists were arrested and WOL lent legal support to them the following day.

Fireworks Burn Passerby
A rider inside a pickup truck at the same rally waving a Palestinian flag threw a “July Fourth style firework” into a crowd on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s diamond district, where many Jews do business. The large explosive burned the back of a 55-year old woman who was taken to the hospital.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
In recent years, we have seen how anti-Israel hostility has sprouted in hundreds of universities across the country. Under the disguise of academic freedom, institutions of higher learning have become fertile grounds for extremism.

While Jewish studies departments and organizations such as Chabad and Hillel sustain a vibrant Jewish life on many campuses across the country, Jewish students are still exposed to fierce anti-Jewish hatred and anti-Israel sentiments, not only from students but from faculty as well. When professors engage in antisemitic and anti-Israel rhetoric, they tacitly condone it and encourage students to do so as well.

I can personally attest to the above. I am a student at UC Berkeley, and while I can confidently say that we have a strong and united Jewish community, it does not exempt us from faculty spreading anti-Zionism through their platforms. For instance, let me introduce you to Hatem Bazian.

The numerous anti-Zionist leaders on college campuses
Hatem Bazian is a lecturer in the Department of Ethnic Studies with a long history of blatantly spreading antisemitism and demonizing Israel and Zionism. He is the founder of the anti-Israel organization Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and an avid supporter of the antisemitic BDS campaign.

Bazian has repeatedly denied Jewish history and peoplehood. For instance, in 2014, he published an article claiming that much of Jewish history in the Land of Israel is a “mythical past.” He has also compared Israel to Nazi Germany. In 2011, he headlined a speaking tour called Never Again for Anyone, where he compared the Holocaust to the plight of Palestinians.

Hatem Bazian is also known for supporting and promoting terrorism. In addition to defending terrorists on Twitter, he has supported the internationally-recognized terrorist organization Hamas on multiple occasions and even participated in a fundraising event for an NGO that was dissolved after the US Treasury Department discovered its ties to Hamas.

Unfortunately, Hatem Bazian at UC Berkeley is not the only example I could mention. Right across the bay, at San Francisco State University, Rabab Abdulhadi is also well known for her anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiments. Abdulhadi is the founding director of the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas studies program at SFSU.

In 2018, she sued the university, claiming she has been subject of “discrimination based on her Palestinian Muslim background,” along with “general bias against her pro-Palestinian activism.” Let’s take a deeper look at her “pro-Palestinian activism.”

Hostile environments toward Jewish students - The Jerusalem Post (


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hamas lobbing rockets randomly at cities, shooting random civilians, vowing to eliminate the Jewish presence, and threatening Jews around the world is better? Shit you're messed up.
Israel used missiles, bombs and artillery on Gaza last year leading to global protests. That was after attacking Al Aqsa and Hamas retaliating to Israeli aggressions.
This month Israel sponsored a march featuring thousands yelling 'death to arabs' while destroying property and attacking Palestinians.

Israel is occupying Palestine, actively colonizing it with 'settlers' and ruling it through apartheid.
That is so much worse than anything you accuse Hamas of doing.

That is why when I call for both sides to be held to the law equally you say that is antisemitic.
That is why when I post Amnesty and HRW reports on Israeli apartheid you say they are antisemitic.
That is why when I post polls showing that 46% of those living under Israeli rule and 25% of US Jews say Israel is apartheid you say its antisemitic.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Canary Mission is an Israeli organization that attacks American students.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
campus today are filled with anti-semitic and terrorist apologists aka pro-palestinian activists

The campus wars against the Jews
With an entire globe from which to choose, they pinpoint the Jews — only the Jews. The one country in the world with a Jewish majority.Op-ed

t is rather a challenging time these days for committed, devoted Jewish college students on liberal American campuses. They don’t know how to fight, seem only to defend and feel frightened, and their life experiences in being “nice” have left them utterly unprepared for the vicious Jew-hating, even Nazi-like, campaigning against them and Israel they have encountered in college.

The academic campaign against Israel is Nazi-like. It is led by Arab Muslims, often backed by self-hating Jewish leftist stooges, most of whom — truly — are not even halakhic Jews. In today’s America, as many as 40 percent of people who present as “Jews” are not Jews. In the anti-Israel camps, they predominate. Simply put, a Jew is someone born to a Jewish mother and therefore automatically Jewish or someone who converts to the Judaism of the Torah — conversion comprising both the Written Law and the Oral Law — a Judaism that includes kosher food and Sabbath observance. That definition has been the only definition of a Jew for more than 3,300 years. Anyone not born to a Jewish mother or otherwise born to a maternal line where the first “Jewish” matron actually “converted” without assuming the lifestyle of a kosher kitchen, Sabbath observance, and the like is not Jewish. Thus, for example, despite her fancy certificate when she “converted” to marry playwright Arthur Miller, Marilyn Monroe was never Jewish.

So the “good news” is that most “Jews” who oppose Israel are not even Jews in the first place.

Twenty years ago, a leading Arab Muslim Jew-hater, Omar Barghouti, proposed a “BDS” program to boycott Israel, divest from corporations dealing with Israel, and to sanction Israel. The BDS campaign has failed miserably. More investors now put their money into Israel than ever beforebillions and billions. They will continue doing so because Israel is an amazing investment vehicle, a start-up free-and- democratic nation with a uniquely educated and motivated population.

Computer chips? Intel Israel. CT scans? Israel. Waze GPS? Israel. Drawing water out of thin air for parched desert-like countries? Israel.

But on American “progressive” woke liberal-arts college campuses, students are brain-fed radical-left Intersectionalist garbage. For example, we know they have no idea what America is. They are fed falsified “1619 Project” history instead of true American history. They have no idea how Communism has murdered hundreds of millions. They don’t know about the blood shed brutally by Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Castro. Even what little they know about Hitler is mostly perverted from the truth.

That is how AOC, a standard-bearer for the Campus Ignorant, can compare the security agents on our southern border to German Nazis and can compare our shelters for the Undocumented, where Americans feed them and clothe them and even assure they have ample baby formula, to Dachau and Auschwitz.

Ironically, many of these “progressive” anti-Israel college students actually are more Nazi-like than they realize. Remember: Not all Nazis murdered Jews with their hands or by building gas chambers or crematoria. Most Nazis simply voted quietly for Hitler and lined the streets cheering while Hitler’s motorcades drove by. Yet they, too, were Nazis. They were the ones who gave him power to destroy.

The Woke on America’s campuses today, as did Hitler’s minions, single out the Jews for BDS. They can’t boycott Arab Muslim countries because those dictatorships don’t produce anything meaningful. But college kids could boycott China, right? China is a hateful totalitarian dictatorship, the source of the Wuhan virus we call COVID, torturer of Uighur Muslims, suppressor of Hong Kong. If they sincerely cared about freedom and human rights, college kids could boycott Nike sports shoes, Apple iPhones, and all devices made in China, right? But they don’t.

Instead, like Hitler, with an entire globe from which to choose, they pinpoint the Jews — only the Jews. The one and only country in the world with a Jewish majority. That is their extent of foreign affairs activism. They try to mask their anti-Semitism by saying they are “only anti-Israel and anti-Zionist, not anti-Jewish.”

Understand with crystal clarity: Israel and Zionism are core to Judaism. You cannot be “against anti-Semitism” but also against Israel and Zionism. It’s not either-or. It’s both-and. Anyone against Israel and Zionism by definition is anti-Semitic. Period. Open the Bible. Abraham was a Zionist. So was Isaac. And Jacob. And Moses. And Joshua. And the Judges. And Kings Saul, David, Solomon, and all the Biblical kings. And the Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and all the Biblical prophets. And all the rabbis of the Talmud. And Maimonides. And Yehudah Halevi. Zionism is at Judaism’s core.

Yes, you can be against a particular government in Israel, just as American patriots can oppose Biden’s miserable policies and utter incompetence in America. Those political preferences can align with deep loving attitudes towards America. Indeed, love for America can inform opposition to those whose foolish policies would destroy her greatness. In the same way, it is OK to oppose a Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu or Naftali Bennett government.

So a person can love Israel, yet despise its government. But that is not what “BDS” is. BDS is a Nazi-like ideology that says the one Jewish-majority country in the world uniquely deserves to be boycotted, divested, sanctioned. None others. Not Cuba. Not Venezuela. Not Qatar, Yemen, Saudi Arabia. Not China. Not Russia.

And the thing is, Israel is a nation of goodness. Arab Muslims have full equal rights in Israel. The present governing coalition there exists because an Arab Muslim party gives them the determining majority. There is an Arab Muslim on Israel’s Supreme Court. (How many in America?) Israel pays families a “child allowance” to encourage parents to have more kids. Guess what? Israel pays that same bounty to Arab Muslim Israelis to have more kids, too. Apartheid? Arab Muslims receive all the same benefits that Jews do in Israel.

By contrast, for those searching for Mideast apartheid, Saudi Arabia has no synagogues. It also has no Jews. Almost no Christians or churches either. Arab Muslim countries expelled their 800,000 Jews and confiscated all their property in the 1940’s and 1950’s when Israel was born. Those Jews fled mostly to Israel. That is why, despite the Big Lie among the Woke, Israel’s demography is majority dark-skinned Sephardic, not Caucasian Ashkenazic.

Arab Muslim countries are virtually universally racist and bigoted. They truly are one-religion-only despotic lands. There are no Jewish parties in Qatar, Yemen, and those other lands. Even in the part of Judea and Samaria now called the “Palestine Authority,” the only Jews are those who abandoned their Judaism and married Arab Muslims there. Otherwise, pure apartheid. A Jew is not allowed to purchase land there. Any Arab who secretly offers to sell land to a Jew gets executed. Apartheid, pure and simple.

Certain student governments on certain woke liberal-arts colleges target Israel and only Israel. Consider: They call for bans of Sabra hummus, an American-Canadian chick-peas joint-venture company based in Astoria, Queens with factories in Southern California, Virginia, and Queens. Yet they are boycotted. Why? Their name. Sabra — the nickname for Israelis. So, since the hummus is “Israel-style,” i.e. kosher Mideast style, it is Sabra. So boycott them.

Even as these ignoramuses on campuses vote to boycott Israel, all their administrations respond by asserting there will be no boycotts nor divestments.

But what about the committed Jews on campus? What about their voices? Their pro-Israel activism?

Their problem is that they do not know how to fight. At best, they defend. They react. They never seize the offensive. It is painfully pathetic to watch.

Except for American football, there is no sport where players conceivably can win merely by playing defense. In baseball, you can score only on offense. Likewise, in basketball and hockey. Even in American football, although you theoretically can win solely by scoring defensively — with “pick six” interception returns, recovering fumbles in the other team’s end zone, and scoring safeties — that is no prescription for success. Ultimately, you cannot win unless you go on the offensive.

Jews grow up, being taught to be nice. “Be nice, Marvin. Be nice, Seymour. Be nice, Sidney.”

Well, to win on college campuses, no one is going to beat these Nazis and their self-hating pseudo-Jewish quislings merely by being “nice.” Rather, the squeaky wheel gets the oil, not the whining tire. Jews on campus need to fight. They need to fight hard and to take the fight to the Jew-haters, not just wait for the campus Nazis to attack. Don’t wait for BDS resolutions to oppose. Instead, demand your own BDS initiatives against China. Demand BDS against despotic apartheid Muslim countries. Investigate and expose anti-Israel professors who violate campus rules by posting against Israel on official campus web sites. Until cancel culture is abandoned, why not demand canceling them?

And, for G-d’s sake, stop whining!

Adapted by the writer for Arutz Sheva from a version of this article that first appeared here in The American Spectator.

The campus wars against the Jews | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Israel used ...
So continued refusal to even hint at criticism for Hamas even though Hamas openly promotes racist ethnic cleansing and commits the violence in efforts to achieve it. BTW. precision strikes on military targets are legal, even if there are occasionally civilian causualties. Hamas' unguided rockets are a war crime no matter what excuses they use (cue for Franky to once again ignore his Amnesty and claim Hamas is aiming at military targets).

And why do you continue the extremist position that the Muslim WAQF allowing Jews to visit is in fact an attack? All you're doing is justifying the racial hatred that has caused the Palestinian leadership to reject any pathway towards peace since the early 20th century.

All you are doing is proving that your version of equal rights excludes Jews (and for that matter what Palestinians want).


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Well, to win on college campuses, no one is going to beat these Nazis and their self-hating pseudo-Jewish quislings merely by being “nice.”
So now you are posting articles saying you can't be 'nice' to the 25% of US Jews who are against apartheid?
That sounds like a veiled threat.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So continued refusal to even hint at criticism for Hamas even though Hamas openly promotes racist ethnic cleansing and commits the violence in efforts to achieve it.
So now you are saying Hamas is as bad as Israel, who just openly promoted a march calling for 'death to arabs'?

The same government that did this last year?

You say Hamas commits violence, go ahead and show the stats to see if they have committed as much violence of this one single, 11 day example of a brutal 70 year long occupation of Palestine.

This is an occupation the UN says Israel is making permanent.
Permanent apartheid.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Student at anti-jewish terror supporting march on Illinois campus charged for rock-throwing

(June 9, 2022 / JNS) A student from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has been charged with a hate crime for throwing a rock at a Jewish student in April during an anti-Israel march on campus.

According to The News-Gazette, Sayed A. Quraishi, 23, admitted that he threw the rock. He faces a sentence that ranges from probation to five years in prison.

“There is no world where throwing a rock at Jewish students is acceptable,” tweeted the Anti-Defamation League’s Midwest office. “We welcome authorities taking this case seriously and support efforts to create a more welcoming campus environment.”

It added that “anti-semitism and hate have no place at UIUC.”

On April 18, the Students for Justice in Palestine held a led march against Israel. It coincided with the intermediary days of Passover and stopped in front of the Illini Hillel Cohen Center for Jewish Life.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So now you are saying Hamas is as bad as Israel,...
Nice try. Hamas and the fringe Israelis who were marching have a lot in common though I can't remember the last time those fringe settlers lobbed indiscriminate rockets or shot up restaurants. Those fringe settlers also have a lot in common with the 44% of Palestinians who support attacks on Jewish civilians.

Why are you afraid to condemn Hamas for anything? All your talk about human rights and wanting peace, you refuse to actually hold that racist, extremist, terrorist group who refuses the concept of peace accountable for any of their actions.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Nice try. Hamas and the fringe Israelis who were marching have a lot in common though I can't remember the last time those fringe settlers lobbed indiscriminate rockets or shot up restaurants.
Hamas is the government in Gaza, Israel's government supports the annual 'flag march' where they shout 'death to Arabs'.

So go ahead and compare the stats for indiscriminate weapon use between Hamas and Israel.
Show us that its worse than this one attack by Israel....



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
next episode on Pro-Palestinian files.....

Anti-semitic and terror apologist group posts map of Massachusetts naming local ‘Zionist leaders’

JTA — A Jewish arts group. A Jewish high school. A Jewish newspaper. A synagogue network. A major Jewish philanthropy that directs funds to mental health, homelessness prevention and refugee resettlement initiatives.

These are a few of the locations on a dense interactive map of “Zionist leaders and powerhouse NGOs” in Massachusetts created by an activist group that says it aims to expose “local institutional support for the colonization of Palestine” and reveal how support for Zionist causes is a nexus point for various “other harms” in society, ranging from gentrification to the prison-industrial complex to ableism.

The Mapping Project, a Boston-area pro-Palestinian activist collective aligned with the local Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel, is using its map (which includes addresses of the organizations and names of their staffers) to draw literal links between dozens of area Jewish groups, universities, foundations, police departments and other organizations.

The group says its goal is to demonstrate that “institutional support for the colonization of Palestine is structurally tied to policing and systemic white supremacy here where we live, and to US imperialist projects in other countries.”

Jewish groups in the state say The Mapping Project’s efforts amount to little more than an attempt to catalog and intimidate area Jews.

“They are choosing, in their desire to be intersectional, to essentially point the finger at the Jewish communal infrastructure of Greater Boston as responsible for every evil under the sun that they can think of,” Jeremy Burton, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston, told JTA. “They make no bones about it.”

Burton said he was especially concerned that the map was amplified and praised on Twitter by the nonprofit activist group Massachusetts Peace Action, which he said has a lot of sway in progressive circles and often sits down with local politicians.

The project’s map includes the addresses of most of the major Jewish-affiliated organizations and donor funds in the state: political groups spanning the aisle, from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Zionist Organization of America to J Street, along with the nonpartisan Anti-Defamation League; charities like the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston (CJP) and the Jewish Teen Foundation of Greater Boston; private foundations headed up by Jews; religious organizations including the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts; and academic research centers like the Harvard Center for Jewish Studies.

Sometimes its links are accompanied by dollar amounts of financial support drawn from tax forms. Sometimes they’re simply demonstrating agency partnerships, or what the group says is behavior “normalizing” Israel. (The Jewish Journal, a Jewish Telegraphic Agency syndication partner based in Salem, is one of the links.)

“Our goal in pursuing this collective mapping was to reveal the local entities and networks that enact devastation, so we can dismantle them,” the group, which does not list its members, said in a statement on its website. “Every entity has an address, every network can be disrupted.”

The map was posted shortly before Shabbat on June 3, and became a topic of concern among Jewish groups coming back online Monday night after the Shavuot holiday.

In a joint statement, Boston’s communal Jewish organizations say that the map and its creators’ stated goal amount to little more than an effort to “dismantle” the city’s organized Jewish community writ large.

“As a Jewish community, and one that has made allyship and outreach the cornerstones of our work, we condemn this demonization of the Boston Jewish community and attack on its relationship with others,” CJP, the New England ADL and the Boston JCRC said Wednesday. “This is no thinly veiled attempt to target the Jewish community — it is an explicit one that is keeping lists and naming names.”

The map was also condemned by Lior Haiat, spokesperson for Israel’s Foreign Ministry, who tweeted that it “is reminiscent of a dangerous antisemitic pattern of activity known from antiquity through the horrors of the 20th century: a pattern which has led to violence against Jews and their institutions.”

The Mapping Project did not return multiple requests from JTA for comment.

In an interview with the pro-Palestinian website Mondoweiss, the group identified certain Jewish organizations like the ADL and CJP as “super-oppressors,” saying they “have tremendous influence” by linking the foundational and nonprofit world with “overtly repressive forces” like police and weapons developers.

The joint statement from the CJP, ADL and JCRC said the map “draws on age-old antisemitic tropes that are all too clear to our community: Jewish wealth, control and conspiracies.”

Much of the Mapping Project’s focus is in line with broader trends in anti-Zionist discussions. The focus on police departments follows a recent claim by some progressives that US police have picked up abusive tactics during fact-finding trips to Israel sponsored by Jewish groups — an allegation denied by the groups that run the trips and many of the officials who took part.

The project classifies J Street, a liberal political advocacy group that calls for a two-state solution, as one that “stops short of challenging the fundamentally ethnocratic and settler colonial foundations of the Zionist state.” That follows a recent trend of pro-Palestinian groups shunning J Street, which has in the past comfortably occupied a space among Jewish progressives. Earlier this year in the Boston area, a student-led pro-Palestinian campaign at Tufts University also urged students not to join the campus J Street chapter, citing similar objections. (The BDS movement has also made inroads at another prominent Boston-area university, as Harvard’s student paper recently endorsed the cause.)

Similarly, the group’s focus on the ADL as an organization that causes “harm” is in line with a recent trend of progressive groups shunning the civil rights group that tends to lean liberal on domestic affairs. The ADL has responded in kind, most recently with CEO Jonathan Greenblatt equating left-wing anti-Zionism to right-wing antisemitism.

Greenblatt’s comments were criticized by many Jewish liberals and progressives at the time, but his own fierce denunciation of the Mapping Project put him on the same side as progressive Jewish leaders including T’ruah founder Rabbi Jill Jacobs, who also condemned the map.

“You can protest Jewish organizational policies/positions have [sic] vis-a-vis Israel all you want (or even boycott Israel), but once you call for dismantling the basic Jewish communal infrastructure, you’ve crossed the line to antisemitism,” Jacobs tweeted.

“We won’t be intimidated by @BDSBoston’s dangerous call for action against Boston’s Jewish community or their attempt to target Jewish schools, institutions, and organizations, including @ADL,” Greenblatt tweeted in response to the map of Jewish organizations, amplifying a statement from the ADL’s New England branch.

Greenblatt added, “This project plays directly into #antisemitic myths of Jewish power and control.”

Burton says The Mapping Project, which published the names of even junior staffers at organizations like the JCRC, is inviting violence and physical intimidation against Jews.

“I have no question that, in this particular case, these radical anti-Zionist activists are deliberately choosing to put a target on the bodies of the Jewish community in Boston,” he said.

Pro-Palestinian group posts map of Massachusetts naming local 'Zionist leaders' | The Times of Israel


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hamas is the government in Gaza, Israel's government ...
Yes. Hamas is the government of Gaza and a terrorist entity that openly states their extreme religious genocidal goals of rejecting any permanent peace with Jews, eliminating Jews from the region, and plans and celebrates attacks on Jewish civilians. And yes, Hamas runs marches and preachers regularly preach the elimination of Jews. Your disgusting double standard has you refusing to even admit how fucked up Hamas is.

So in your mind, Hamas actually engaging in racist attacks on civilians isn't worth criticizing because Israel issued a parade permit to racists?

Yes, 50,000 Jews marched in that nationalist march and some chanted racist chants calling for violence. That's 1% of Israel's Jewish population. Meanwhile 44% of Palestinians polled support "attacks on Israeli civilians inside Israel".

p.s. Hamas intentionally targets civilians which is terrorism and a war crime. Israel for the most part targets military sites. Even if there are civilians killed in strikes of legitimate targets, it's not a war crime.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Democrats, including Pressley, condemn pro-Palestinian mapping Boston Jewish groups

JTA – At least four Democrats in Congress, including one vocal critic of Israel, have spoken out against a Boston pro-Palestinian activist group’s initiative mapping “local institutional support for the colonization of Palestine,” saying the map, which includes the names, addresses and staff members of many Jewish organizations, could incite violence against the Jewish community.

Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Jake Auchincloss, Seth Moulton and Ritchie Torres each separately condemned the Mapping Project this week in statements. Pressley, Auchincloss and Moulton represent districts in Massachusetts; Torres represents a New York congressional district.

Their statements followed a denunciation of the map by Boston’s largest communal Jewish organizations.

“There is no doubt that antisemitism and organized, violent white supremacy are at a boiling point in this nation and threaten our communities,” Pressley said in her statement. She added, “It is not acceptable to target or make vulnerable Jewish institutions or organizations, full stop.”

Pressley’s statement was notable because she is a member of the progressive “Squad” of representatives who include Israel’s strongest critics in Congress, Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Pressley herself voted in 2019, shortly after being elected, to condemn the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement targeting Israel. But since then, she has expressed increasing solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Last year, during Israel’s deadly conflict with Hamas in Gaza, she delivered a speech on the House floor condemning US aid to Israel and saying that the funds “create conditions for oppression and apartheid.” She also was one of nine members of Congress, along with Tlaib and Omar, to vote against sending funds to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.

Without referring to the mapping project directly, Pressley in her statement cited last year’s stabbing attack on a Boston-area rabbi as evidence for the need to be “vigilant when it comes to keeping each other safe.”

Auchincloss told Jewish Insider this week that the Mapping Project’s “actions have the potential to incite violence, especially in a moment of heightened antisemitism and gun violence.” Moulton tweeted that the project is “an anti-Semitic enemies list with a map attached.”

Democrats, including Pressley, condemn pro-Palestinian mapping Boston Jewish groups | The Times of Israel


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes. Hamas is the government of Gaza and a terrorist entity that openly states their extreme religious genocidal goals of rejecting any permanent peace with Jews, eliminating Jews from the region, and plans and celebrates attacks on Jewish civilians.
If you said that about the Jewish population of Israel you'd be banned from this board.

And yet you have no problem with ethnic cleansing, settler colonialism, mobs shouting 'death to arabs' and of course apartheid if its done by the racial group you think is superior.
I say bring in the ICC, end apartheid, give all people's there equal rights and votes in full democracy.
You'll say that's genocidal.

You have no solution other than more apartheid and more killings.
Fortunately most Canadians are for peace and more and more organizations are coming down on the government for support apartheid and the occupation. Change is coming.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
next on Pro-Palestinian Files:

Al-Haq: The Ugly Truth About Media’s Favorite Palestinian ‘Human Rights’ NGO

“Palestinian human rights NGO” Al-Haq — which was designated a terrorist organization by Israel last year over its links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) — is something of a media darling with many of the world’s leading news organizations.

As HonestReporting’s own data shows, the group has received no fewer than 5,200 mentions in the mainstream media in the last 12 months alone.

For example, just last week, British news outlet The Guardian quoted an Al-Haq staff member at length in a report — that the NGO had helped produce — which accused Israel of committing “indirect” chemical warfare in defending itself from Hamas rocket fire last May.

When Al-Haq’s terror designation was announced, The New York Times lavished praise on the group, describing it as one of the “stalwarts of Palestinian civil society” that was known for its “rigorous documentation, monitoring, data collection and international advocacy” that has been “vital to revealing the reality on the ground.”

But while Al-Haq is depicted by mainstream media outlets as a reputable Palestinian human rights NGO, this could not be further from the truth.

As HonestReporting has previously highlighted, Al-Haq’s long-standing links to the PFLP, designated a terrorist organization by the United States and European Union, are well known.

Documented ties between Al-Haq and the PFLP include:

  • Al-Haq’s director since 2006, Shawan Jabarin, served as a senior PFLP official in the past and maintained close ties to PFLP operatives. He was tried and convicted for his role in the PFLP and has served multiple prison sentences. In 2007, a judge described Jabarin as a “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Some of his time is spent in conducting a human rights organization, and some as an operative in an organization which has no qualms regarding murder and attempted murder, which have no relation whatsoever to rights. Quite the opposite, they reject the most basic right of all, without which there are no other rights, that is, the right to life.”
  • Al-Haq’s former Director of the Skills and Training Department, Ziyad Muhammad Shehadeh Hmeidan, held that post until 2017 and was arrested over his affiliation with PFLP “terrorist operations” several times.
  • Al-Haq employee Zahi Abdul Hadi Muhammad Jaradat was involved in Al-Haq’s fundraising, and was similarly arrested over PFLP links.
  • Majed Omar Daud Abbadi, who worked at Al-Haq until 2016 as Project and Planning Director, was involved in the PFLP for a number of years.
Furthermore, an examination of Al-Haq’s publication archives reveals the group has long acted as an apologist for other designated terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

For example, in a report published in 2001 — during the height of the Second Intifada, a wave of terrorism characterized by Palestinian stabbing and suicide attacks targeting Israelis — Al-Haq accused Israeli security forces of killing “a number of prominent Palestinian activists” in an extra-judicial fashion.

They include an “activist in the Hamas organization,” who Al-Haq named as Ibrahim Bani Audi. Also known as Ibrahim Abdel Karim Bani, he was a senior Hamas leader in Nablus, a veteran of the Afghanistan conflict, and an expert bomb maker.

In the report, Al-Haq claims Bani was killed by Israeli security forces while on furlough from prison after having been locked up by the Palestinian Authority (PA). However, sources from the time stated that PA leader Yasser Arafat actually had ordered the release of Bani and others so their “skills” could be put to use in the ongoing Second Intifada.

Another case highlighted by Al-Haq was that of Jamal Abdul Razeq, who the NGO reported was assassinated by Israel while driving in the Gaza Strip alongside his passenger:

According to information available to Al-Haq, Razeq and his passenger Awni ldheir, were on their way from Rafah to Khan Yunis. The moment their car stopped at a military check post located on the road leading to the Morag settlement, a plain-clothes member of the Israeli security forces fired a barrage of bullets from his machine gun at the car. A military vehicle parked at the check post also opened fire. Shooting continued unabated for about one minute.
Again, archived reports from the time tell a different story.
Jamal Abdul Razeq was actually a Fatah commander, and was traveling with two other militia members at the time. Israeli soldiers had attempted to arrest Razeq — who was responsible for a litany of attacks on Israeli targets — before he deliberately tried to crash into a military checkpoint. The car he was traveling in reportedly contained munitions.
Other “activists” that Al-Haq claimed were wrongly killed by Israel include a Palestinian Islamic Jihad member and several Hamas operatives.
At the same time that Al-Haq was glossing over the barbaric actions of Palestinian terrorists, the terrorist organizations that these individuals belonged were committing deadly acts of terror across Israel.
Other reports reveal a similar tendency to excuse and justify Palestinian terrorism.
A 1988 report, which purported to document “human rights violations” during the First Intifada, claimed that the “popular uprising by the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories should have come as a surprise to no one,” adding the “uprising has primarily been an act of collective anger, a reaction to twenty years of expropriation, disenfranchisement, oppression and frustration.”
As HonestReporting has detailed though, the First Intifada was in fact four years of violent demonstrations that involved Palestinians attacking the IDF and Israeli civilians with more than 3,600 Molotov cocktails, 100 hand grenades, 600 shootings, and tens of thousands of rock-throwing attacks. Sixteen Israeli civilians and 11 IDF soldiers were killed, with 1,400 Israeli civilians, and 1,700 IDF soldiers injured. Approximately 1,100 Palestinians were killed in violent riots against IDF soldiers.
It is clear, therefore, that Al-Haq has a long history of excusing Palestinian terrorism while masquerading as an unimpeachable human rights defender.
Media outlets that consistently use Al-Haq as a trustworthy source should take note of this uncomfortable truth.
The author is a contributor to HonestReporting, a Jerusalem-based media watchdog with a focus on antisemitism and anti-Israel bias — where a version of this article first appeared.

Al-Haq: The Ugly Truth About Media’s Favorite Palestinian ‘Human Rights’ NGO | Jewish & Israel News


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
next on Pro-Palestinian Files:

Al-Haq: The Ugly Truth About Media’s Favorite Palestinian ‘Human Rights’ NGO
Apartheid Israel is trying to shut down debate by labelling human rights organizations like Defence for Children International as 'terrorists'.
DCI recommended that Israel be taken to the ICC, so Israel calls them 'terrorists'.
Such is apartheid.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Iran regime's 'Jewish Studies Center' published over 1,000 antisemitic articles
An antisemitic Iranian regime-backed website published more than 1,000 antisemitic articles, reports, comment pieces, books and videos since 2016.

Iranian news organization IranWire published an eye-popping deep dive analysis into more than 1,000 articles on an antisemitic website with the misleading name “Jewish Studies Center” that is backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Australian Islamic studies academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert, who was held hostage by Iran’s regime from 2018-2020, tweeted on Thursday about the IranWire exposé: “An important and frightening window into the horrific antisemitism promoted by the regime in Iran.

I can't tell you how many times I rolled my eyes in disdain at many of these anti-Jewish conspiracy theories from my IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] captors. Sickening.”

She added that "by the way, the very same IRGC who are promoting this ‘Jewish Studies Centre thinktank’ told me that all think tanks are covers for espionage."

IranWire correspondent Behnam Gholipour authored the article titled The Bone Chilling Insanity of Iran's 'Jewish Studies Center.’

he analysis states that "within the nexus of unaccountable bodies that make up the Iranian state, the Revolutionary Guards, the foreign ministry, Religious Endowments Organization and a number of others are also supporters of a virulent antisemitic supposed thinktank by the name of the Jewish Studies Center. “

‘Jews and the Media,’ ‘Jewish Methods,’ ‘Jewish Corruption’
According to IranWire, since its inception in 2016, the site has published more than 1,000 antisemitic articles, reports, comment pieces, books and videos, arranged into 10 categories with such titles as the ‘Jews and the Media,’ ‘Jewish Methods’ and ‘Jewish Corruption.’

Gholipour’s nearly 2,500-word article reports that “the managing editor of the so-called Jewish Studies Center is a young Isfahani clergyman by the name of Kayvan Ezzati, also the editor-in-chief of the website Rasekhoon , which is similarly saturated with antisemitic content but belongs to Iran’s Religious Endowments Organization. In 2018, Ezzati won an award at the anti-Israeli ‘International’ Hourglass Festival whose biggest sponsor is the Seraj Organization: the IRGC’s most important online affiliate.”

The US government classified the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization. According to the US state department, Iran’s regime is the leading international state sponsor of antisemitism.

"Child-killing" Zionists are "blood thirsty, deviant"
The Iranian regime-backed Jewish Studies Center presents Jews as “blood-thirsty”, “deviant” people who are guilty of “infanticide,” wrote Gholipour. The website states that “Israeli infanticide” is allowed as part of Judaism. One article, notes Gholipour, states that the Old Testament codified “child-killing” by Zionists in Palestine and “both the Jews and Christians believe in.”

Another article predicts Iranians will eradicate Jews: “God, through Iranians, prepares the ground for the coming [of the Mahdi, the “hidden” 12th Imam of Shiite Muslims]...and the eventual destruction of the Jewry shall be achieved by the Mahdi.”

Gholipour writes that “With around 50 articles and commentaries, an entire segment of the website, entitled ‘Jewish Plots” exists to accuse Jews of having had a hand in unhappy historical events in Iran and the Islamic world.”

heina Vojoudi, an Iranian dissident who fled the country due to repression, told The Jerusalem Post, that “The Islamic Republic is deeply antisemitic. The Islamic Republic hates Cyrus the Great only because of his importance to the Jewish people. When you talk about the Iran-Israel friendship, they become your enemy.

We know how much we need Israeli water technology for Iran's water scarcity. An Iranian government would restore its relations with the Jewish State of Israel to solve this environmental issue.”

She continued that “Israel is the only country that can help Iran. It doesn’t matter to the Islamic Republic if Iran would be destroyed with their ideology, the only thing that matters to them is the hatred towards Israel, that's why their militias are much more important to them than the Iranian people because they know we won’t stand by them to export and expand their dangerous ideology.”

Gholipour said 30 articles argue Jews are “promoters of corruption, drug trafficking, superstition, racism and homosexuality around the world.”

He writes that “the site names Capezio, a manufacturer of dance shoes, apparel and accessories, fashion designers Isaac Mizrahi and Tommy Hilfiger and the Iranian-Jewish high-end menswear and fragrance mogul Bijan Pakzad as examples of ‘nodes’ in a wider conspiracy.”

Iranian regime's Holocaust denial, homophobia
The antisemitic Iranian regime-backed website declared “The Zionist regime is one of the promoters of homosexuality in the world and it the organizer of promotional events like homosexual marches in various cities. Tel Aviv is the homosexuals’ favorite town in the world."

Holocaust denial is a central part of the website's publications. “The myth of Holocaust has caused tens of billions of dollars from the US and more than that from Germany to flow into the pockets of Jews,” stated one publication, adding “The Holocaust kindled the fires of Zionism around the world. The story of the Holocaust united the Jews across the world and provided the financial and political support that Israel needed to establish itself and survive."

The article continued that “the Holocaust has turned into a new religion in the West and it has become so sacred that expressing any doubt about its truth can lead to prosecution.” Gholipour wrote that the website declared, without evidence, that Tel Aviv dictated to foreign countries that they criminalize Holocaust denial.

Vojoudi, the Iranian dissident who lives in Germany, argued that antisemitism is one of the central factors of the Iranian regime's domestic and foreign policy and it plays out as a method to distract Iranians from the pressing bread and butter problems: “The Islamic Republic has destroyed Iran to save its enmity with Israel and the Jewish people. Israel is the only word that you can hear from the Mullahs and the Islamic Republic's officials for all the problems that we've been facing in Iran, from the economic problems to the environmental problems, from the social issues to the political issues."

Iran's 'Jewish Studies Center' published 1,000 antisemitic articles - The Jerusalem Post (


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
...Israel is trying to shut down debate by labelling human rights organizations like Defence for Children International as 'terrorists'.
There are several PFLP members on their board of directors and Canada considers PFLP a designated terrorist entity. Beyond that, Israel claims they have evidence of DCIP misappropriating funds that is sent to designated terrorist entities but of course, that information hasn't been made public.

(and quite obviously, DCIP only sees fit to point out issues they have with Israel. I've looked but have never seen them bring up actions by either Hamas nor the PA that impact Palestinian children).
Toronto Escorts